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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I've had a few inquiries but still here bump
  2. Brilliant, thanks for that, Thats the sort of overview I needed. Although I have to admit that I'm going to have to look up some of those terms as I go
  3. Thanks for the kind words. I'm going to give it a bit longer and then but another up for sale. I'm not too worried which ones go to be honest as they are all nice and easy to live with. This ones a little monster
  4. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1394192859' post='2388947'] Another type 1, just plug in the P bass and play. Adjust amp eq to suit venue,adjust tone control on bass for some numbers. Never felt the need for effects pedals, and as I watch one of guitarists continually try to gt his to work, I am glad I don't use them. [/quote] hah your all right I would be better off working on improving my playing rather than tone, pedals etc
  5. [quote name='whynot' timestamp='1394187870' post='2388837'] I had a couple of Streamliners. Sounded great at home but on a gig (full band function type) I found it to lacked a little mid punch/presence which I couldn't dial in. Lows and highs were lovely. [/quote] I like more lows and highs but I can see the problem as I struggled with my Jazzers to get a tone that I liked. With my Sandberg TM4. I loved playing them at home but found myself tone searching with the band. That was with both my Ashdown and GB systems. I didn't blame the basses its just horses for courses.
  6. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1394187864' post='2388836'] Aye, I'm very happy with my tone, although I wasn't for many many years. It took me a lot of research, experimentation with different equipment, and honing of technique, but I'm there. In terms of sound gripes, it's other things which cause me to be unsettled these days (like finding the right octaver, grrrrrr). There's always something.[/quote] This is the road I'm on and I'm getting there. There are always more refinements to make. For me its experimenting with pedals.
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1394184172' post='2388745'] I bought a used 600 and sold it within days. I found it lacking in volume and punch compared to the Orange Terror - I could max the volume on the Genz in my bedroom, bang an open E and the built in power management would just clamp right down on the note. With the Orange Terror, I have feared to turn the master past 10 o'clock (and that's with the gain nearly all the way down), and it just thumps you in the chest. Also I didn't like the big hole in the midrange and found myself fighting the EQ. I know the Orange EQ is pants as well, but at least I don't have a problem getting a good sound out of it. I might have got on better with the 900 and different cabs though (tried it with a sealed Matamp 2x12 at the time). [/quote] Wow I certainly wouldn't like to try and max the volume on my Streamliner in my house as it has plenty of beans for me.. Re: the mids, The bass sound is a chain of bass, leads, pedals, amp cabs. Changing an element like and amp can throw everything else out if its much different from the original. You certainly did the right thing in getting rid rather than changing other elements that you were happy with. Having said that its not the amps fault, its just that its different and doesn't fit your sound chain. I struggled when changed from my Ashdown to a GB system. The Ashdown system sounded nice and warm, was very forgiving. I could change other elements in the chain like pedals and basses without drastic changes in sound. The GB system is much more critical but when I get it dialed in I much prefer the results. I also get many more complements on the sound. I know exactly what I'm doing with it now and like I say I'm really happy with it
  8. There isn't a right answer as playing style and personal preference are a big part of the equation. That means finding the action that suits you. Also do your setting up at a decent volume. You may find that although the frets seem to rattle a before you plug in that doesn't effect the amplified sound. This seems to vary a bit with different pups, my EMG's pick up more fret and finger noise than the others-which is part of their character.
  9. Very good and you know what? I have a Faith Acoustic guitar made with Ebony with beautiful brown streaks through it and its gorgous.
  10. Hi, I have a GB NX2 212T and the tweeter doesn't seem to function. The story goes that when I got it a few months back I put my electro acoustic guitar through it, rather than dig our another amp/cab and damaged it somehow. I usually have the tweeters turned down to zero but turned them up to about half and played for a few minutes. Then all of a sudden I got some high pitched feedback. Since then no noticeable tweeter adjustment !!! Like I said I don't use the tweeters normally anyway but I keep thinking that I really should get it functioning as the makers intended. Any advice on what procedure to follow?
  11. Yep the 38 is across the nut from the outside of the strings. I didn't trust my eyes on the individual strings. They are nineish, also I wasn't sure how to measure them e.g. centre to centre, gap between them etc so thought it better to give that measurement. If you want to PM me with more instructions I'll try and oblige later (off out).
  12. [quote name='blunderthumbs' timestamp='1394037131' post='2387221'] Hi.What is the string spacing at the nut? Cheers. [/quote] 38mm across the 4, individual strings are 17.5 at the bridge.
  13. It looks a beaut. Keep looking or drop the guy an email telling him how pleased you were to see it. You never know The style looks very much like some of the Burns basses.
  14. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1393812956' post='2384648'] I've got some Status hotwire flats on my basses. Quite nice, I wish they were a teeny little more flexible and bendy. They do sound quite nice though, not at all thuddy. Quite cheap too, £26 for a 6 string set. [/quote] [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1393874384' post='2385392'] I tried the Status strings but found that the g was twangy. [/quote] [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1393877942' post='2385448'] I like the Status Hotwires. The Rotosounds I tried were OK but I prefer the Status, they feel and sound better to my ear. [/quote] Hmm thats an interesting one. I really like Status half rounds straight out of the box but wasn't as impressed with the flats. Since then I have found Status round wounds take a long time to play in but once there they are great. Maybe I didn't give their flats enough time to settle down. I'll have to dig them out and try them again.
  15. Just bought a strap, a very easy and pleasant deal. Thanks!
  16. It should be gone, these are great value new so for £500 someone will get a killer bass.
  17. Since getting it out to sell I'm enjoying having it on my pedal board so keeping it for now
  18. In two, play bass in one guitar in the other. First in the diary gets the spot. I'm glad I'm in two as arranging practises with one is difficult and if that was my only focus I would have quit by now.
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