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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1400429917' post='2453740'] I've owned loads of 5 strings and the neck on the SR5 suits me perfectly, it's my benchmark for how a neck should be but for some the string spacing is too small and they prefer 35" scale on a 5er. [/quote] Well I prefer 34 inch 5'ers and am not worried about close spacings. Having had basses from 34" to 37" I can't see or hear any advantage with longer scales and my style of play. I'm narrowing it down due to economics and weight. I'd like a Ray35 with matching headstock if I can find one. The only real alternative that grabs me is an Ibanez ATK805.
  2. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1399917496' post='2448962'] Was it the Warwick or the Ibanez your bandmates liked? [/quote] I have only used the Warwick for a session session with the drummer and am still using the Ibanez with the full band. I like them both but see no reason to change
  3. OK thanks, I don't mind buying and selling again if things don't work out but in this case there are two things that are holding me back. Cost, to get an American one its going to cost me more or as much as I have spent on any other to date (spent £750 on a Sandburg once) and wweight. I have had shoulder issues so am hesitant at buying basses much over 9ibs.
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1399890331' post='2448590'] It's a fun journey isn't it! Surprised to see the metaldrive in there, do you use it as a subtle nearly-always-on overdrive? [/quote] I agree it doesn't make much sense but you nailed it! I think that anything with the word "metal" in it is a bit of a turn of for many including me. I was watching for a 2nd hand EBS Multidrive on here but saw this in a sale. Three things made me give it a try. 1. It was in a sale so was half the price of a Multidrive 2. My ears suggested it had very similar tones to the Multidrive.It's not as subtle but I just don't turn the dials up as far. 3. I read a discussion on here that suggested that many subtle pedal effects are either lost or a waste of time in many live shows I'm playing rock music so it works well. I leave it on most of the time.As I like EBS pedals so I played safe I guess. I'm very protective of loosing bottom end and find them good. I'm mainly using finger style and flats and slide around for a smooth but percussive sound. unfotunately I don't really have good live examples on line yet
  5. Hi, As a lapsed guitar player turning to bass after years of doing nothing musically, I have found the whole thing a bit of a journey. I now have a sound that like. This is has been backed up by recent comments from my band such as "Great bass sound by the way, really smooth bass, that's the bass don't sell or swap that one". [i]Note: This is no doubt down to some technique playing improvements along the way as I still consider myself as a learner.[/i] Anyway I thought I would highlight what I see as the major changes along the way and would be interested to hear of any similar experiences that others have had. [i][b]Nov 2012[/b] bought and sold my first basses to record, which was a mystery Peavey, followed by a Schecter Stiletto Custom 4 [/i] [b][i]2013 [/i][/b] First amp etc., Ashdown Evo11 and and 115Tcab Spector legend 4 Spector legend 4 tuned BEAD [i]Loved the B string so changed to 5's [/i] Yamaha trb1005, followed by a Spector Lagend 5 and Dean Edge custom 5 [i]Eeek I found that I started to play bass like a lead guitarist so returned to 4's to help me learn to use the fretbourd properly[/i] Sandberg JM4 Sandberg Umbo [b]Started playing bass for real in a band [/b] [i]I was really struggling as the Jazzers were not giving me what I wanted live[/i] Hartke Bass attack: gave more sound control [i]*Got myself a pedal board although didn't use it much at first[/i] *Changedamp to my GB Streamliner and 212T set up [i]Jazzers still weren't doing it for me so gave up on them[/i] Spector legend custom 4...yes better [i]I was finding I needed the B string so went back to 5's[/i] LTD/ESP Surveyor 405...even happier I realized that 34" 5 strings was good for me [b]2014[/b] *I tried different strings and changed all my basses to either half-rounds or flats *EBS Multicomp and started to use a touch of compression live [i]*Bought some other pedals including a wah and chorus which I use occasionally[/i] Farida HB20 Hypersonic-great Ibanez SR1300-perfect *EBS Metaldrive, use most of the time [b]Decided to stick to 5's as I was using the B more and more[/b] *Ibanez SR3005E...love it *Warwick FNA 5 The starred items are the ones that I mainly use, most of the rest has gone to fund new purchases. Overall I'm very happy with the way it turned out. For me its all about getting the balance of the whole chain right. A big thanks to all those who answered my numerous questions on this group and helped me get to where I want to be. Cheers!
  6. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1399812408' post='2447877'] Interesting comment. I can never make my mind up about a bass when I try them out at home or in a music store. For me it is all about how the instrument sits in a live gig situation. [/quote] +1 that's what I find so difficult.I desperately wanted to use a jazz and wasted far too long messing around. I got the sound close to what I wanted in the band but was never happy [quote name='MindGoneBlank' timestamp='1399759155' post='2447471'] This. Unless you get a twin pickup model, that is. But then you'll need to get a US one and it won't be cheap. Instead have a look at the Ibanez ATK800 which is more than a match for the Stingray in every way. Will do the Stingray sound all day long but you can also easily get the 'deeper, darker' sounds you're after as well. [/quote] At the moment I get a lot of good feedback about the Prestige SR that I'm using currently so maybe it is worth thinking about, even if not exactly a MM as stated in subsequent posts. Thanks again. I'm not rushing into anything at the moment
  7. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1399621693' post='2445867'] I'm in Barcelona next week too - on holiday!! G. [/quote] Coolio.....see I can speak Spanish already
  8. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1399638003' post='2446133'] unusual shade of red... [/quote] That's see through red, you can see through to the black underneath
  9. That's ideal, go in and try them They may send you stuff to try from other stores if you see something you like. I spent a lot of time trying guitars and was worried by the inconsistency of some other makes.
  10. I spent a long time looking a couple of years back and found Schecter guitars to be good value and of consistently good quality. All of the ones I played played well and the better ones have features like Seymour Duncan pickups (not Duncan Designed as they are made under licence) and ebony fret boards and are very well put together. You get a high end specced guitar and a big bang for your buck. You can pick them up reasonably 2nd hand too so you will definitely get a nice one in your price range. Note: If your wanting to play in different styles I would avoid those with active pups as, unlike basses they are too aggressive for some styles in my opinion. On the other hand the passive Duncans handle almost everything your average player would want. Guitar Guitar seem to have a special relationship with the company as they normally have great deals.
  11. Hi, I'm in Barcelona next week and just wondered if there are music shops that are worth or gigs that are a look? Im working so my days are pretty full but I'm hoping to get some time to look at the city as its one of my favourite places to be
  12. Wow, this looks fantastic and it floats?????
  13. Hi, I followed exactly the same route. I love their halfs and decided to try both their roundwounds and flats. Status Roundwounds? When new they felt odd sounded over bright to me. Initially I was so disappointing that I took them off my favorite bass and but rather than waste them I stuck them on another bass that I have lying around to noodle on. Then I played them in for a while and after about 3 weeks absolutely loved them so I put them back on my favorite bass. I find them stable with a nice sound...unlike some previous strings that I had, which sounded great when I put them on and then quickly changed to sound pretty dead and unresponsive. Don't expect to be blown away by them initially and allow time to "run them in". [i]Note: I had a similar experience with the Status flats. I tried them on my EMG powered LTD and thought they were inferior to the half rounds. I them left them lying around until I got my Warwick and put them on that because I didn't have an alternative and was surprised by to find that they sound great.[/i] Of course its all subjective anyway
  14. Nice bass Graham, GLWTS Note: It has a nice retro look that reminds me of my first electric guitar. It was a Guild and all I could afford in 1979 but it played lovely. I sold it to upgrade to a USA Strat....which turned out to be much more forgettable and is now worth less than half of the guild. It was like this one. Link here: http://www.vintageandrare.com/product/Guild-M-75-Bluesbird-1975-Natural-31824
  15. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1399089265' post='2440925'] In theory it's a great idea. I'd love to be able to turn up to a gig with a bass and a bag of bits. In reality I've rarely been able to get good enough monitoring through the PA when trying it. I've always gone back to having a small backline rig for monitoring and then DI to FOH. [/quote] Yes it works fine but you have to hand over total control to the sound man, which they love and musicians hate.
  16. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1399129248' post='2441352'] This should be long gone by now. - its a great bit of kit and way too cheap! [/quote] +1 I have one and if I could only take one pedal with me this would be the one. You should keep it at that price.
  17. [quote name='Brams77' timestamp='1399100689' post='2440957'] Well I'm recently into stingrays, I had one 18 years ago a '95 stingray 3 band, while it was one of the best basses I had at the time I felt it was too specific in sound. Now years later I tried a pre eb stingray at a shop fell in love with the more rounded tone that one has, especially gospel like kicks really shined. I bought that bass not only co's of the tone but the necks on these are one of the smoothest most easy in the world that even goes for the eb stingrays aswell. I'm not saying a pre eb is the way to go as the concept and pickups/preamp where never changed.. Just play a few preferrably a secondhand bass. My guess is if you like the warwick you must loooove the original stingray especially the feel of the neck. [/quote] Thanks, GAS is now difficult to control...Parp!
  18. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1399055911' post='2440600'] I can't help with a MM but I do have a G&L 5-string with a humbucker in the 'MM' position. You are welcome to try it if you fancy a trip over to Swindon some time - but it's not for sale! [/quote] Thanks for the offer much appreciated but I have a supplier of those really close to me and sounds like I do need to get myself one at some point.
  19. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1399048832' post='2440500'] Sansamp might have been a bad example, but I can quite easily tweak my Precision to sound close to a Ray by using my BDI21. Just a thought. [/quote] I've been there. I used a Hartke Bass Attack for a while. It's probably my favourite stand alone pedal and helped but isn't a substitute in my humble opinion
  20. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1399024349' post='2440045'] Darker, deeper sound? Not a stingray... [/quote] Point taken, I know what I mean...powerful I guess
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