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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. ESP basses and many of the ESP/LTD's are great. Many are loaded with EMG's such as my Surveyor. Its a great piece of kit. I like Spector Basses too but find the playing position of ESP's tends to suit me better.
  2. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1402162959' post='2470651'] To the OP: How long have you had that bass and where did you get it? It looks very like the one that I owned for a while and sold to Pinball on here.... It had a few previous owners too - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/177749-sold-beautiful-carvin-xb-75p-5-string-bass/page__hl__carvin"]http://basschat.co.u...age__hl__carvin[/url] It's a gorgeous bass with a fantastic range of tones and it is very playable - top choice, and certainly the best five string I ever owned. Sadly, I just found that five strings was not for me... Of course, if this is a different bass - forget what I just said! [/quote] Same one Conan, its an absolute peach. I loved the sound and had Status Half's on it. Nice and light too. I went back to playing 4's for a while and traded it for an Esh. I have very fond memories of it. [quote name='CMR Bass' timestamp='1402165621' post='2470702'] Yeah, she's an absolute beaut! I've just restrung it E-C with 28-95 D'Addario round wounds. I've never played a bass with as much growl as this one. [/quote] I saw it on ebay and the think the add was way off as I was pretty sure it was a 2000's bass. That means it benefitted from Carvin upgrades in the late 90's, which included great pups. It's in the Carvin Museum as Dougal's bass here: [url="http://www.carvinmuseum.com/playersgallery/xb75.html"]http://www.carvinmus...llery/xb75.html[/url] I rate it as on a par with anything else that I tried. Congratulations on a nice bass
  3. Thanks, I can't wait to get my hands on it. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1402142893' post='2470398'] Congrats - nice bass - remember the blade switch position at the bridge end is parallel wiring and classic Stingray sound - and towards the neck is series which is a fattened up tone with more mids. Centre is series with filter (to replicate single coil). [/quote] OK thanks.
  4. Well I've taken the plunge. A very black Sterling Ray35 so lets hope its a nice as described. Link here:http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201099881305?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  5. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1401740823' post='2466467'] Have one of these and it is a great cab!. [/quote] +1 I love mine, band does also
  6. Yep please sign even if your not from Bristol as who knows you may want to play there one day. Also share the link
  7. My recommendations would be based on trial are the Ibanez Prestige or Premium range and Yamaha TRB1005. If you like EMG's an ESP or LTD Surveyor and Schecter Stiletto. As an overall package I think that the Ibanez takes some beating as they are so comfortable to play. That means a lot.
  8. Heads up! It's the Bristol Acoustic Music Festival today and it looks like there is lots of stuff going on all day in the Colston Hall foyer. Much of it is free so if you bored why not mosey along. I'm going along later as some of my favourite bands are playing later. Cheers
  9. A long long way to go but 18,000 signatures in a couple of days is good going. Keep the sigs coming in. I have a personal interest as I want to play there one day.
  10. Update: I went around a few Bristol yestarday and tried a few MM types. It confirmed that I do want a stingray. I tried a black USA mm in PMT that was really nice. They also had the cheaper Subs in so I was able to compare them. I played a 5 string Sub that was great value at £350, very well made and sounded good to me. It would make a fantastic first or gigging bass. The USA one had something extra though. I also tried and Ibanez attack 200 (cheapest in their range) which did nothing for me. I suspect if I'm going to have to pay a bit more and get a nice one to be happy with it. What I liked was the sound as soon as you pick it up, no nonsense basses.
  11. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1400545686' post='2454905'] Hello, my name is Mornats and Pinball is a bad influence on me. We play in a band together and he's always sending me links to basses for sale. [/quote] That's because I want you to buy them so that I can try them out. You know you need them! I should add that I played a little game when I joined my other band (The Angry badgers). At the time I switched from 4 to 5 strings and had 4 basses (5 on occasions due to ongoing trades) and managed to take a different bass to practice every week for 7 weeks in a row. I was disappointing when I eventually had to use one of the basses a 2nd time. < sad bastard
  12. Bargain of the week? OK its got some cosmetic damage but at that price it has to be.
  13. Hi, excuse my asking but I'm really keen to know which strings are on this bass? I have a similar set on a bass I got in a trade and like them a lot
  14. Get a really long strap?
  15. Very pretty I liked your red fretless but this is as nice if not nicer I look forward to hearing it, hopefully Thursday with BS?
  16. Yes that's the one, Made in 2002
  17. Hi, if it were me its an easy choice. Comparatively the SR800 is a more expensive instrument. It may have Bartolini electronics, which I love although it could have Ibanez electronics if its an old one. It's made in Japan (I have had two MIJ Ibanez basses that have both been superb) and it has a set up. It also has had a production run of 25 years so there must be something good about it. No brainer! Here's a quote: [i][color=#414141][font=Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]For 25 years the SR800 has given bass players a modern alternative. With its continued popularity, Ibanez is constantly endeavoring to answer the wider needs of a variety of players, at a variety of budgets. But no matter what the specs, the heart is the same-SR continues to excite with its smooth, fast neck, lightweight body, and perfectly matched electronics.[/size][/font][/color][/i] [color=#414141][font=Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]The others are nice capable basses but not in the same class in my book. [/size][/font][/color] [color=#414141][font=Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]Note: You should always try before you buy if possible.[/size][/font][/color]
  18. I bought this as a back up fairly recently and really like it but I don't do light coloured basses. The solution seems simple to me...swap it for a black or darker one. Its a slim chance I know but nothing ventured If you have one and fancy a swap let me know as this is a cracker. This has a beautiful light maple? top with lovely grain and a wedge neck. It also has a bart pre-amp installed, which is a common upgrade to get smoother tone. Other PX's I would consider? A MM stingray, Sterling Ray35 or a Ray5 A high end SR Ibanez maybe Great condition, PM me for pics
  19. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I'm Pinball, I used to suffer terribly from GAS much to the dismay of my other half. Luckily I'm cured now...[/font][/size] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#3e454c]I do need one more bass though. I have four but one is at work, one is in for repair, one is always 1 string short of the 5 I need. That means that effectively I only have one and I need a spare right? [/color][/font]
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