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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I remember them, never saw them back in the day so may check them out. Always an interesting band
  2. I have an all black one of these and took it for a pro set up locally to a luthier who is notoriously critical of instruments. He handed it back to me and said "this is a really nice bass, better than most of the American ones I have had in". It's first time I have ever heart him praise a bass or guitar. That says it all really GLWTS
  3. Pinball


    [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1404418139' post='2492540'] I've been using this for the last few days, and absolutely love it. I do want something with a smaller footprint though (my pedalboard is full with it ), So I would like to trade for a separate delay pedal, and a separate looper pedal. This is in mint condition, and comes with everything it originally left the factory with. [/quote] They really are great pedals and very useful bits of kit GLWTS
  4. [quote name='Gramatron' timestamp='1404042586' post='2488687'] My mate wants the micro pog. PayPal transfer ok for you? [/quote] Sorry its mine , paid for i this morning
  5. Are there any big names you would like to see that haven't played. I wouldn't like to guess who has and who hasn't. Although I'm pretty sure Mulligan and O'hare haven't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw2CsBz_cKY
  6. That sounds great fun. I love that film score, my kids loved the film and played it over and over. I had a soft spot for Audrey, the girl not the plant. ....and this scene is enough to put you off dentists for life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB7R0ZxNgC4
  7. and its a pretty looking beastie, I have not seem many that colour. GLWTS
  8. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1402949728' post='2478281'] I don't play fivers but my 4 string MIJ SR1300 (paduak/mahogany sandwich version) is a most incredible bass. Extremely high quality [/quote] This was mine briefly and I concur. It's an absolute peach in terms of action, looks and sound. If I played 4's it would still be mine. It oozes quality. I'm glad you still have it and it found a good home.
  9. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1403368883' post='2482198'] In the end I went for the Fender CD-140s. It wasn't as loud as the Yamaha FG700 (these two were head to head at the end) and was warmer so obviously not as bright and in your face but for me, that was an advantage. I did think the CD-140 was worth the £100 more than the CD-60 but really, if you have a limited budget give the CD-60 a go, they're fantastic value. In the end the thinner gloss coating, satin neck, solid mahogany top and all round richer warmer sound of the CD-140 over the CD-60 won over (once I'd decided this was the sound I wanted rather than the brighter sound of the Yamaha). [/quote] I was there and I agree with your assessment. The CD-60 was OK to mess around on at home and great for the price but not up to serious gigging or recording in my opinion. The CD-140 and FG700 were better quality and you could hear it. You got a nice guitar there. Congratulations
  10. Can someone expelling to me the term "noise gate"? Is that similar to a noise limiter?
  11. I bought a pedal from Steve and it arrived quickly as as described. Thanks for a good and easy deal
  12. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1402740740' post='2476419'] Ouch - sorry to hear that - are you getting it fixed or replacing it? [/quote] [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1402742876' post='2476443'] Sorry to hear about the bass Pinball.. hope it's all sorted quick for you, [/quote] Good news, I got the neck replaced and a set up yesterday and the seller re-funded me today. This afternoon I used in a mini practise in someones house and all went well. It performed admirably. I can't wait to hear it with the amps cranked up but that will have to wait for a bit. Also two bits of praise for it already. One from the guitarist today and the other for the build quality from the guy who fixed it. That is a complement indeed as previously he has moaned about every guitar of bass I have taken to him Now I need to check that it is working well with everything is working in my guitar > Pedal > amp chain. Thanks for all the advice. I'm lucky to have some nice basses to choose from. Note: I'll have to try and narrow it back down to 3 at some point but no risk as I love them all.
  13. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1402742876' post='2476443'] Sorry to hear about the bass Pinball.. hope it's all sorted quick for you, [/quote] Yes I'm taking it in to get looked at today. The seller is being very helpful. It's hard work this getting a Stingray but shouldn't be long now.
  14. Helicon seems to be winning on this forum. I'll give one a shot tomorrow as I'm going past PMT Thanks all. If it doesn't make me sing like a lark its all your fault of course that would be magic
  15. Well it arrived....ooh dear. It was just in a soft case and someone put something heavy on it. As a result the neck is angled 15 degrees further forward than it should be and some of the neck plate screws were pulled out. The action is a tad out...stings are a bit slack Don't worry the damage is covered
  16. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1402676202' post='2475931'] The TC Mic Mechanic looks pretty good. I know a couple of people who use one and they swear by them. And theyre only £119 at GAK. [url="http://www.tc-helicon.com/products/mic-mechanic/"]http://www.tc-helico...s/mic-mechanic/[/url] [/quote] Yes this was my first thought and I like things that are simple but there is one track that I use distortion on while playing with "the badgers", which it won't cover. That's why I was thinking about the Voicelive ones. The GTX seems cheaper and has some guitar effects too.
  17. Does anyone know if Viocelive GTX is significantly more difficult to use than Voicelive play?
  18. [quote name='matski' timestamp='1402475865' post='2473813'] I would recommend the TC Helicon VoiceLive Play. It's pretty simple to operate and has a great range of effects built in. It ships with about 200 odd presets, and more can be downloaded from the TC Helicon website. And then you can start fiddling about and creating your own patches... [url="http://www.tc-helicon.com/products/voicelive-play/"]http://www.tc-helico...voicelive-play/[/url] [/quote] Thanks, the video link is useful. I'll try and get a look at one of those this week
  19. Hi, because I sand on some recordings I'm doing a bit of live singing and playing. That was never really my plan TBH and on the recordings I use a bit of reverb and echo and occasionally distortion so that I sound "nice". As a result I'm not happy with my sound without these aids. So vocal effects? Where do I start. My thoughts so far are: 1. Buy a friends Digitech V3000 Multi Effects unit from him. It works for me with my noisy band and is easy to use but I'm not sure that the quality is there. It sounds a bit digital so more investigation needed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EftC8gGENx8 2. I was looking at the TC Helicon Voicelive GTX. That seems ideal on paper but looks more complicated. I hate over complication and am worried that it won't come out of the box because of that. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdyRzyKCSrY[/media] I have one of the TC basic pedals but thats proving difficult to set up and doesn't cover all I want. Any others that people would recommend?
  20. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1402208360' post='2470925'] They were on the line up at knebworth in 79 [/quote] aah yes along with some other bands like Tod Rungrun, Ronnie Wood and Led Zeppelin me and a girl hitchhiked down from Newcastle 1 week early and had a great time. Unfortunately I couldn't remember Zeppelin because I was totally out of it by then. Luckily when I got I got a free ticket to the 2nd weekend and managed to get back down and see all the bands over again.
  21. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1402316760' post='2471989'] Hi, I'm gadgie. GAS is a problem with me. I have only been 'playing' bass for 2 weeks, yet I have already committed to buying two items from forum users. Lucky enough I really need those two items so they are not a waste of money......not until I've had them for a week or so and then they will be forgotten about and laid aside with the other bits and bobs that I couldn't live without. So far I have managed to not commit to large items such as fancy amps and basses that will take up a lot of room. GAS = Gadgie Acquiring Stuff [/quote] AAh do you want to buy anything else? What you needing?
  22. [quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1402294295' post='2471681'] It is difficult! I can play a sing on acoustic guitar and sing quite happily. Give me a bass and anything more complex than a 4/4 dotted crotchet quaver rhythm and it all falls apart! Harmonies are a nightmare. I know so many bassists that find it difficult. [/quote] Same here, although I struggle to remember the words but can play guitar and sit with a music stand and learn, I find it much more difficult with bass. It really annoys me as I wrote the songs on guitar. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1402291438' post='2471666'] I have been able to achieve some success at this, just by constantly doing it over the years. The bass line tends to simplify. Some songs are simply a no-no. Definitely hard work. Lots of homework is the only constructive idea I can come up with. Haven't seen the abovementioned video. If that link is reposted, I'll be giving it some attention! [/quote] Thats been my solution, practice practice practice until the bass playing becomes automatic and it all clicd. I'm getting somewhere at last. I only song on 3 numbers but I'm getting there.
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