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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Update for price drop £299. It has to go so ebay beckons. Someone will love this!
  2. up she goes..its currently on loan but I can get it back quick if anyone is interested
  3. Hi I likes this a lot and at first glance this appears in good condition and it comes boxed with instructions but........problems in that the blue light stays on all the time and you can't turn off the pedal, it has velcro attacked to the bottom and the battery holder catches are broken. That makes spares or repair, or a looking at it now it would actually make a good chassis for a looping unit. Anyway its no use to me so if some one wants it for £25 + Postage your welcome to it..
  4. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1393408823' post='2379787'] True bypass is your friend here, your signal chain is not too long, so if your ebs pedals are the new true bypass versions, your life will become easier. If tu are not, then you may want to look at getting a effects loop box. Try an keep a high quality buffered pedal in the middle of you chain, not sure what the ebs pedals are like in this respect but do some research on a suitable pedal, I use a MI Audio boost n buff. Then look at your patch leads, I have just rebuilt Mine using lava solderless, and in hindsight this was probably a major contributing factor to the tone suck on my board. Hope this helps!! [/quote] Thanks, the EBS pedals are "true bypass". I already have a loop and tuner out box so will maybe use that to loop out the Wah and tuner. I'm noticing a difference with the blowtorch removed so guess the fault was having a n effect because (it used to be fine). If I get a true bypass distortion or fuzz I should be back on track.
  5. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1393352771' post='2379215'] Not new to playing, just never had the money to own expenseive/name instruments or spent a lot of time in bands. [/quote] Cool, well despite the impression you sometimes get on here you don't need to spend a lot to have fun
  6. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1393332056' post='2378766'] What is your current board running? I have (hopefully) just sorted mine out as it was horrendous! [/quote] Running from left to right OUT....MORLEY BASS WAH.....EBS UNICHORUS.....OVERDRIVE (WAS BLOWTORCH)...EBS MULTICOMP.....DIGITECH HT6 TUNER...IN
  7. [quote name='jassbass' timestamp='1393326741' post='2378671'] Hi would it be poss to post the pedal thanx? [/quote] yes no problem at cost
  8. Hmm everything that you said backs up my initial impressions that the Revelation was a good bass for the price. It felt substantial and well put together. The one I was looking at even had nice neck grain. I get the impression that your pretty new to bass playing (if not apologies ). I'm pretty new myself and have only been playing a couple of years. My experience was that my preferred neck profile and how I stood and played changed over time. Initially I hated fatter profile and wider necks but now quite like them as they allow me fro dig in and play cleanly. Having said that I am now back with slim necks and tighter string spacing strings. Neck dive is more an issue when standing up and recently I changed my whole playing position. I used to wear the bass quite high and hold it horizontally. Now use a longer strap so that the body is lower and hold the neck higher. What I'm saying is that your anything like me you will probably change your preferences a number of times before settling.
  9. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1393279856' post='2378304'] That's a very cool looking bass! Good luck with the sale. [/quote] Thanks, a cool sounding one too. I would be keeping this one but have 11 guitars (lead, acoustic, bass) all with hard cases and amplification so stuff has to go. Space is the final fronteer!.
  10. Well I checked my set up. The way I have it is a direct line from my Belcat power station, to a Diago 9v to 18v converter and then into the Blowtorch so that should have been fine. I tried if with Batteries and the same story, the light just stays on all the time. My technical assessment is that its stuffed and just to finish it off one of the battery compartment catches broke while putting the batteries in Scrap? Now moving on to investigate the tone sucking problem without the MXR in the chain
  11. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Price or Trade Value : £300[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]This is an amazing and very rare bass. It is very lightweight and good to hold. I'd describe it as similar to a "Bass Collection" or the lighter Ibanez basses. Farida guitars are very highly regarded but launched their brand at the start of the European economic crisis. The result was that these high end models didn't sell, depute being very competitively priced and well made.[/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]They are still available at Chinese Outlet here:[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b][url="http://www.flymusic.cn/goods.php?id=270"]http://www.flymusic....oods.php?id=270[/url] [/b]10,800 Chinese Yan [b]= £1050[/b][/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]These pics are from google but it is exactly the same and in A1 condition. If you want actual pics email me but they aren't ads nice as these images. It comes with a case that does have a few marks on it but is in good condition.[/color][/font] This is an active bass with fantastic sounding Farida pick-ups. It has a s[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]et neck, Mahogony body,[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Gotoh hardware, high quality parts and craftsmanship. Do a serach on [/font][/color][color=red][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Farida[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] on this site and I think you'l find nothing but positive comments.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It comes with a lovely [/font][/color][color=red][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Farida[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] hard case.[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]As I now play 5's this has been sitting under the spare bed since last year so its time for it to go.[/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]More piccies:[/font][/color] [attachment=176483:Farida headbk.jpg] [attachment=176484:Faridabk.jpg] [attachment=176485:Farida1.jpg] [attachment=176486:Farida.jpg] [attachment=176487:Farida BK.jpg] [color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]​It really is a great bass and would suit a collector or someone who wants a powerful bass with a P/J combination and/or wants something light to carry around.[/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thanks for looking[/font][/color]
  12. I love the Flashback x4. Loads of uses for it as it has a great delay as well as a looper. A nice long loop time, great for experimenting. I use it live all the time with lead guitar as a stomp box for the delay effects. The TC stuff is great in my humble opinion. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZv3q-UlLE4[/media]
  13. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1393146482' post='2376540'] are both pickups meant to be exactly the same height off the body? [/quote] How are you finding your bass Wishface? The Revaluation bass I tried nicely but I have never plugged one in.
  14. Nope I bought it used ages ago off here. It did appear OK, although I haven't used it much to be honest. I got one of those 9v to 18v in line adapter/booster thingies straight off. It sounds like the problem though
  15. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1393121719' post='2376480'] I am constantly scanning BC Marketplace for The One! [/quote] I have found "The one", the trouble is I now need to sell the rest
  16. Hmm, thanks thats interesting. I have one of those in-line adapters it may be that is acting up and the "tone sucking" may be somewhere else. I'll do some more investigations tomorrow. I don't think the neighbours would appreciate me testing it out now.
  17. Hi, I have a problem. my pedal board has been sucking bass tone and the culprit seems to be my DI box. I have noticed that the blue light on my Blowtorch remains on all the time. It does change the sound when I hit the button but it seems to continue to suck bass tone. Is it likely to be fixed by putting in a new switch or is it something more serious? Is it worth fiddling with or do I need to throw it away and get something else?
  18. I have a very nice Hartke Bass Attack VXL Tone shaper. This is a great pedal and one I would use if I was restricted to one pedal but I now have a pedal board to play with and it isn't getting any use. For trade I could use a distortion/fuss with thru bypass so would prefer to trade or a quality wide stap + cash. I removed the rubber on the base and attached velcro but still have the rubber. It also has its original box and is like new. Great piece of kit. See video here: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C91FNiALTFY[/media]
  19. Have a good day...wish I was there as I really enjoyed the last one!
  20. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1393013190' post='2375358'] It's made by a company called Revelation. I have never heard of them. Model number is RBJ67 (presumably that's the model number). It's a jazz style bass; 2 single coil pickups, don't know what make they are, sounds decent to my ears. Varnished neck, very smooth, no resistance playing. Thick body. Neck is about 20 frets. Don't know what strings they are but they are new and sound nice as well. D'addarios I think. He seems like a decent guy to me. Whether he's any good at setting up instruments I don't know. Where he gets his stock and what quality, in general, they are, again I don't know. I can only hope, for the sake of £165, he is! [/quote] I tried one of those but think it was a Precision bass. There were a couple of them and I didn't try it through an amp. The one I played felt like a nice bass although I would worry about the quality of the electrics for that price. Take him up on his offer and take it back so that he can sort it for you.
  21. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1393005713' post='2375233'] Wait a sec.. Is the new bass you want set up, the same one you bought from him? If so, why was it not set up when you bought it? and if you don't like the set up on the bass, would you really want to take it back to him? If this is a different bass then ignore me [/quote] That is the guys standard way of working. He always says "See how you get on with it, let it settle down and bring it back in a couple of months and check its set up". He said that when I got my 12 string electric and I took it back and he fixed a crackly pot and did a set up. I've watched him with new and inexperienced players and he always gives them what he thinks is the best advice rather than just flogging them a guitar. He did me a very good trade in deal on mine. Nothing but praise from me.
  22. Good news is I now have a spare case so secure posting os an option. Any offers for this fine guitar?
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