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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1408784333' post='2533395'] Diago Powerstation. Inexpensive and awesome. You don't need an isolating psu, I use this to power my whole board (including Moog LPF and Strymon El Cap) and there's no noise at all! [/quote] I know someone who uses that and likes it. Thanks for the replies
  2. [quote name='Veils' timestamp='1409008635' post='2535552'] Well I'm very close to having an arrangement to pick up a Ray35 which I've found here in Mexico for about 500 quid.........then I'm well and truly on the comeback trail!!! [/quote] JUST DO IT! Note: Ray35's are a good choice, I have one that it's well put together and sounds great.
  3. I stopped playing guitar in about 1987 and picked it up again in 2012, thats errr too long. I now play in two bands, bass in one and guitar in the other.
  4. Sale agreed subject to the usual
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1408523024' post='2530911'] it's a beautiful pedal, especially on guitar! (free bump) [/quote] Agreed it has a great sound
  6. It doesn't come with an adapter but from memory its a 9v. I may have a spare one so will look at the weekend
  7. Vocal pedal vitally unused, as new, boxed with it's original adapter and paperwork Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1dFH4CF4Jc As a musician and songwriter I thought this would help make me into a singer......if only it was that that easy Postage will be on top at the buyers expense.
  8. Boxed and in good condition. It has had the rubber grips removed and velcro added but I still have them if you want them. A great pedal for live play and gives a great tone. Picture on the way Collected for £45 or posted for £50
  9. I bought this after reading good reviews on it and used this on my lead pedal board for most of last year but I now have an EHX combined pedal, which has an overdrive. I removed the rubber base, which I still have and besides that it is as new and boxed. Picture to follow Note: I never tried it on bass but can recommend it as a good low price option for lead Link here [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=joyo+vintage+overdrive&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=28743091568&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7474375815522015576&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_464luobbor_b"]http://www.amazon.co...sl_464luobbor_b[/url]
  10. Bump, no better bang for buck IMHO
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1408311310' post='2528955'] You'll get as many suggestions as there are members... so I'll say Status Half-Wounds 45-105, or... Fender Steel Flats 9050ML 50-100. [/quote] I guess it has to be +1 for Status flats or half's from me as two of my 3 favourites have them on
  12. I was able to compare the USA EB Stingray 5 and Indonesian Ray35 (identical to my own), back to to back in GuitarGuitar on St Johns road in Edinburgh last week. They both felt very similar and I couldn't spot any difference in build quality or set up. That maybe isn't that surprising as the Indonesian Ray35 has an orange sticker on it, which reads something like "assembled and set up in Orange County California USA". The basses felt roughly the same weight, if anything the Indonesian one felt the more substantial and neither felt heavy. They both sounded great. I would say that on first listen with the EQ flat I preferred the USA one, as it sounded a touch more aggressive. After swapping back and forward several times and trying different EQ settings I concluded that in practise there was no real difference. The big difference was price as the EB/USA was £1700+ and the Ray35 was £825 I marginally preferred the USA one but I think that was down to the tiny differences that you get between two similar basses rather than any quality of sonic reasons so I guess that and the name badge would also be the only reason for me to pick the US one. If anyone is up in Edinburgh check them out and let me know if you agree. They also have 4 stringers. The differences between them may be more substantial
  13. OK thanks all. I'm going to go for an isolated supply. I already have an in line supply that isn't working well with my current pedal combo
  14. He sounds genuine, it was for sale at £650 and then £600 for a few weeks. I chatted to the seller and he wanted it collected in person and won't courier. It's worth a trip now
  15. I'm having trouble with a noisy PSU so am looking for a cheap but good alternative. I run up to half a dozen 9v pedals Does anyone use one of these or have a good alternative suggestion please? [url="http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/mxr-m237-dc-power-brick-silver.html"]http://www.pmtonline...ick-silver.html[/url]
  16. Thanks, I have a plan in my head. Stain the front black and sand it back a little to show off the grain. If I'm blown away by that then I'll maybe just finish off in that colour but I may continue and sand away a little more down the center of the guitar, from the neck to the bridge and then apply a red stain. I'll just leave the back as it is. It should be a fun project
  17. If you need pedals I suggest a Harke Bass for Attack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C91FNiALTFY I also have a Agro Aguilar distortion. Yes its a distortion but it adds lots of crunch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrxwRcWv32I Hope that helps
  18. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1406973120' post='2516318'] Sterling by Musicman basses are really good quality, imv. [/quote] I have a Ray35 and would love a USA MM. In fact I know the exact one I would have if I had the necessary £1700 to buy it. Having said that when I took my Sterling for a set up the tech told me "that is a really nice bass, better than most of the USA ones I have worked on over the years" and he has worked on a lot of basses. That backs up what you said.
  19. [quote name='Pete1967' timestamp='1406970145' post='2516279'] A flame maple top would look great if it were stained black first, sanded back and then stained with a colour. [/quote] I like that sound of that a lot!
  20. I like it but I'm pale skinned and grey haired and I don't want to look like "the ghost bass player" on stage. It's much less anaemic with the "badger hole" sticker on it. Note: its a black circular sticker that I put below the strings so that it looks like the first ever acoustic Warwick FNA bass. The badger reference is my band The Angry Badgers. If it was hard coat finish I wouldn't bother
  21. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1406981504' post='2516410'] [attachment=168201:703945_809997128.jpg] [/quote] Thanks, that looks a bit over complicated Paul as I would have trouble deciding which end of the Marker to use.
  22. Thanks, thats encouraging. The maple looks like it is a really close tight grain so hopefully the wax won't be too deep. There is a dark band of 1-2mm between the maple cap and back so in theory I should be able to do only the front id I'm really carful. if it doesn't work I could do the back too but I think that is going to be trickier to get right. I'm going to wait a bit though as I'm hoping to use this to record later this year. It may have to be a winter project. Sounds like fun! Any recommendations for wax remover? Note: I would sell and get another but there aren't many non-jazzman FNA's around. Anyway I like this one and it has a bart pre-amp in it.
  23. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1374775605' post='2153150'] Please tell me these Sterlings are awful basses and I shouldn't consider buying one. [/quote] I'm afraid not they are very nice basses. You can go with your heart or your head as either way they are a good choice. If in doubt go 2nd hand. Don't let the pickup configuration influence you as its the sound thats important. My Ray35 has given me a nice problem as its one of three really basses that I love and I keep changing between then. I want to get down to two but really can't decide at the moment.
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