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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I have a recent history of flipping basses and have settled on the Stingrays and an Ibanez 3005. My take on the ones you mention are: [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]G&l 2500 tribute, nice basses with a wide range of sounds but on the flip side overcomplicated for my taste[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Sterling ray35, nice basses full stop-does what its supposed too[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Fender modern player jazz 5, generally I can't be doing Jazzers, I have tried and have had Sandbergs etc. but they never work in a band situation for me, best ask someone else[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Cort gb75, I haven't played that one but have played some of the other Corts and they are great for the money. I always fancied a Curbow 52, A5 or B5 so maybe one day [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I love Yamaha BB's, especially the 425x[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]​I hope that helps[/color][/font]
  2. I have an EBS uni-chorus. I I like the effect when messing around but I don't use it for any of my live bass playing. I do use it in another band with both my lead and electro-acoustic. To my ear it adds more to lead work than to a bass sound in a band context.
  3. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1415027323' post='2595801'] Some people have unimaginably tough lives..... [/quote] Hmm
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1415007887' post='2595452'] The OP raises a point though, maybe there is an argument for subdividing the basses for sale section. Perhaps have 3 sections, all the under £500 ones together, all the £500-£1000 together and the over £1000 together. Someone browsing with a particular budget then might find stuff that's relevant a bit quicker? Or is there some fancy button on the site that can list them in order of price anyway? [/quote] As a 5 string player I always find it a pain to have to look through all the 4 stringers.
  5. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1414962243' post='2595166'] Is it related to the introduction of fees? (I realise this discussion has probably been had already). The meat and potatoes stuff can often sell quite easily through free local adverts, so perhaps sellers are trying there first while the guys selling more specialised or higher end instruments see the benefits of advertising here rather more. [/quote] Speaking personally yes. I have happily paid BC fees in the past as I think this forum is well worth it but.... For me the economics have changed. I don't have any real high end value (1K +) stuff and if I'm selling now its because I need the money. It costs nothing to stick things on Gumtree and you only pay significant amounts if you sell on ebay-its a no brainer. Thats where my gear goes if I need the cash. Note: All my recent stuff for sale has been sold off locally, even low end pedals that have been advertised on BC but failed to sell. On the other hand If I'm looking for gear BC is always worth a look. Note: If I was making some money through my music it wouldn't be an issue but I'm not
  6. I can see my Farida HB20 remaining at home under the bed. It's a great bit of kit but my only 4 stringer so unlikely to get any play. I tried to sell it and it didn't go and its to good to give away so that looks like its new home
  7. This is still here and for sale.
  8. I hear that last two posts and broadly agree but there is a limit. The again that is my own limit and opinion, which in turn effects my confidence and enjoyment and what really matters is all the other listeners opinions.
  9. Hmm, I already feel I'm hearing wise words that I may not have listened to a couple of years back. In reply to some of the points [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1414839560' post='2593796'] Sounds to me like you're going in the right direction with your gear. IMO, to sound your best the bass, amp and cab must have a synergy so that all parts of the signal chain compliment each other. Each part builds on the other parts. I set the volume and do one brief EQ (usually just setting the bass control) at the start of the gig and usually never touch the controls again. After the first gig with my Lull, I asked the guitarist (a very good player) what he thought of the new bass. I was hoping he'd tell me how much better it sounded. All he said was, "It was very good but it sounded like you." It took me awhile to work out that he was paying me a compliment. [/quote] Yes the synergy is very important. I changed from Ashdown to GB gear last year sand suddenly found that the EMG powered basses that I had been using didn't please me when played thought the the less coloured GB gear-it just lacked character. Also since getting a better basic sound I find that I use my pedal board less and get more complements from the rest of the band Re: "It sounds like you ". My friend Paul plays with a jazzy tone and uses carefully constructed complex bass lines. I have a deeper sound, using flats and my bass lines based around route notes. When he gave me a shot on his gear recently we looked at one another and he laughed and said "it just sounds like you". That backs up what your saying. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1414840945' post='2593811'] Don't fight the sound of the bass... there is only so far you can go with chasing and EQ'ing without sounding like a mess... and even if you arrive ata great sound, likely by accident, you'll never get it again. So, stay close to the inherrent sound of the bass and if you don't rate that...swap the bass. [/quote] I think that's where I am now. No bass swapping needed
  10. The reason I ask the question is that I seem to gradually homing in on simpler good quality instruments as time goes on. For a while I "flipped" a number of basses while trying to find something that I was happy with. This lead me down a path of increasingly complicated basses. I would then find tones that I was really happy with at home, only to find that I wasn't happy with my sound in a band and was for-ever fiddling around with EQ, pup selection etc. Now I'm finding plenty of what I want in my MusicMan and Warwick FNA basses and that the sounds that I dial in live are also the ones that also sound good recorded. I gradually seem to be focusing in on the quality of sound. Is this a natural progression of other bass players or is it just me?
  11. Hmm don't remind me We (the Angry Badgers) were until yesterday. First the support pulled out and then there was a problem with the venue PA so it's cancelled. We're re-scheduling and playing there once the problems are sorted.
  12. Hi, I have a set of flats with blue sink at both ends and different coloured rings at the bridge end. Any suggestions? I saw them in another posit D'addario Chromes, thanks for looking!
  13. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1414703201' post='2592538'] I was at an open mic last Sunday and got chatting to a bassist and anyway he goes and grabs his 1968 Fender jazz (used to belong to Geezer Butlet from Black Sabbath at one point although the owner - Alan - doesn't have any proof so just has to hope people believe him). So I'm playing an instrument that's 46 years old - 6 years older than my good self - and has seen a lot of gigging in those years. It has mojo as they say. This thing must be worth £2000-3000 maybe? Even without the Black Sabbath connection. So whilst I never before really appreciated the vintage Fenders I do have to say that this bass felt rather special in my hands. I still liked the sharper snappier sound of my Squire VM jazz (which - and don't lynch me - had similar playability, a touch nicer neck even) but there was something about this '68 jazz. I guess it was thinking about all the history it had and how it was made closer to the dawn of the electric bass than anything else I've played. . [/quote] I was at the same gig, did both the Fenders sound the same-not exactly but they both sounded equally as good.
  14. My personal experiences of trying and buying both lead and bass guitars over the last few years is that certain brands continually impress, while I am wary of others, for example. The brands I trust: Musicman, does what it says on the tin, Sterling-the SterlingRay's and cheaper SUB range are great for the price, All of the German Sandbergs I tried were nice,, Burns Guitarst-now Asian built and better than ever and finally Ibanez, Yamaha and Schecter, where quality through the range is superb and matched to price. Then there are a bunch of "must try before you buy" either because the ranges are confusing or the quality is variable. This is where Fenders are, with others along with Asian Overwaters and Tanglewoods, Probably Spector's too as I'm never sure how I feel about them until I pick them up Last is a bunch of brands that seem to have lost their way in my view. This includes Epiphone, Dean and Peavey and what about Warwicks? well seeing as I can't find anywhere in the UK to try them-how does that work as a marketing strategy? I love their old stuff but have no idea on their new kit. Fender have lost it despite producing some great instruments.
  15. Here is my favourite-soo weird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toXNVbvFXyk
  16. I don't have masses of experience and have a Streamliner 6.2 and 2x12 NX2 cab. I went for it after getting advice from this forum and because I use a few pedals and prefer the simplicity and sound of the Streamliner. Since getting it over a year ago I haven't looked at or lusted for anything else. I go and see lots of bands and have heard plenty bass set ups that I don't like-I won't name them in case I upset people If it was stolen I'd look for another so that says it all really.
  17. I definitely am as I have never been able to get into the bulk of orchestral music. Everything else is fine Jazz, folk, rock. punk, blues, dance etc. There is something about most orchestral music that I find difficult to like-even movie scores. I still like stuff like the William Tell but most leaves me cold.
  18. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1414128542' post='2586125'] My best advice I have for anybody is this - Most musicians are self serving ass hats. Beware who you befriend. [/quote] Sounds like a reflection of the humanity in general
  19. what about this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131325806358?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  20. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1413791544' post='2581770'] Awww this thread answers a lot of questions that I was confused about with Fender, over the last 5 years I've picked up a few Fenders in shops & have been less than impressed. Especially when you consider the other basses that had a lower price tag that played much better. I often wondered what the fuss was all about because most I'd picked up was not great for the money. [/quote] Judging from the responses so far the answer to the the question is Yes they are in trouble bigtime
  21. Wow, too may strings but wow nice guitar. GLWTS
  22. Burns do some basses with different scale lengths. The Marquee is 32" and the Nu Sonic is 30". I really like Burns stuff and have bad a couple of Burns guitars for a couple of years and really like them. The only bass I have played was a 34' Bison, which again seems a good bit of lit. Well worth checking out. Nu-sonic weights in at under 8ibs
  23. I play in a couple of bands and find that there isn't a right one. The nearest is my Ibanez SR3005E, which is an awesome beast and what I currently use live. It sounds great and handles brilliantly. I also like my other basses though. I think you need three at least Maybe if I was into fiddling with controls I may find some sort of complicated wonder bass but I'm not so its not likely
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