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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1377585248' post='2188941'] How about a Fender Jazz? See my sig... [/quote] Indeed, like that choice Is this thread helping you choose Mornats or confusing you further
  2. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1377542782' post='2188681'] Pinball kindly (well, I say kindly I think he wants me to buy it!) lent me his Esh Various. I tried it out for a little while and thought it was ok but not for me but I picked up up about an hour ago and I can't put it down. The sound is incredible. It's not ultra light or compact and the neck is a bit of a plank but I do just really like it. Hmmm, I hope he doesn't read this! [/quote] mwahhahaha Seriously though, its a quirky bass that handles really well and also sounds good. I didn't realise how good until I tried recording with it. I love some of the combinations from the "Eshtronics" system.
  3. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1377531767' post='2188533'] In which case definitely try a Yammy BB. [/quote] He's not going to buy a Yammy. There weren't any 4 stringers in the store we were in on Saturday so I suggested he try a 5 stringer for sound-burn't orange it was. I'm not sure if it was the color or just the guitar but by his face you would have thought that I had waved a turd under his nose
  4. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1377520857' post='2188390'] I know just such a person - usually gigs with a new'ish Fender P. Has 45 other instruments that only get used in the studio on session work Everything does get played though. [/quote] I think that's fair enough except that 45 sounds a little excessive to me, unless you have lots of arms that is. Note: lucky him I couldn't afford to keep them strung
  5. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1377513247' post='2188256'] Turns out my tiny-looking Corvette weighs the same as my Overwater and is just as big! I'd never have thought that until I had them side-by-side. It sounds fairly similar too despite being active. Hmm. [/quote] I always liked the sound of your corvette both live and recorded.
  6. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1377506946' post='2188141'] True for me also, most of the musicians I know are not very well off. With the recession here there has been a serious drop off in work. However IME there are many players using high end instruments. There is very good value to be had in used gear right now ( a mate of mine recently picked up a US lakland in great shape for 1400 euro). So even for "weekend warriors" like myself, there are real possibilities of obtaining a high end bass. [/quote] I couldn't agree more, I have a lovely 2nd hand Sandburg that I managed to pick up very reasonably and love. [i]Note: On a personal note If I had a new and very expensive bass I would be worried to gig it in case I damaged it, where-as an old battered high end bass is and I enjoy it far more. How sad am I?[/i] The Guy who was making the points was talking about [u]new[/u] high end instruments and saying that the companies making them we're aiming them at the Investor market rather than the gigging musician.
  7. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1377464407' post='2187910'] The investors I know of are working musicians. That's when the investment in a high end instrument are realised. I purchased a Sadowsky nyc in 2009, a superb bass, superb flamed top in excellent condition. It has more than paid its way and owes me nothing. It would be an easy sell, but not at more than I paid for it. However the money I have earned with it, together with the joy it offers due to its excellent build has made it an excellent investment. [/quote] This makes perfect sense for successful working musicians as I would imagine that you can claim back money spent on guitars against tax and you also get the pleasure of playing it.
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1377453314' post='2187730'] Haha, I was in the shop with Pinball when the guy behind the counter was telling us this. Personally, I think the guy in the shop is full of sh*t 90% of the time. He was the same guy who told me that there are only around a dozen people in the world who truly know how to set up a guitar properly (him being one of them). He's a good laugh if you're bored. [/quote] Good talking point though I couldn't help but think there was some truth in there somewhere.
  9. I was talking to a guy behind the counter of guitar shop yesterday about high end guitars. He had some interesting thoughts on guitar manufacture. He made a number of interesting statements such as: 1. High end, mainly American guitar manufactures aren't making guitars for musicians anymore, they are making them for investors. 2. For the investment market, the looks, exotic materials and brand are more important that the performance of the instrument so don't expect an expensive high end guitar to out-perform a cheaper bass that has been built to play. While things aren't as black and white as he suggests I can see where he is coming from. Flame suit on
  10. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1377376200' post='2186945'] I know it's not a fender, but I'm gonna suggest you have a look at a Peavey T-40 [/quote] I thought about those or Ibanez Roadsters....so many nice basses!
  11. aah lefty is no good to me and I would want a "player", I put out a separate thread as I don't want to "threadjack". Here is a vid from someone who loves them-if you can be bothered to watch for 13 mins [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O9sL4mDg9I"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O9sL4mDg9I[/url]
  12. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1370900183' post='2107293'] My Bison reissue. Sounds more like a Rickenb***er than a Rickenb***er. [/quote] Hmm I fancy one of these. I have played one in a shop and wasn't blown away but I have 3 burns lead guitars that I use regularly so it would be nice to add a bass. Anyone out there got one for swapsies?
  13. Hiya, seeing as we're in the same band I thought I'd give you my opinion Trouble is most of my ideas have been suggested already [quote name='borisbrain' timestamp='1377179486' post='2184395'] Schecter? BB [/quote] Agreed love those high end BB's and a goodrange of tones on this Schecter and good quality for the price, see vid here http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NVj6u5reiX8 [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1377169521' post='2184189'] Yamaha BB1024(x)? Vintage passive tones by the bucketload, looks lovely and cracking build quality. Second hand costs maybe £500-600. Truckstop [/quote] or of course Fender Aerodyne s or jazzers. What ever you get ,make sure it has a bit of thump for when we need it!
  14. There is a good review and comparison of "classic" and "custom" sounds here. I have owned and like both. At the moment I have a custom and marginally prefer the complexity of sound e.g. EMG HZ and 3 band add/cut. Either is a lot of bass for the money. GL with the sale http://gearreviewfinland.com/2013/02/25/review-spector-legend-4-classic-custom/
  15. This cheers me up, Smash it up I say! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1zci07Kono
  16. Hi, I have had 3 Korean Spector's in the past, which all sounded quite different. My favourite was a cherry red one with BEAD tuning and PJ style EMG's which I sold to Lenny B on here (I also bought it from here). Since selling it I have always hankered after another and recently snagged a nice Slate Grey Legend Custom with EMG Hz's, which I like. I am loving playing it so out of curiosity was looking to directly compare the classic and custom models and found this. Very useful vid to compare the different electronics I think Like this: http://altomusic.com/shop/SpectorLegend4StringLimitedEditionCustomSlateGrey_pid102973.am My bass looks like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioPG9A2tW24&feature=player_embedded
  17. This still gets me every time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AVZ6sdmlzA
  18. Indeedy hope it all goes well.
  19. Westie Sold! Others withdrawn
  20. Nope happy for you to arrange collection or can arrange at cost., PM'd
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