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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Bump for Westone still for sale-see start of thread for pics
  2. Thank-you, it is beautiful and since the original post I have started playing it again ...but I still have too many basses so it is still for sale.
  3. Sounds good to me-congratulations, although the guitarist should have platform boots to go with that guitar.! We play our first festival next weekend-a beer and cider festival and we had our first practice with a drummer yesterday On the + side we're first on and get free beer and cider Don't expect a vid
  4. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1373009327' post='2132647'] Can't believe the Panther hasn't sold yet! Hope if goes soon so you can get whatever you're lusting after. A cliché I know, but if it was a 5er..... [/quote] [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1373052171' post='2133320'] Someone buy this please, I'm googling prices for selling kidneys... [/quote] Thanks TR. probably just bad timing. I checked on ebay and the cheapest used Sandberg (ignoring Sandberg designed Corts and their starter range). I may have to resort to that. If I can get my £650 I'll be happy. Strangely since putting this up for sale because I wasn't playing bass I may be playing a bit of bass after all I still need to generate cash though so it has to go.
  5. I have a blonde one of these and love it. Got to lover those hot Texas pups. Goof luck with your sale.
  6. It's passive, no battery space and de-fretted but well done imho. If you want pics send me your email and I'll send them
  7. New options including Esh for sale
  8. What a steal! I can't believe this is still here, such a good looking bass too!
  9. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1372238912' post='2123139'] Lovely looking bass - I presume it does all the stuff Sandbergs are renowned for... [/quote] Yep certainly does, it's not just a looker. It's a serious bit of kit and a nice tactile instrument.
  10. PM replied to..... still for sale
  11. [quote name='John Cellario' timestamp='1371897841' post='2119272'] Free's Andy Fraser is still one on my favourite bass players even now.....some of his lines were so funky and slinky and as Betafunk says, he was so young. [/quote] +1 I was trying "The Stealer" a while back. In practice its trickier to play well than Mr Fraser makes it look. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssZtFzrWSVE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssZtFzrWSVE[/url]
  12. Bumpity, Don't let it get away......Offers?
  13. A very classy looking pointy thing that! Good luck with your sale.
  14. [i]SOLD[/i] The Esh is back up for sale as I need more cash (don't seem to have enough these days ) To be honest I don't know much about it's history but I was told it was produced just before the company changed hands in the early 2000's. The controls and pup set up are unusual. It has 4 pots. One volume, one tone, one with several "[color=red][size=4]Esh[/size][/color]tronic" sound options and one with pickup combinations. With some of the pup combinations you get very little or no tone control due to the [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]preizo (hope I's spelling that right). The other settings use the "[color=red][size=4]Esh[/size][/color]tronic system" and vary the tone quite a lot. with passive/active/recording etc. There are a lot of variations.[/color][/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]The body finish is also interesting. It has a nice flame maple front but the edge has what I believe is a sandblasted finish so that the ash? wood grain stands out. Run you finger down the edge and it feels corrugated. Construction is good and solid. [/color][/font][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828] [/color][/font] one of my lighter basses Here on some pics, PM me if interested [attachment=142755:ESH.JPG] [attachment=142756:ESHbod.JPG] [attachment=142757:ESHhead.JPG] [attachment=142758:EshBK.JPG]
  15. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1369243793' post='2086860'] The Nighthawk basses look the business [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.com/basscat-overview/calt-series/cal-nighthawk-tm"]http://www.sandberg-...al-nighthawk-tm[/url] [/quote] Agreed but it needs a black/ebony fret board to finish it.
  16. I wanted one of these back in 79 GL with the sale
  17. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1366967767' post='2059513'] Well I know I would choose ESH: They look awesome. Incredible build quality. I like the way that the body shapes can look outrageous, but they've kept the woods and colours fairly conservative. They sound incredible. ESH piezo circuit sounds like a DB. No-one else uses them. Ergonomically sound; no dive, nice and light, comfortable on the strap or sitting position. For a handmade bass, good value for money. To buy new, you need to go to Mark at Bassdirect. And he's awesome. Truckstop [/quote] i +1 especially on the sound of the Prezo. I'm playing lead now and keep thinking I need so move some basses on but I'm loathed to move the move on the Esh because of the priezo sounds-so do I move on a Sandberg or my fretless-no no no can't decide. I'm a tormented soul
  18. Congratulations, great looking machine!
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