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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. I like these options [quote name='PTB' timestamp='1379917278' post='2218091'] How about putting a fretted neck on it and playing it? [/quote] I have already thought about getting the neck fretted as I wanted to keep the bass sounding exactly the way it does, but it was expensive and I was told that because it was lined the frets wouldn't match so I then considered another neck but shied away from that because it seemed a step to far to change something major on a bass that is sonically correct. [quote name='alittlebitrobot' timestamp='1379890938' post='2218024'] Permit a non bass-related anecdote: I had a nice guitar and a crappy old mis-shapen Squier telecaster. (ok, the nice guitar was only an Epiphone but it was a very good one). This sounds silly but I just didn't feel like the Epi had any music in it for me. When I'd pick it up, I'd enjoy the feel and the tone but I never wrote anything on it. Every time I pick up the tele something new comes out. So, like you, I took the notion of selling the Epi but I wasn't sure because it was such a nice guitar. I put it in it's case and put it downstairs where my guitars aren't. Just to see if I'd miss it. Well, out of sight, out of mind. Not once in about two months did I go downstairs to get it. So, I sold it. The guy that bought it loves it, which makes me so happy AND I used the money to buy a midi keyboard and a little Zoom digital 8-track, both of which I'm having a whale of a time with. Sell it. [/quote] A good point, I write my own tunes and can't think of anything that I have written with this one. Although I love listening to fretless I seem to get the sounds I like from sliding my fingers around on a fretted bass. Its time it left as its not my go to bass. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1379890907' post='2218023'] Hold on....you've got 3 other basses in your sig!! You don't need any more. Just sell it and buy beer. [/quote] I like your thinking.
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1379887119' post='2217973'] You don't play it so sell it. Buy a bass you will play without us telling you to. [/quote] Your right, I know it I mean to sell it, try to sell it but.....maybe if I bought another bass first? I need help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cKpqszMOYg
  3. Thanks I really want to play this. I love messing with it when I pick it up, its a special bass but realistically I don't have time for it. I have a busy life and already play lead in one band and am messing with bass in another. [attachment=144357:P Bk grain.jpg]
  4. Hi, I'm winding myself up as I can't decide if I should keep my fretless or sell it. I never play it except when I'm wondering if I should sell it or not. Then I take it out of its case play it and think to myself "its great, hang on to it as you will probably not get one as nice". Then I put it back in its case. It just seems to me that I would be better off with a guitar that I play or one that is a potential back up. Today I went as far as taking pictures but have now put it back in its case......... Waddyathink. Am I nuts? It's a 97 fretless P Do I: 1. Sell it? 2. Try and swap it for something nice that I will remember it by? 3. Put my precious in tis case safe and warm? [attachment=144355:P fr.jpg] [attachment=144356:P bk.jpg]
  5. Hmm yep I'm still in the honeymoon period with LTD/ESP. I really got the Surveyor to try out the pup combination and it has far surpassed expectations so my other basses have taken the back seat for the moment. It's a very carefully thought out and well built instrument.
  6. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1379833670' post='2217095'] Were those the sort of clips you were hoping for ? [/quote] Very useful I think thanks Very good machines for the price. I tried one in PMT and came away thinking that there wasn't anything in that price bracket that compared with it. It has raised the bar I think. Other companies better watch out.
  7. Thanks for the comments/bumps. PM's answered. Some interesting options to consider-still here at the moment.
  8. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1379588665' post='2214434'] Not used one of those, but I've been using the polytune mini for over a year now with bass and no issues. Apparently the polytune mode doesn't work with bass, but the single string mode is absolutely fine [/quote] Thanks, that confirms what I heard. I tried one on guitar and was really taken with it but am still keen to try the Digitech unit it it works well on both bass and lead. Maybe I'll just take my 5 string to the shop to be sure
  9. of course because its a nice bass [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1379527254' post='2213769'] Still in a quandry over this,i'm sat here playing the bass through my cube 30 practice amp & with a little amp control tweeking i have a really nice tone from it. Mmmmmm might still do it [/quote] No surprise, its a quality instrument and a nice bass.
  10. I like and use both! Passive is what I prefer to listen too but I find that active is [i]eas[b]i[/b][/i][b][i]er[/i][/b] to dial in ad cuts through the mix better when playing loudly and competing with rock drummers or guitarists. That is my general feeling but it isn't that simple as both active and passive tones range from beautiful to horrible depending on the bass and electronics so its also a case of using your ear of personal preference. Simple as that, end of
  11. Well few bumps before ebay, It seems a shame but I'm limited on space so needs must......New price of £350. Will sell or I may trade or PX for something bass or music related to the same value, Thinking compact amps or PA. Nothing too heavy in weight. Possibly a bass but then I would need to sell again.
  12. Hi, I need a tuner so two things 1. I was offered a good deal on a Digitech hardwire tuner. Any strong opinions on them? [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/accessories/digitech-hardwire-series-ht-6-polyphonic-pedal-tuner"]http://www.musicians...nic-pedal-tuner[/url] 2. Previous threads praise the Korg Pitch Black and TC Polytune but there is also a suggestion that the newer nano/micro TC Polytune unit isn't that hot for bass guitar. Any updates on that? Any user feedback would be much appreciated.
  13. That's a tricky one that only you can decide. Are you sure you can't get used to the existing system? The tones as well as looks must have won you over in the first place so they must be in there. From memory I have only really use 2 of the Eshtronic settings and its then simple to find my way from there. There is nothing worse than fiddling around so I see exactly where your coming from
  14. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1379270962' post='2210683'] ESP is to LTD as Fender is to Squier except with better quality control in japan obv [/quote] Thanks for the info. Note: I do like Squiers but I'm not sure that is the best comparison for the Surveyor in terms of materials and electronics. More like G&L and G&L Tribute. see here. [url="http://www.espguitars.com/esp2006/basses_surveyor.html"]http://www.espguitar...s_surveyor.html[/url] [quote name='spud19870' timestamp='1379271516' post='2210695'] Cheers for the advice guys. I am going to get down to GAK or somewhere not too far away and give these a try. I might also dip into the second hand market and see what is about there! [/quote] A wise way forward.
  15. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1379268875' post='2210648'] Erm, Pinball, do you need a hand with that post? There is a difference between ESP and the ESP-LTD, which is the cheaper sub-brand. I have an ESP-LTD Surveyor and really enjoy it. It's a very light instrument, super-slim neck well put together and the EMGs make an almighty racket - though the pre-amp does afford some options to adjust that, for those of a more mellow persuasion. I'm a big Karma to Burn fan, and that inspired me to make the purchase - and I can see why that chap favours them; though I'll agree that they're bracketed as a "rock" or "metal" brand, though you could play anything on mine [/quote] Hi, I think I'm sorted now thanks. Thanks for the clarification-post corrected. Mine is an LTD/ESP. It says LTD surveyor 405 on the front of the headstock and ESP on the back of the head and neck plate. Its a Korean one. That must make it a LTD/ESP surveyor right? I can't see much difference in spec between mine and the ESP as it has an ebony board and the same pups? If you can help clarify it would be much appreciated.
  16. I have a LTD-ESP surveyor 405 that I bought recently to try out the EMG MMTW pickup. Its a monster, very powerful and clear with great sustain. Its pretty heavy (sorry don't have scales) but is also well balanced. Im impressed by the build as it has good electronics and tuners. The neck is rock solid and the action is good. It reminds me of a Yamaha TRB1005 that I had a couple of years back. It has a a nice passive sound as well as the active sounds so although its primality a mean rock machine it is versatile if you need variety I played it in a band for the first time today and it slotted straight into the rock sound and I got complements. Two personal concerns, which are my problems rather than a reflection on the bass: 1. I didn't t touch the B string all practise so I'm already wondering if I should have got a 4 stringer and 2. I have to take care to damp the strings when I want silence as those pups are powerful. I have a 2nd opinion as I wasn't around when it was posted to me so a I had it delivered to a bass player friend of mine and this is what he said about it [i]"Its as big and as heavy as my black Overwater, Plays really nicely, lovely neck, hardly knew I was playing a five string, dunno what the controls are but its got a lovely sound from the bridge pickup, and a nice almost precision sound from the neck pickup - nice and poppy if you want it to be. but that b string shook the floor! Roll on the bass and strike it and it'll sink a ship"[/i] I haven't tried the other ESP's that you mention other than a Viper bass, which I picked up, didn't like the body shape or the way it sat on my knee so I put it down again. I have played a 10 year old Fender jazz deluxe and it was great and very powerful.
  17. I find if that with the right tuning on a 5 or 6 string I can play most of my set on open strings and I struggle to do that on a 4 stringer
  18. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1379171192' post='2209460'] Sold a schecter 5 string recently . Loved it , but seeing I had too many basses and it was the only 5 er, it had to go.Since then, I started tuning my steinberger bass to B-E-A-D. Quite like it so far. Amazing how little I use the G playing rock covers . In hindsight, I wish I was playing this way years ago. [/quote] For a while I had a Spector Legend tuned to BEAD and loved it so think its a good option to get low down. I went from 5's to 4's a while back and prefer 4's. I was finding 5's made me lazy and I was playing lead style patterns rather than using the whole neck and my playing was suffering because of it. Now I only have one 5, which I like fine. I play it as a 4 and only very rarely go down to the B string. It's nice to have the option yo do it though.
  19. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1379138685' post='2209026'] refer to post #4. Told you so !!!!!!!! Lol. [/quote] I tried a couple of these, tremendous for the money. A great all round bass.
  20. Great glad you have found a solution. I'll PM you for more specific information.
  21. Yep, two occasions spring to mind. When I got my 97' P fretless thanks to this forum. It was described as "sonically right" and it certainly is. Other time was when I borrows Mornatts SB Bass Collection fretless. Awesome sounding bass.
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