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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. This looks a beat, Very tempting at that price. I have never played a Lakland but love the recorded sounds I have heard and the look and colour of this beastie. I already have too many basses though so good luck with your sale. Have a bump!
  2. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1378677735' post='2203246'] I've got GAS for two things, but no money. [/quote] Amazingly I have no real GAS at the moment, which is just as well because I also have no money either...........although I do like that red Esh that is floating around.
  3. Keep us posted. As an Esh owner I'm interested to se how you get on. Note: I want your guitar
  4. Bumpy, this needs to be played not left in its case!
  5. Here is the link, lot 71 (Ken Archard collection). Strange that it says 1980 as it seems they started production in 78. I was sure that he serial was 1 but my eyes aren't good. It was actually 7 so I lied. It went for £480. Auction link here and its gorgeous...... [url="http://guitar-auctions.co.uk/forthcoming-catalogue/"]http://guitar-auctio...ming-catalogue/[/url]
  6. You should have been at the bath musical instrument auctions a couple of months back. You could have bought the first one ever made in as new condition. It went for about £500 form memory. I had a little play unplugged and it was really nice. It had a known provenance and the serial number was something like 000001
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1378301447' post='2198344'] New option out recently also: [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/TC_Flashback_x4.html"]http://www.bassdirec...ashback_x4.html[/url] [/quote] I have on of these and they are great. Originally I was looking at getting a ditto but had the chance to try one and realised that I wanted more than it could give. The extra options and delay on the more expensive flashbacks make them great value for money. I love the Dynamic setting which favours the most recent thing you play. There is also a great value cheaper option: http://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/13316490862780941676?q=TC+flashback+delay&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.51773540,d.ZGU,pv.xjs.s.en_US.jkEW54nYU50.O&biw=1707&bih=772&tch=1&ech=1&psi=lFwrUq_kKM_g7QbA3oGQBg.1378573461509.3&sa=X&ei=mFwrUr_DHsLN7Ab70YHoBQ&ved=0CFYQ8wIwAA Before that I used to mess around with a JM-4, which was great in that you could record what you did and had lots of modelling options but was too complicated for my small brain for live use
  8. I got one of these Belcat units recently after reading good user reviews, It does the job fine. It's only £30 with cables and adapter or even cheaper on its own. It works noiselessly with my pedals. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002XLI0JM/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1"]http://www.amazon.co...0?ie=UTF8&psc=1[/url] The supplier is Gear4music.
  9. I play mainly for fun and for free in what was a trio and is now a 4 piece, which has given us a really good sound. The transition from 3 to 4 band members is more difficult than I imagined. All of a sudden it is harder to find a time when we can all practice and get together and play. That in means we want a decent amount of stage time when we meet up and larger gigs. This means need to spend money on gear and promotion. My point is that the larger the band the more dificult it is to ignore the money element. If we can get the balance right it will have fun and make money but its not an easy path to tread!
  10. AAh thanks, the pointy headstock threw me.
  11. Well it's a Carvin but which? Is it a kit one? I didn't sell last time round so could be something of a bargain http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=171119377592
  12. What about the Wilko method? See vid If you watch carefully the way that he uses he fore finger....... oops he's gone off shot, wait there he goes, he's gone again...he's back. Damn you stay still Wilco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znRAbFIxPN0
  13. Well, its not ideal as there are some things you can't play and a sound technique is always an advantage but if it works why not? There are many different ways to (guitar or bass) and many famous players that play with varying finger styles. When I went back to playing guitar I took to hitting it with my thum, you can hear it on the intro and ending of this. [url="https://soundcloud.com/beautiful-skin/industrial-machine"]https://soundcloud.c...ustrial-machine[/url] Whatever floats your boat I say. Anyway Skol, you don't fool me I know of your musical capabilities from the competitions and would imagine you can get anything to sound good.
  14. Well I guess it should be quite complicated like the Carvin LB70p I used to have or maybe my Esh. I find them a bit tricky to dial in but if I only had one I would suss it out. I would much rather have a couple of complementary basses that I could just pick up and play without thinking too hard.
  15. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1378021728' post='2194665'] Sounds like he's a nice, honest guy with his own opinions about why MIA basses are made. [/quote][quote name='skej21' timestamp='1378022598' post='2194673'] Sounds like a poor salesman that uses his ill informed opinion rather than well-researched product knowledge and facts in discussions with his customers. If he did have product knowledge, he would have seen an opportunity to inform the customer of the differences of the basses and then left the customer to make their own decision based on the facts. That's just my opinion though [/quote] Two different views of the same thing. I have a biased view thanks to the fact that I was looking to buy a guitar and took mine along just for interest expecting to be offered 50% of what it was worth and he took one of mine in a straight exchange because he really liked my guitar. He seems to treat the stock as his private collection. I like him as his heart is in the right place, even if his views are sometimes err interesting.
  16. In this case he advised Mornats not to buy an expensive bass and told him that as he was happy with his existing bass, other than the sound, the best bet was to decide on the sound he wanted and to upgrade the pickups No sale pushed for at all. It was pretty strange really.
  17. Bump Esh back, see new pics at start of post
  18. Have a bump on me. I had one of these, great sounding bass. Built like a bulldog with a bite to match
  19. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1377773167' post='2191536'] Just buy the boss me 50 b which some lovely bloke has for sale Basic, uncomplicated and fun [/quote] Good call, a great pedal if you want access to a lot of effects in a simple to use multi-effects pedal. I took that approach with my lead guitar and have an ME70. For bass I use less effects with bass so am going down the individual pedal route. This seems to suite me fine so far-I may well still end up with MB50 in the future . There is also a cheaper ME20B that may be worth a look
  20. Hi I can just pass my personal experience. I thought I'd try some effects pedals and would start with some distortion/fuzz. I bought a little boss unit but it didn't hit the spot at all and I found what I was looking for in a Harkte Bass Attack, which is described as a tone sharpening pre-amp. This and my Digitech Bass Synth Wah Envelope filter are what I use most. The Synth Wah gives you a lot to play with for the money. Another great envelope filter is a Bass Balls but it has less variations than the digitech Take your time and if your not sure buy 2nd hand from here as you can experiment and get your money back.
  21. I would have to say Lemmy (in his Hawkwind days) Andy Fraser Jack Brice Those guys tuned my ear to bass
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