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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Nice price, I use one of these and have never been tempted to look further. Good Luck with the sae
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1385059247' post='2284037'] If you've got loops going you're going to need to have a click track anyway in order to keep in time. For the other stuff unless you are using sequenced parts and a tempo/click track it will never be as consistent as if it was played by a keyboard player. What you should probably do is ask yourself just how important these extra parts are in the context of the live performance. I've seen a couple of bands recently using sequenced backing and extra sounds triggered and TBH apart from intros and quiet parts in the songs these were all but inaudible. I'd try playing the songs without them and see just how much you miss them before looking for other solutions. [/quote] I'm with you, we're half way their really. Most of our stuff sounds fine without and it would be simple enough to trigger intros etc. A more simplistic approach will probably work fine live.
  3. Hi, we're not playing to a click track anymore. We abandoned that idea as it was too restricting. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1385053181' post='2283921'] Have you tried using Ableton Live? I've never used it properly but you can like link a sample/loop to a key or a pedal or whatever interface your using and trigger it like that. Not sure on price though [/quote] At the moment we have complete key tracks on Reaper, which needs a click track and relays on keeping very tight. Ambleton may be easier what do you think is the best way tpo trigger them. The drummer with a pad maybe or some pedal. [i]Note: if I sound out of my depth thats because I am I normally leave this stuff to others in the band but wondered I could come up with some suggestions.[/i]
  4. Hi, I'm rehearsing in an originals band and it is is going well, The main issue holding us back is that we haven't been able to find someone to play keys. On our recordings we use quite a few loops, both during tracks and to create a soundscape. We have been trying to carry that over into our live playing with our drummer playing to a click track. In theory its fine but In practice this isn't working too well because we're finding it a bit restrictive and it sounds horrible if it goes wrong. As a result we're looking for simple ways that we can trigger pre-recorded loops and sounds via our PC, has anyone got any suggestions of how to do this or even better is there anyone in the Bristol/Western area who fancies playing some keys?
  5. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1385023526' post='2283454'] Your brain isn't full. That's just your excuse to yourself. You just have to do a gig without your charts and prove to yourself that you can do it. It happened to me a while back. I was running a very slick function band and once at soundcheck I realised I forgot my pad. I nearly freaked. But, I did a 3 hour gig, and made 2 mistakes. The pad stayed at home after that. Take the leap of faith at your next gig and just get on with your playing. And you'll have more fun if your nose isn't buried in charts all night long. [/quote] Hmm I think that's simplistic as everyone is different. My memory is fine for playing but really bad for lyrics. Even though I wrote the songs I can't remember or repeat the lyrics from our new stuff but I can remember songs I did 35 years ago. At weekend we tried doing some of the new songs but I just floundered even though we tried repeating them over and over. What ever makes your life easy I say.
  6. Hmm what type of music it is isn't the question. The question was asking is it bad and the answer is yes, whatever music your into in my humble opinion.
  7. I watched this earlier, It was the first link that came up on Yahoo. Why I thought? A total no event. If you haven't seen the vid don't bother honestly. The term overhyped rubbish springs to mind.
  8. A little personal tribute to Lou. I woke up with this in my head last Sunday after watching a band on Saturday who made a big point of playing sweet Jane as their last track. No apologies for the bad timing as it was a one-taker. Hope you likeee [url="https://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1/forward-never-back-2"]https://soundcloud.c...rd-never-back-2[/url]
  9. I'm up for a meeting if its with-in reasonable driving distance. I enjoyed the last one very much.
  10. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1384806074' post='2280989'] Sorry - in-joke between Pinball and myself! [/quote] indeedy, still twiddling that moustache I see.
  11. Hi, I'm looking into getting one of these and I notice there are 3 generations of this cab. Can someone tell me what the differences are?
  12. In answer to your question I dunno, maybe they aren't inspired by your band or sales pitch or maybe your not paying enough to get the standard of player you require. I'm sure there are a few on here. You will maybe have to try and woo them
  13. [quote name='fluffo' timestamp='1384192842' post='2273802'] I guantee this one plays better I had it fretless for a while so the board was made well flat sand recently refret it so it's near perfect [/quote] Ha sounds like a challenge, can't imagine I would like it better than mine as mine is set up the way I like it It sounds loveley Have another bump
  14. Great basses these, I have a similar one with a maple board. My weapon of choice and the only one of my basses getting played regularly at the moment. I love the look of the blue with the RW board. I have another one with an Ebony board and black neck head. I think a swap wouldlook great-black, blue and silver Hmmmmmmm! Thing is I like mine so much as is that I don't want to mess around with it at the moment Your right, great spec for the money Have a bump
  15. Your looking very dastardly in that profile pic...never noticed that until now
  16. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1384011380' post='2271896'] BTW I dunno if youve managed to source a compact already but I'm look to sell one (have 3 of them currently and cant really justify keeping them all ...), I see your in the bristol area and my missus lives there could arrange a hand over in person. [/quote] Got one thanks
  17. Sorted, I went with the general consensus. Barefaced compact and a GB Streamliner 600. I'm let you know if I'm blown away buy it once I get it all up and running. Now I need to find a way to replenish by bank account
  18. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1383837264' post='2269806'] My 2 pennies, buy a better cab first. Save a bit more and then buy a good D Class head (nice and light) [/quote] Thanks advice taken
  19. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1383829369' post='2269648'] I may be open to trades... [/quote] Cool Conan, we can chat later on to see if I have stuff you may be interested in. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1383831678' post='2269702'] Your amp will sound OK with a better cab, so if your budget is limited I'd keep the amp a little longer and get a modern cab. [/quote] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]I like my Ashdown fine so will be hanging on to it. The reason I'm looking is that I have a little orange 50b combo at home that doesn't seem to like EMG powered guitars. I was going to upgrade it and then thought "why not upgrade my main kit instead and move the Ashdown into the house?". [/color][/font] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]The Ashdown is a tatty old thing that I got on the cheap, never serviced, never missed a beat and is not worth selling anyway. [/color][/font] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Going this route I can leave my stuff where I rehearse and also have a spare that sounds decent. It's all part of the master plan![/color][/font]
  20. Thanks for all the advice. That's what I was after and its always good when it points in a general direction. I would love to go the Barefaced/Streamliner route as suggested but in reality its too much of a financial stretch. After doing more research I'm pretty sold on the GB Streamliners. I'm not big on over-complicating things so it looks just the job The only affordable option at the moment looks something like the Streamliner 600 and a FCS115T cab. Either that or I'm no going to get a usable system, I'm assuming that my Ashdown cab isn't going to cope see link [url="http://www.musicstreet.co.uk/ashdown-deep-bass-cabinet-p-4099.html?gclid=CIfJ44HZ0roCFafMtAodxnUAKw"]http://www.musicstreet.co.uk/ashdown-deep-bass-cabinet-p-4099.html?gclid=CIfJ44HZ0roCFafMtAodxnUAKw[/url] I wasn't actually planning on buying just yet..but there you go
  21. Thanks, good advice as ever. I'm discussing needs with the rest of the band
  22. Hi, I know very little about bass amps etc. so a couple of years ago came on here for advice for low budget options and ended up with an Asdown 300 EVOii and 15" Ashown cab. I like this very much but as I have spent quite a bit of time upgrading my other gear I have been wondering if I could do better. The big issues for me are: 1. Weight-I have dodgy shoulders so the separate Ashdown amp and cab option works for me. I would consider a combo if it was light 2. Sound-well I'm in a heavy band playing EMG loaded basses for much of the time so need tone, power and clarity 3. Price-well although I don't want to spend much but its not an urgent purchase so I could save up up if I think its worth it. I'm also happy to by 2nd hand and mix and match. I haven't been able to try many amps out yet. I have tried and Ashdown Spyder? and Ampeg combo, Markbass combo and thats about it. The spyder and Markbass were hitting the spot. Any advice of where to look next would be appreciated.
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