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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I have been amusing myself this morning by messing around with strings and recorded the difference in sound to help me choose which to go with. I think I prefer the half rounds for the deep rock bass sound I want, which is sound 2 and 4. 3 types of status strings on pretty much identical ESP basses with EMG's. They are all 45-130's and all controls flat (12.00 o'clock) and blend set mid way between the PUPs (not a position I often use). No compression or tweaks and straight into the PC. The rounds are first , then Half's, then flats and Half's again at the end. Apologies in advance for the playing [url="https://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1/bass-string-test"]https://soundcloud.c...ass-string-test[/url] ooh and a gold star for those nice people at Status for getting the strings to me so quick in the holiday season.
  2. I have a Farida Hypersonic HB-20, which I got in a trade. It is like this one (may actually be the same one) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/222095-fs-ft-farida-hb20-hypersonic-series-set-neck-pj-lightweight-cw-farida-hard-case/"]http://basschat.co.u...rida-hard-case/[/url] It is well made and specified and sounds great. It looks a bit like a Spector but feels like an MIJ Bass Collection. Its small and very light, in fact it was so light I thought that the sound may suffer from lack of body mass but I needn't have worried as it sounds great. Very cheap for what they are 2nd hand and probably too quirky for the UK Market. depending on what happens to the Farida brand I wouldn't be surprised if they become contactable in the future as there aren't many around. I can't imagine anything else as good in that 2nd hand price bracket so Farida are one of the best value for money basses in my book. I agree with the others mentioned such as Yamaha (the TRBX is amazing value) and LTD ESP. I would also add in Schecter who make some great basses for the money..
  3. I should have stayed on safe ground and went for Trumpet
  4. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1388475910' post='2322323'] A potato? [/quote] AAh sorry thats my gardening heritage heehee
  5. I got "over-complicated bass" with a Carvin LB75p. It's a great bass but I was for ever fiddling with settings rather than playing. The same had already happened to me with lead guitar, where I had abandoned my multi effects pedal and modelling amp for the same reasons. I now keep it simple with my current set up I tend to leave the guitar settings alone and just flip between pups. I only use a few effects and have stomp boxes and I also leave the amp settings alone, keeping changes to a minimum.
  6. What about wind instruments? I think if used carefully a tuber could be be useful as a form of space propulsion. Note: should have been tuba not tuber
  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1388412406' post='2321678'] Open 'view new content'. Look at the menu side bar at LHS. At the bottom there's 'Filter content'. Click on this. A menu will open, listing all the sub forums. Click on the subforums you like. Now save. Your new content should henceforward be filtered to reflect your choices and all will be lovely. [/quote] Sorted, thanks
  8. Hi, I enjoy checking in to this great forum regularly to see whats new. I do this by clicking on "View New Content". I instantly get all the bass related news like whats for sale, opinions and on technique, technical advances, which bands are hot, new members on the forum etc. I just wish on occasions that that I could make all the "Off Topic" threads disappear. They are clearly popular and enjoyed by many and it has more posts and replies than any other section on BC but I log on because its a bass forum so could do without them. Can someone magic on opt out of the Off topic stuff please? No harm in asking
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1388260170' post='2320186'] Yes..! [i]That's[/i] a bass..! Not hollow-bodied, but getting closer. Slapping..? Nah, not for me..! [/quote] I played this, one of my favourite basses ever. Great feel and sound.
  10. Why put a crappy bass on a set of flats? Backatya!
  11. Just traded basses with Lee. I'm happy with the deal, he's a pleasant guy and straightforward to deal with. Cheers Lee
  12. The answer is yes, proof attached. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoZ_Lg21b14
  13. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1388094773' post='2318554'] In LTD 405 Surveyors GB Streamliner 600 GB N212T cab Hardwire Polyphonic tuner, EBS Multicomp and Unicorus pedals Our Sandburg Panther Esh Various Fender USA precision fretless (95) Orange 35b Practise amp I'm not finished yet though as I have a possible bass swap tomorrow [/quote] Update: My lovely Spector Legend Custom left today and I gained an equally lovely and distinctive Farida Hypersonic HB-20. I think thats it for me for 2013
  14. Yep thats the ones. I like them a lot. I ordered some Status strings (loved their half rounds in the past) but will be after a set of these if I'm not satisfied.
  15. In LTD 405 Surveyors GB Streamliner 600 GB N212T cab Hardwire Polyphonic tuner, EBS Multicomp and Unicorus pedals Our Sandburg Panther Esh Various Fender USA precision fretless (95) Orange 35b Practise amp I'm not finished yet though as I have a possible bass swap tomorrow
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1387273013' post='2309998'] Unfortunately there is no right answer. I've found that what sounds good on one bass won't necessarily sound good on another. In the end it's just a question of trial and error until you find a B-string that suits the bass AND your playing style. And after all that it maybe that the bass simply isn't built well enough to get a decent sounding and feeling low B. Too many manufacturers, especially at the cheaper end of the market, think it's enough to simply put a wider neck, pickups with five sets of pole pieces and the appropriate bridge and number of tuners on one of their 4-string models and call it a five-string. It's not. It is in fact all about neck and neck joint construction and IME I've yet to play a sub-£1000 bass with a bolt-on neck that has a decent sounding and feeling low B, no matter what strings I put on it. [/quote] Wise advice-trial and error. I used to avoid bolt on construction and stuck to a 35" scale for a while-I even had a Carvin that was 37". Then I got a Spector Legend 4 strung BEAD that had a great B string, which forced me to think again. Since then I have stuck to 34's with both 4 and 5 strings, most of which have been sub £1000. Fernandes, Ibanez, ESP's, Yamaha and Cort make good 34" scale basses. I have also played some horrible ones though. The worst was a USA Fender
  17. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1388001815' post='2317832'] Oh, go on go on go on go on go on go on go on Furthering my campaign with the guitarses to do this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzzOBv7RPbw"]▶ The Sensational Alex Harvey Band ~ Delilah - YouTube[/url] [/quote] I was at a SAHB (without Alex) gig in the early 90's in Glasgow where they raffled that lime green costume for charity. Zal didn't think he could fit in it anymore I think they are still playing aren't they? Anyway the title track from there best Album in my humble opinion. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqx5j-FuqeI[/media]
  18. [quote name='patrikmarky' timestamp='1387910721' post='2317175'] Well I picked it up today ..it's truly amazing...cannot now justify what I've spent in the past on guitars I won't mention names..But well worth the few hundred pound it cost me... [/quote] Congratulations!
  19. It's a real shame that there is so little video of SAHB. Alex Harvey's song writing was fantastic (sometimes almost unhinged, checkout Shake that thing) and there stage presence was amazing and he told a really good story. What about this for a band with attitude lol [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRbfFZnJZYQ[/media] Or this, I'm not sure the hippies knew what to make of it. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNwLxwZHMOw[/media]
  20. It looks like EB's. Well I like them although i have already ordered some Status flats to try out. If I don't like them as much I know where to go. Thanks for the advice. Note: I was told in a local shop that EB's and Rotosounds are basically the same strings sold under different brands. Is that true?
  21. An EBS uniChorus, EBs MultiComp and a cool strap That will Keep me happy for a while.
  22. A good move, I played a couple and they were great. What really impressed me is the quality of the sound and all of the variations you get from it are usable. I also liked the fact that when you switched from passive to active you retained exactly the same sound and character but gain some power and thump. A great choice.
  23. Yep red silk, I just noticed they are in my pic
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