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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I'm up front that one has priority in terms of practices etc but once a gig is in the diary from either band I stick to it.
  2. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1417106022' post='2617148'] At a recent Bassbash, one of the attendees had this: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/yamaha_thr10.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...amaha_thr10.htm[/url] Surpisingly good sound and a lot smaller than any combo [/quote] Looks cool too!
  3. [quote] Did any of the Ray nays on this thread ever try flatwound on their Rays? Now there's a classy and very versatile combination..... [/quote] That's my chosen combination and it seems to be an winner with the rest of the band. I play an EB SR5 with ceramic pup, 3 band EQ and I love it. Since switching to it I tend to use less pedals as the bass tone just hits the spot. I find a wealth of tones through switching playing positions and between finger and puck styles. I also find them very comfortable to play so have no reason to look elsewhere. I should add that me and my bass are still on honeymoon and that I also like P basses
  4. Rikaxxe in Bristol carries a selection of them. I picked up one of their P basses in there for a look and it seemed pretty well made and felt like it was a good machine. I can't imagine that they would stock something that they thought was rubbish as its not that sort of shop.
  5. I'm now moving away from a combo and thinking that one of these and my headphones will do the job. They seem a cheap and practical solution. http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/b1on
  6. Thanks a whole bunch of good options. All would do the job because: 1. It would just be in this country and on trips so a small combo would be no problem 2. The more compact amp and trainer units with head phones would be fine. I already have a small zoom recorder to recording is not a problem. Thanks for all the advice.
  7. Hi, I'm off to visit relatives and am looking for a cheap small practice combo to take with me. In the past I had an Orange 35B, which was great but was a little bulkier than I would like and I don't remember it having a headphone socket. I notice Ashdown do them, any feedback on the "After 8" or Tourbus? Are they worth getting or is something like the an Amplug going to be just as good?
  8. Hi, I have been there and very nice guitars but they are not for me I'm afraid. I loved playing them at how but once in a band situation I never seemed to be able to settle on the tome that I wanted so would end up fiddling with the nobs and switches. I'm much happier with the switching options, control and sound of my Stingray. A few tweaks on the EQ get me to where I want to be. Only one way to find out and that is buy one and try it.
  9. Well I traded in 3 basses an acoustic and a pedal on Saturday for one bass that I fancied but never thought I would buy. I'm pretty sure that I'll use use the 3 basses I now have. I'm feeling really good about it!
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1416679450' post='2612612'] Yep, Stingrays are unplayable junk, weak G strings, dirty raw unfinished maple necks, one trick pony and even then only a good trick if you are Bernard Edwards in the first place, [/quote] I agree, I'll swap you a Squire Jazz for one of your MM's. I don't actually have a Jazz at the moment but I'll nip out and buy one
  11. The Farida has now left the building!
  12. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]great price for an as new, seriously good bit of kit[/font][/color]
  13. Hi, We'd love an opportunity to "showcase" out and The Angry Badgers a bit further down the M5 from Bristol/WSM. Can out there anyone suggest a venue or contacts to make it happen? If so please message me.
  14. The gig went well, although I changed my carefully crafted master-plan when I got there. I was sharing my amp and the other bass player and he had set the gain higher than I normally use.I liked it so i left it. I used the bass "in parallel" the whole time. As I was using lots of gain I didn't need to add any dirt from my pedals and just varied my playing style for more impact e.g. switching between finger and pick for different songs or playing in-front of the pickup or directly over it. That worked really well. In retrospect I would have done differently-maybe next time I will switch the pups to "series" as the bass takes the lead for much of the time and could have done with a bit extra. We had a good sound from the whole band and got lots of complements, including from the promoter and landlady, which is important as this was a showcase event for us. There are some pictures here on Facebook but non that show the bass or the venue off well unfortunately: [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheAngryBadgers"]https://www.facebook...TheAngryBadgers[/url] Thanks for the advice.
  15. [quote name='Froggy' timestamp='1415739321' post='2603341'] Pinball, if I'm finished at a sensible time on the 19th I'll come up to weston to see your band play gladly. Thanks for the invite, keep me in the loop! [/quote] Will do, I have a another bass playing friend coming along so there may be an audience of bassists I know nothing about them but it sounds like a travel bass is what you need so you can have a little practice when you stop
  16. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1415737265' post='2603294'] May have to go to that then! Let me know [/quote] Will do
  17. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1415735912' post='2603272'] Weston-super-Mare or Weston in Bath? [/quote] Weston-super-mare Not sure of the venue yet, but my band the Angry Badgers are playing. All originals with most Badgers songs written by yours truly
  18. I hate feeding back on videos that people are proud of in case I don't like them. No problems here, this one is slick and perfect for that market
  19. [quote name='jgmh315' timestamp='1415705805' post='2602805'] Hello, I started playing bass at age 48, a year later I'm in a band writing songs. Keep at it and have fun. [/quote] I'm winning started at 53 after playing lead in my 20's. Hi Froggy, from Somerset too and am involved in a couple of bands, one of which is playing in Weston on the 19th December if you want to meet up. It may not sound pretty but it will be suitably noisy [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Mid life crisis? It's cheaper than a Harley, provided you don't start browsing the for sale section on here that is [/size][/font][/color] Ed
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1415728881' post='2603167'] Doesn't work that way here anymore, almost the exact opposite. All the really good bands with outstanding musicians get the lower end gigs and the agency represented very marginal bands get all the great gigs. Below is an example, Greg still plays the same bars my band plays and he blows any agency band away. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrVWYFHg6N8"]https://www.youtube....h?v=XrVWYFHg6N8[/url] Blue [/quote][[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1415731519' post='2603206'] Doesn't make any sense at all to me... WTF..???? Why is that..?? [/quote] it doesn't seem fair at all but thats the entertainment industry for you, anyway many great bands can't play that well
  21. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1415473443' post='2600768'] Once you get it in the mix I normally find that adjusting the treble boost/cut is all I need for a whole range of styles all night, I'm a clumsy ham fisted get and it gets a bits toppy with a pick with the same settings as my finger style. [/quote] That should also work for me. I'll let you know if I get any audience feedback. I'm really looking forward to the gig. we haven't played many but I'm at that nice stage where more confidence means I can enjoy what we're playing.
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1415472325' post='2600759'] I go parallel most of the time, the Classicray5 hasn't got a switch anyway but the ceramic version in series is a serious tool that you will enjoy a lot! I like my ceramic SR5 in series with a pick, its awesome [/quote] Cool, that's what I was thinking and I will be switching between finger style and pick-ithat also gives my old fingers a rest
  23. Hi, I have a 2002 SR5 (ceramic p-up) that I'm gigging for the first time on Wednesday and I haven't had it at a rehearsal yet. I'm trying to decide on if I should start using it use it Parallel, Single Coil or Series. It's a rock band and the bass will be used mostly without effects but sometimes with a distortion and Wah. My ears are currently telling me to leave it set "flat" and that all the settings could be good but I'll probably start in Paralelle and switch to Series if I want the bass at the front of the mix. I'm just wondering what settings others use? Any advice much appreciated
  24. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1415442164' post='2600328'] Gave you thought about a fernandes gravity deluxe 5? They have neck through construction, 34inch scale, emg j pickups with FGI preamp, but not 100% on the string spacing. [/quote] Good call Also if you like the EMG's its always worth looking at ESP's and from what you say about your arm a Stingray may be just the thing as they are very well balanced.
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