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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1419455048' post='2640225'] Sort of understand your personal privacy issues but as far as using it to promote a band, privacy is the last thing a band wants. If you need more likes post your link here and it will happen. Les [/quote] I suppose my concerns are contradictory as I want privacy and publicity at the same time. I do feel like my privacy is been invaded though and will post accordingly in the future .I'll take your advice and put a ling on the first post and ask for more likes
  2. Hi, I'm concerned about the way Facebook is heading. I'm in a new Band who have amassed over 70 likes, with recent post reaches of approaching a couple of hundred. I also have a personal account. Things have occurred in the last couple of months that make me nervous about depending on FB long term: 1. The Angry Badgers, my band need a hundred likes for the page to come up near the top on internet searches so even if someone puts the exact name in they get someone called "Angry Badger" who has 140 likes and no mention of us-A bit annoying but I understand this and we'll soon get there. 2. Band pages can't be promoted and shared in the same way from January 3. A couple of months back I received a personal message from my best friend-fine except that he had died of brain cancer in 2012. This was generated automatically by Facebook and included pictures of us and our families and personal/private messages. I was really shocked at getting a message from beyond the grave that included quotes and things that only he and I had shared. 4. Today I got a similar Facebook generated post reviewing my year. While there wasn't anything bad in it, it did have items in it that I would not have wanted to remember. All in all I'm kind of loosing faith in the whole Facebook even though it has given me a lot of pleasure in the past. I think it would be better to look elsewhere to promote the band. My son was telling me tonight that he knows of several people who have deleted their accounts due to concerns about privacy. I'm not impressed! Note: If you would be so kind as to like this page that would help solve one of the issues: https://www.facebook.com/TheAngryBadgers?ref=hl
  3. Nice, I'm contemplating putting a EB maple neck on my SR35, I agreed to buy it off someone a couple of days back.
  4. I love it. It reminds me of my old Umbo, fond memories
  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1418551414' post='2631021'] I've never heard anyone complain before of the fit and finish of Warwick basses, regardless of era. They may well have come and gone in fashion and the various efforts to improve the nut have been ludicrous (we won't mention the jack sockets ) and the neck profiles are certainly a marmite thing but construction wise I've always found them spot on with no shonky woodwork/necks etc. [/quote] That mirrors my experience with a great sounding FNA that I had. An upgrade sorted the nut but the jack gave continual problems. In addition the plastic box the electronics are housed in didn't line up with the socket hole very well and it was always coming loose. In the end it I got sick of the niggles and it left the building. The finish and sound were superb.
  6. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1419339895' post='2638894'] They really are the most versatile bass that I have owned and it's not a Jack of all trades/master of none situation as it excels at everything. [/quote] Can't disagree with than and it has its own unique voice and character
  7. Here you go Blue Pearl, beautiful to me. The mark on the guard is just reflection [attachment=179149:EBSR5body.jpg] [attachment=179150:EBSR5Fr2.jpg] [attachment=179151:EBSR5fr.jpg]
  8. I found this on Gumtree. http://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-bass-amplifiers/ibanez-atk-305/1090548117 I have never seen one of these in the flesh but it looks a nifty bit of kit. Maybe worth a look if someone is close.
  9. From experience with my SR5 I think you will get pretty close to a "P" just by altering the EQ for a deeper bassier sound and playing finger style neck side of the pickup.
  10. [font=Source Sans Pro, Arial, sans-serif][color=#333333][size=4]A used Digitech Vocal 300 pedal. The reason for selling iI get a new TC pedal for Christmas. It has loads of effects from simple reverbs to wired cyborg and distortion effects. It has been used but is in good condition and it comes with its box, instructions and mains adapter. [/size][/color][/font] [color=#333333]Its a lot of fun for £45 + post [/color] [color=#333333]Thanks for looking![/color] [attachment=179079:Digitech V300.jpg]
  11. I use a voodoo Labs Pedal Power ISO 5. Not the cheapest option but since I have had it I haven't been bugged by annoying background noises, which has had a knock on effect in that I no longer keep changing pedals....Saved me time and money
  12. Pinball

    Remove please

    Bored in WSM this Friday? It would be great to see you at The Angry Badgers gig. Gif is here and link to our FB in my sig. Thanks for looking. [url="https://www.ents24.com/weston-super-mare-events/carnabys/the-angry-badgers/4087088"]https://www.ents24.c...badgers/4087088[/url]
  13. I would have this if I didn't already have one, my chosen weapon! GLWTS
  14. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1418420746' post='2630199'] Thay pickguard really finishes it off nicely. Looks mega. [/quote] Before I traded it I put the original black one on it so will need to swap it back on so I needed another bass to go with my creme pickguard anyway I went for creme as thought that a white or white pearl would be too much of a contrast. I like dark basses but had comments that I couldn't be seen at a gig...no bad thing maybe
  15. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1418414330' post='2630110'] I can see why you would want it back...it looks cracking [/quote] Thanks, I know what I'm getting and that its worth it.. I couldn't believe it was still there, tucked away among the Sterling SUBs. It had to be done as it would have been crazy to leave it there ! Sometimes you need to travel sideways before you can go forwards.
  16. Yes it sounds stupid but if makes sense to me. I had a bad case of GAS for a used but pristine EB SR5 fretless so when the price dropped by a 3rd I thought I should grab it and traded in my unused guitars and a bit of cash. I then left the shop happy. The trade had included my SterlingRay35, which I kept as a spare and used at practises or when I need to leave gear in the car. That was a few weeks ago and I have been looking for a replacement and guess what? The best thing on offer my old SterlingRay35. I negotiated with those nice people at PMT and they only charged me a small amount more than they paid me for it so have paid a deposit and will collect it next week. Come on home baby! Here's some pictures from the first time-I added the creme guard [attachment=178394:Sterlingbody.jpg] [attachment=178393:StirlingFR.jpg] [attachment=178396:Stingray head.jpg] [attachment=178395:SterlingFR.jpg]
  17. Cool, I was wondering how they compared. They really nailed it with the Umbo. I would love another someday when I make my millions
  18. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1418376386' post='2629627'] I guess it all depends what kind of tone your after, a little punchier in this vid. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKEHQdONP90"]https://www.youtube....h?v=NKEHQdONP90[/url] [/quote] I didn't like his playing tone most of the time, especially on the ray-that was horrid [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1418390146' post='2629817'] None of the stuff/sounds he played would be what I'd use a P bass for...and in that regard it came off worse, IMO.. The Jazz shaded it for me most of the time and was in the top 2 picks for all the styles he used. [/quote] I agree, the jazz was only tone that shone in that vid. To be fair he looked like he was just comparing all his basses rather than to do a serious comparison
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