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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Hi, I have a Warwick FNA that is getting a lot of love at the moment like this one: [url="http://www.doctorbass.net/en/c/?iddoc=1000167694"]http://www.doctorbas...ddoc=1000167694[/url] The only thing is that I wish it were black or maybe dark red red or blue because I'm just not into light coloured basses. I've only had it a year so don't have the original spec but it looks like a wax finish rather than varnish to me. Assuming it is it should be straightforward to clean and stain in a colour that I like. Am I right or wrong and what problems do I need to look out for?
  2. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1406927189' post='2516063'] ok. take a deep breath. Repeat after me... unless you're really hard up on cash. [b]It is okay, to have two basses[/b] I had a warwick and passive fender for years - and you know what after a few months you will find some things that the thumb can do far better than the jazz.... if you have them both you have the choice. [/quote] +1 and your still in the honeymoon period with your new bass. its way to early to give up on your previous love.
  3. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1402313737' post='2471923'] As others have stated it comes down to practise, practise, practise. [/quote] I had my first playing and singing gig recently. Loads of practise as suggested and I felt confident. Then when I went to sing I got feed back and the band decided to play the song a tad faster than usual. I just about managed to get through it OK. Back to more practising I guess!
  4. [quote name='stubass' timestamp='1406848635' post='2515390'] I tend to mostly play with my thumb resting on the string above. Obviously, I can't do this with the E string so tend to use an imaginary one if that makes sense. Does anyone specificly play a 5 for this reason? [/quote] I play the same way. I don't play 5's for that reason as I occasionally use the "B" but find it a very comfortable solution. I would add that on first impressions the necks on G&L don't seem to suit me-would love to try one for a while to see how I got on with it as they sound great.
  5. Hi, I haven't played that one but I have had SGR guitars and a Stiletto Custom bass. My experience is that Schecter quality control is high, even on their low cost guitars. As the "Hellraisers" are at the top of their range it should be a great guitar. If you like EMG's go for it. You will get a lot of bass for your money. Alternatively let me know as I may be interested in a trade as I'd love to try one.
  6. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1406722159' post='2514053'] The JAN system is superb and I really wouldn't downgrade to a standard unadjustable nut; the bridge and nut setup is on of the Warwick plus points for sure. Buy a Tedur(plastic, basically) Just-A-Nut III and have that fitted? If you have £60 odd spare, the brass Just a Nut III could be yours, too, as fitted to all German top-end Warwicks now If you have to go non-Warwick, please don't put a white nut on! [/quote] On further reading it seems that the Just-a-nut111 is a much better design than the JA11 (that is a disaster). Thoman have a good deal on the Just-a-nuts at the moment. It's less that £50 for a brass one so I will go that route. Thanks
  7. Hi, I need to do something about the Just-a-nut11 on my Warwick FNA5. It's suffering from a common problem as the end plate has fallen off and the last time I changes strings I was alarmed to see it flip up in air. Its currently held in place by the strings but I want confidence in the bass and want it stable. The Tech who normally sorts out my problems says "throw it away and I'll fit a bone nut for you rather than a replacement". A good solution I think as i know that he will set it up right and that the result will be stable. Any reason why I should stick with the Just-a-nut system?
  8. Hi, some opinions please I have a set up as follows: Bass Synth Wah < Tuner < Loopmaster < EBS Compressor < Guitar in Guitar out < MicroPog < Aguilar Agro Distortion < EBS Metal Drive < I hope that makes sense. I quite like the Micropog at the end because it cleans up the Aguilar distortion, which can be a bit noisy and I have the Synth Wah in a loop for the same reason. Where is the best place for a delay? At the ned near the Micropog or maybe in the loop?
  9. Pinball

    Micropog woes

    [quote name='Spoonman' timestamp='1406544306' post='2512223'] I had similar problems to you with mine and my setup I think. A friend of mine suggested I hoover out the jack sockets and the power input socket to get rid of any excess dust, which I then did on all my pedals. I haven't had any problems since! I daisy chain it with 7 other pedals from my diago power supply. Worked for me. Worth a shot at least? [/quote] Cleaning didn't work but using a separate PU does. The PU units I use on both boards are cheap Bellcat ones as they haven't given me any problems with my other pedals. Using a separate PU is no big deal so thats fine.
  10. hah all the basses I would have suggested were mentioned in the first few boats e.g. SR Ibanaz's, Stingrays, Warwicks. I would maybe add in specifically Sterling Ray34's and Warwick FNA's
  11. Pinball

    Micropog woes

    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1406537286' post='2512141'] Do you get the same problem when simply powering the POG on it's own? Say with a single Boss adapter or something? Si[quote name='iamtheelvy' timestamp='1406534172' post='2512105'] Never had an issue with the pedal itself, but it is a power guzzler... you need at least a 100ma supply for the pedal, preferably higher, and it can be one that doesn't play nice with daisy chain supplies. [/quote] [/quote] Thanks chaps, as I said originally [i]"[/i][font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][i] I have just checked some forums and one suggested solution was to give it its own dedicated power supply and that seems to be working so far"[/i]. Although I just tried it for 10 mins before posting this morning and it seemed to be working. Its own dedicated supply may be the answer. I'll be able to road test it properly tonight and will let you know how I get on..[/color][/font]
  12. Nice pics, you look like your enjoying it
  13. Pinball

    Micropog woes

    Hi, Pog advice needed please. I bought a micropog recently from here but installing it on my board giving me a lot of grief. I keep loosing signal though my pedal chain, sometimes almost immediately and sometimes after a minute or two. I have tried swapping the power brick, cables, changes the order of the pedals and the problem just keeps coming back. I have just checked some forums and one suggested solution was to give it its own dedicated power supply and that seems to be working so far. Two questions: 1. my confidence in the pedal has taken a knock, do you think its developing a problem 2. Where should I put it in the chain? At the moment I have it at the end after the distortions but it does seem to work OK in other positions. Advice much appreciated as I love the effect so want to use it!
  14. I just played my first gig on bass at 54 and loved it. Enjoy
  15. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1406316863' post='2510619'] Yes fantastic basses, I have the P bass and previously owned the bass Pinball is referring too. A lot of bass for the money. I treated my P to a BassDoc tort guard and changed the pick up for an SD one, the stock pick up was really good but I prefer the SD for a more vintage sound. The P's have jazz width necks too. So yeah I highly rate Farida's and mine has been with me for a few months now...which is a miracle in my books [/quote] Nice, The hypersonic now has Rotosound Jazz Flats on it and still has all its power and tone plus a mighty thud. You don't see that many P's around so well done on finding one
  16. I agree with all above and it may be worth you watching out for an older SR. I had an SR1300 with a Bart P/J set up that was a killer bass. The only 4 stringer I had that could compete with it is my Hypersonic.
  17. I still have my Hypersonic FB-20 even though I'm playing 5 stringers. They seem undervalued to me and its just too good to sell cheap. I would kick myself if I sold it and then went back to 4 strings in the future. Great basses!
  18. I'll be interested if I'm not busy. I prefer somewhere we can get a drink or something to eat,
  19. I love mine, little purple ones-see link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_(plant)
  20. That sounds like a bargain. I'm not familiar with Streamers but have an FNA. Try it and if you like it snap it up.
  21. Great basses these, in fact this looks like my old one. GLWTS
  22. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1405851176' post='2505700'] Thanks. Looks like the TC Helicon R1 might be just what she's after. [/quote] I have one of the "single" ones and find it limiting so would also suggest paying a few quid more for the Mic Mechanic as it sounds like its designed for your use
  23. Hi, TC do some great pedals and from what you say I think this is what you need. [url="http://www.tc-helicon.com/introducing-mic-mechanic/"]http://www.tc-helico...g-mic-mechanic/[/url]
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