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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Thanks, I ordered some heavy duty. I'm going to re-do the board rather than mess around
  2. Sold, thanks for the interests
  3. Lots of people seen to use WD 40 on electrics and there are three problems with it. 1. if its some thank that heats up you have trouble 2. over time it gets thick and gunky 3. It seems to attract dirt and dust so in the longer term is a bad move Its a short term or emergency solution at best I know this from working on pinballs I would advise trying a foaming electrical cleaner to get it thoroughly clean. If that doesn't work just change the switch
  4. Hi a bit of a strange one this. I have a Gator "The Bone" pedalboard. It appears set up for velcro but none of the velcro I currently have seems to stick to it. Can anyone advise me to the stuff that I need and where to get it?
  5. Keep an eye on this John, It was advertised on this forum and £15 postage it may fall into your budget. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281243039905?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  6. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1389738554' post='2337487'] I keep reminding myself it's got too many strings... [/quote] [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1389739478' post='2337509'] At that price, surely you could forget such a minor flaw? [/quote] Think of the B as a thumb rest and your sorted. It almost plays alike a 4 anyway
  7. Still here to my surprise, with trade options changed to include 4's. It won't be here for much longer though. Get your offers in quick
  8. I say ......interesting. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RMI-Expression-5-String-Bass-by-Mark-Ramsay-Design-/141163250942?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20ddfc44fe
  9. [quote name='patrikmarky' timestamp='1389466586' post='2334495'] Gigs this bass last night...decided to keep...think this is a very understated bass...it may be a bit to "metal" for some folks...I've had most basses from stingrays ,Warwicks,spectors,shuker,sandberg,mayones and more..and this competes well..maybe I need to join a metal band... [/quote] A good move I think. They are great basses and are not just for metal or ready rock. I'm love Schecters and have had a number of leads and a Stiletto Custom bass. I currently have a Ultra custom lead guitar. The materials, parts and build quality are good across their whole range-unlike a number of similar brands. They are marketed and the young metal market, which has proved very successful as they shift a lot of units. This is reinforced by the fact that most models are 35 inch scale and armed with EMG's. My experience is that they don't produce rubbish and that their production standards are consistently high, subject to the price of the instrument of course.
  10. I bought some leads that were exactly as described. A very fast and easy to deal with good communication, in fact so fast that I hadn't got around to telling my other half that the leads had been posted and she looked a little disappointed when she found out what was in the package. I can't think why. Highly recommended Thanks
  11. Congratulations. After having tried one I have a BB1025x on my hot list once I get some cash together
  12. A couple of people interested but its still here. Pics added in the drop box link up at the top. Note: I'll put the strings back on. I took em off to try flats
  13. Some interest, I thought this was sold but the potential buyer went silent on me. A link to more pictures added. Loads of trade options. C.mon make me an offer
  14. Personally I have found that thru body stringing and thru neck construction makes little difference on basses. If there is a difference it is very marginal. I have noticed a marked difference in lead guitars though in terms of sustain-especially with thru neck. No idea why that should be but that is my experience.
  15. Thats interesting PM sent, too many strings I think
  16. Some pics of my beautiful bass added bump Also change in trade options to include "P" and cabs
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1388864678' post='2327147'] It's a moot point really, given the fact that everyone who goes into space has to wear a nappy. 'In space, no-one can hear you crap yourself.' [/quote] Or smell it either, a plus point. Although it ruins the point of breaking wind.
  18. Just thinking I wouldn't need worry about the weight of my amp and cabs....but then again I wouldn't hear them either...damn damn damn!
  19. A great playing and sounding bass from Sandberg. I never thought I would sell this but its not getting any play.. These are very highly rated and hard to find now. They were selling for about £1500 on some sites recently. This is the aged version (masterpieced?) which is even more expensive and also pretty rare. I would sell or PX, possibly with some money my way for something I would use like a premium Ibanez, Cort, Schecter T, G&L, Warwick, Sandberg, Fender P deluxe. I'm pretty open minded but I want to stick to 34" scale and to avoid EMG's as I have that covered already Note: would consider compact powerful cab like a 15" purple chilli, Genz or barefaced. You can find out about the Umbo from the Sandberg site or here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA1-L-dQybQ
  20. If I was looking for a 4 stringer I would have this. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/225234-fender-american-special-precision-bass-2010-l450/page__fromsearch__1
  21. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1388581580' post='2323570'] I've got an Ibanez Electro-acoustic, and it's way louder than any unplugged Electric I often rehearse along with a cd or MP3 player, and I'd never hear my unplugged bass guitars The Ibanez though, is plenty loud When I'm jamming along with acoustic guitarists in the house it really depends on which guitarists I'm jamming with Some pals play rather heavier, but one pal who does far more finger picking, and plays much quieter - in which case I can hear my Ibanez fine [/quote] That sounds about right. I had a crafter that I would pick it up and noodle but its bulkier and not as nice to hold as an electric and it wasn't loud enough to play in a band situation without an amp. I played one of the Zenith Semi. I think they look great but I didn't like the feel of it. The body felt heavy and was heavily lacquered so that it felt more like composite material than mahogany. I love the vibe but the final straw for me was that you got a slightly different tone from an open string when compared to fretting. Again you would need an amp.
  22. I hate them, especially the bass player...makes me want to give up
  23. You can now hear the difference here. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/225879-string-comparison-status-rounds-flats-and-half-rounds/page__fromsearch__1
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