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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Thanks everyone, all constructive replies with lots of info [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1399015831' post='2439897'] I love the playability and the sounds of a Stingray, but unfortunately for me I only like those sounds when someone else is making them, they just don`t sound "me". But really great basses, and far more versatile than given credit for. Most think of Flea type sounds, whereas there is always Bernard Edwards to consider. [/quote] I'll have a listen to some of those guys [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1399015956' post='2439900'] I would stick with the Warwick. Why would you want a Stingray ... Is it an image/ aesthetic thing? [/quote] Good point, It's my go to bass at home when I play it on my lap, I prefer the Ibanez while standing. I wasn't expecting to like the FNA as much as I do...maybe a bit of an image thing wish it was dark wood or black. A 3nd reason is that changing is me playing and writing stuff. I really enjoy getting to know a new bit of kit. The Warwick is isn't going anywhere fast though. [quote name='Mattmit' timestamp='1399021621' post='2439998'] take a look at a EBMM sterling before you decide, or rather listen to one. [/quote] Thanks I will do [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1399024486' post='2440047'] Stingray sound crap when I practicing or jamming at home. When it comes to gig time it is a swiss knife. [/quote] [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1399025066' post='2440054'] Yes I totally relate to that. I find trying something in a shop tricky. I'm always drawn to a Jazz sound, then get the thing home and spend my time fiddling around trying to get other sounds when playing in a band context. My Ibanez, FNA and Farida work for me. before that I struggled various jazzers...Note to self: should have tried a P bass maybe. The Sterling by Musicman SUB Ray5 would also be worth getting a demo on.... I've got 4 string versions of the EBMM and SbMM SUB's, and while the EBMM is definitely a better built bit of kit, the SbMM is floaty light in comparison, and plays like a dream once set up properly. Soundwise - I don't think I'd be able to tell them apart in a blind test - that may say more about my ears than anything else though! [/quote] Thanks, will search one out
  2. In the past 18 months I have been experimenting with gear and have gradually been moving towards a darker, deeper sound. I'm very happy with the guitars I have but since getting a Warwick FNA, with its big hum humbucker I have started to look at MM and EB basses in a new light. I could probably get enough money together to get a cheaper Stingray or something. What about a Ray35? I have no experience of playing them whatsoever. What am I missing and is it a good option for me? Someone sort me out my GAS........ Note: I play 5 strings and don't want anything too heavy...does that rule them out?
  3. It's a beauty! I had an Umbo with a similar finish and liked it very much. GLWTS
  4. I loved playing Jazzers at home but found that live they never quite delivered for me. Although I don't have a Fender P I kept trading and it became apparent that I was much happier with a "P" style bass. Eventually I had to admit defeat and leave jazzers behind and am now much happier. Note: may of course be something else in my set up.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398590361' post='2435462'] That's telling, isn't it? Bass guitars sound like bass guitars. Any of 'em would be fine as long as you like the look and playability. [/quote] Hmm I wouldn't go that far. i think that was true with some styles like pic and finger tap but on the finger styles there were some some big variations. I generally agreed with Grahams assessment. Most basses had something going for them. Personally I was disappointing with the Gibson basses and the squire together with the Fender Jags and Starcaster. if I had to pick one for me to use???? [color=#141414][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The ESP - Vintage Four J/P Bass or [/font][/color][color=#141414][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Fender - P-Bass American Standard, 2014[/font][/color]
  6. Well my experimenting will have to stop for a while as I really like the Status flats. They do it for me and sound great with my pedals too. They didn't so it for me at all on my EMG laiden LTD Surveyor or Ibby but work for me on the FNA. A really nice feel too. I'll maybe try some others next time I need a set on another bass. Note: just realised that I now have flats or half rounds on all my basses-it wasn't planned must just be my sound.
  7. Pinball


    I was just watching the Youtube link. Lovely bass and great playing, have a bump
  8. Welcome to the world of Bands. There are always tensions and differing expectations within the band. Because of that everyone has to compromise if the band is going to stick together and you also need common ground and understanding. It sounds like the new guitarist already considers himself the band leader. If your not happy about that you either need to kick him and get someone more in line with your thinking or start again with like minded people Bands are great fun but your better to be up front. If fun is your main objective you ned to say so. Being in a band is the fastest way to improve in my opinion
  9. PM'd Vents in the back none in the front/side
  10. I love the BB series and fancied a BB1000s a while back but when I tried it found it a bit heavy. Whats the weight of the 1025x or 2025x?
  11. One of my favourite pedals. Everyone should have one of these. GLWTS
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1398023753' post='2429691'] I can`t remember where I saw this, but I read of something similar where the singer of a band was always complaining that the bass was too loud, so one day the bassist offered to turn down to appease him. No it`s still too loud was the response from the singer - until the bassist held out the end of his lead showing the bass wasn`t plugged in. [/quote] Haahaa love it
  13. Its what it sounds like from the audience perspective thats important. I play bass in one band and guitar in another. I recently played a gig on guitar and both I and the drummer thought the bass player was way too loud but the bass player was insistant that it was turned down and maybe it was just where we were standing. Then after the gig I asked for some audience feedback from friends and guess what? They said the bass was way too loud and they couldn't hear the singer or guitar properly. My point? Get a neutral out front to give a listen. and come to think of it he was using his new combo for the first time. Could there be that because the kit is new that your keen to hear it and had it higher than usual?
  14. [quote name='paulbass' timestamp='1397893676' post='2428244'] Thanks guys i think you've convinced my to keep hold of my warwick and resist my impulses to get the Ibanez...for now! I think i will look out for a secondhand one when one comes available and that gives me time to save up. Cheers! [/quote] As an owner of both a Warwick and Ibanez (an SR though) I think your making the right move as you need both
  15. [quote name='edstraker123' timestamp='1397834323' post='2427792'] Hi pinball what condition is it in - any marks or blemishes ? Regards, Ed [/quote] Hi Ed, its like new as I can't see any marks on the bass only a few on the case. A nice bass.
  16. "[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1397561548' post='2425119'] In true end all that you get from a thread like this is a whole load of suggestions of strings to try. The only person who can say whether they are any good is you. Everybody's tastes are different and it's all subjective. Personally I wouldn't put a set of DR strings on my bass ever again. [/quote]. There isn't a right answer is there but there are lots of useful pointers
  17. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1397509881' post='2424721'] Hmm well I stuck some Status flats on that I had lying around because I didn't like them on my other bass and they sound pretty good. They have lost most of the growl though but are lively enough to "funk". I'm surprised as I didn't like them on my other bass. [/quote] Last night I adjusted the pre-amp a touch and they are sounding event nicer. Next step is that I'll try them with the band. There are an awful lot of variables here. For example my FNA has one big humbucker and a Bart pre-amp conversion. I'd be interested to hear more about people using flats live as it wasn't something I was considering before trying these. Thanks for the imput as its giving me plenty to think about. Having pointers is very useful.
  18. Hmm well I stuck some Status flats on that I had lying around because I didn't like them on my other bass and they sound pretty good. They have lost most of the growl though but are lively enough to "funk". I'm surprised as I didn't like them on my other bass.
  19. Hi, I just got myself a Warwick FNA 5 stringer with a Bart pre-amp and want to treat it to some new strings. I like the sound that it has at the moment but the trouble is that neither I or the previous owner can figure out what strings are on it other than that they are stainless. I want to retain some of the piano quality and growl without it being overpowering and was wondering what others use? Note: I go through this every time I get a new bass and am hoping I can avoid wasting money on strings that I won't use this time. Strings that I do like and have used on other basses are Status Half rounds on my LTD, Status Hotwires 45-135, Stadium elites,[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]D'addario[/font][/color] Chrome flats, EB flats. I think for the Warwick I'll be sticking to rounds Any assistance that helps me decide is much appreciated. I need to settle on strings before final set up
  20. I wouldn't worry, its a bargain! Congrats
  21. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1397072590' post='2420452'] 15w is fine. I used the Blues Jr for country (think clean tones) & never had a problem. It was a brilliant amp. I don't think mine ever went past 4 on the dial & in fact my guitarist uses it now as I've kept it going since returning to bass. [/quote] Same here, I have never needed to turn it right up yet. I play mainly clean with a tele and occasional effects pedals. My previous combo was a Peavy Bandit 112, which was something like 80w. Nice amp but I haven't noticed much difference since changing to the blues Junior. It's not an amp for everyone though. Try before you buy.
  22. Hi, I use my teeny Fender Blues Junior lll 15w. I find it fine for small gigs and mic it up for larger ones. Never had any complaints
  23. [quote name='JamieR' timestamp='1395854479' post='2407234'] Surprisingly little interest in this bass. I have reduced the price to £650 which is an absolute steal given the quality and condition. [/quote] Indeed it is! GLWTS
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