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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Hi, I was thinking of trying one of these noise reducers in a loop with a couple of nosy pedals I have in my chain. Are they any good?
  2. I have a nice suede guitar strap that I have had fitted to my bass for sometime and this weekend we played a mammoth practice session. After we had finished I was alarmed to find that the red dye had come out of it and stained my shirt. Is there any way to "fix it" as I like the strap?
  3. Thanks, Dark and growly sounds good to me!
  4. I can vouch for fluff's set up skills as I had a bass from him and it was set up really well. I can also vouch for this basses tone as I had it a couple of years back and it sounded great. It was set up with a B string back then.
  5. Hi, another strings question I'm hoping that you can save me a bit of time and money here by recommending me some strings for my Ray 35. I have ended up with either flats or half rounds on my other basses and like quite an aggressive sound set up...by that I mean with some punch! Any suggestions?
  6. Just bought a pedal and the seller went out of his way to ensure that I was happy with it. Very good to deal with. Thanks
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1410023256' post='2545491'] Totally forgot to log on to say good gig mate and nice to meet you. I really enjoyed it. It was a good night overall with 6 bands on, alternating between floors. [/quote] +1
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1410016150' post='2545438'] Might pop over from Bristol for this. If I do, I'll post any details about whether I can give someone a lift. I'll know closer to the time though. [/quote] Me too if I can get a lift from Paul. I'll bring err stuff of some sort. A couple of basses probably
  9. Thanks, much appreciated. I did another search myself and came up with the is: http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/stingray-5-string-bass-150-c.asp Note: Not sure what I did differently as when I tried before I found nothing Sorted!
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1409603309' post='2541483'] why are you ruling out 35" scales? Lakland do some very nice basses, a 55-02 skyline used would do every gig ever asked of you and it for the foreseeable future [/quote] I came to playing bass from playing electric guitar and was obsessed with obtaining howling sustain. Because of that I started off looking for thru neck 35" 5's. I traded up through a few including a TRB1005, Czeck Dean Edge, Spectors and even a 37" scale LB Carvin. I also got myself BEAD Spector Legend 4 stringer, with a stonking B string and really liked it. Then it dawned on me that "ultimate sustain" wasn't as important for bass and what I really wanted was something that wasn't too heavy and that had plenty of thump and power. Now I just want to keep continuity with my other basses. All one long learning process for me. I'm not saying I'll never go back to a 35". There is a good custom Peavy Cirrus on here at the moment that almost turned my head but not just now. I'm still learning and love trying new things.
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1409594557' post='2541314'] If you are going up to a grand go for an ebmm ray5 instead of a sterling ray, nowt wrong with the 35 but your budget is quite wide ranging from your description. [/quote] Judging from your sig you like your Ray5's. I know where to come if I want advice. My budget? Yes I had my sights set quite low but sold some stuff that mean't I can look a little higher but not at the top end of that. Just getting things in my sights. Someone just pointed out G&L's. I like those too. Cheers
  12. Was he drumming with his bollocks? A man of steel...respect!
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1409572400' post='2540950'] Agree totally, I did think I should have quantified that better. I wouldn't look at the 5 headstock, but would concentrate on the 4+1 headstock config. The newer models with blocks and active EQ are the ones and I think that dates them from around 2010..?? This, IMV, is because Fender were getting a caning sales-wise by the likes of Lakland and the American Deluxe is a decent response to that. Beyond this standard and price, I feel you are looking at Overwaters and then Sei, Celinder etc. [/quote] Thanks for the explanation, very useful
  14. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1409562969' post='2540802'] American Deluxe J5 would be my start-off point. Might just squeeze one in for that money [/quote] I love the USA Deluxe but have never come across a 5. Note: I'm a bit wary of older USA 5's after playing an awful used one in a shop, the B was terrible. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1409565350' post='2540836'] There's a used Yamaha BB1025X available on this very forum. That's what I use and I can't recommend it highly enough! Certainly has oodles of 'P-style oomph' that you seek, plus you have the bridge pickup to combine. [/quote] I love them, That particular one is just a bit heavy for me as I have a "shoulder history" to consider. If I could find one about 9lb that would hit the spot. MTD's? interesting I'd have to try one I think.
  15. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1409530994' post='2540665'] The higher end Ibanez SR's are pretty damn good for the money in my mind. If your budget is the 1k mark then theres a fair few ACGs on here at the moment under that price (I think one or two of them are 34" 5 stringers). There's a Warwick streamer Jazzman for sale here too. Great basses if you get on with Warwick necks! [/quote] The two basses I use or my FNA in SR3005e so I agree 100%., I'll check out the others [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1409532066' post='2540669'] My Yamaha TRB is 34". It's the older version with the slap cutout. The newer ones are 35" I think. [/quote] I love these, I did have a TRB1005 for a while and loved the sound but found it a bit unwieldy. I maybe need to look more carefullly at the older yammys. Thanks for the suggestions, there are a few to follow up..
  16. Hi, I'm giving my mind a treat and looking round for a 5 stringer with a 34" scale. The ones that spring to mind are my Warwick FNA, Cort, ESP Surveyor, Inanez SR's, Sterling Ray35, Yammy BB's, and older Spectors. Anything else that I'm missing? Note: I am guessing that there will be Fenders of some sort but I haven't been overwhelmed at the 5 stringers I have tried, also were taking basses that are under a grand here, wither new or 2nd hand . Also must have some P style oomph! Any suggestions?
  17. Other do exist I found a video, not the best quality but you can hear the power coming though-looks good too. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qmGn9JjT70#t=77"]https://www.youtube....qmGn9JjT70#t=77[/url]
  18. Hi, I fancy a white guard for one of these? Anyone know where you can get one and compatibility with other models? Mine is like this; [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=13010517083988&gclid=CjwKEAjwj4ugBRD1x4ST9YHplzMSJACTDms8gPrZsM2WdvKqpZWmzIcWh8tWovJkqa2J05Qq6t-xYxoC2E7w_wcB"]http://www.guitargui...t-xYxoC2E7w_wcB[/url]
  19. Thanks, Farida quality control and construction is excellent. They really pushed the boat out when designing this one. I sold one of my other basses last night and was just thinking to myself that it may be worth me trying BEAD tuning as it would work for me then. I really need that B string
  20. Sold a pedal to Mark. A very quick and easy to deal with. Recommended Thanks Mark
  21. Last bump for a bit as I do like this pedal
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