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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Bump for a price drop-a lot of guitar for £699! It may go up if the one I fancy sells
  2. Well in my limited experience it depends on the individual guitar. The few American models I tried were all good, some were great, The Mexicans were generally pretty good but seemed to vary in terms of set up and lacked the edge of the current USA PUPs I was hoping that you were going to be open to other suggestions as the Sandberg Umbo is my current weapon of choice. Also I played a G&L JB-2 today which seems a nice simple jazzer-stronger sound than the Mexican but a slightly different tone to the American Fenders I thought.
  3. Withdrawn May keep it and I have other priorities at the moment.
  4. An interesting read, thanks for posting. I currently have a couple of Sandbergs and want to sell or exchange one of them so that I can get a TT. I tried a few Sanbergs several times with the intention of buying. Differences between the VM4 (PM4) and TM4 is largely style as they are both very versatile. I tried 2 TM4's, a VM4, an Umbo and a TT4 in a couple of local shops in Bristol. I loved them all. The sound and handling of the TT and Umbo are superb/top class but the others had more sounds so it could be argued that they are more versatile. I also noticed that I could dial in the VM4's to get a sound similar to the TT sound without much trouble and I actually thought the TT was a passive bass until kind assistant pointed out otherwise. To my ears the Umbo has its own personality, probably down to the use of different pickups. I had the money saved up to buy one but then snagged a 2nd hand California Supreme on basschat and with the remaining dosh snapped an Umbo that come up BIN on ebay. My experience since owning them is that I play the Umbo all the time and fiddle around with the California occasionally so the California is up for sale. Its the old trade off of simple verses complicated I guess. They are both great basses so its down to personal preference. Another thing that I noticed was that i preferred one of two identical PM4's. I couldn't figure out why and kept swapping between them and after a while decided there was a subtle difference in the hotness of the pups. The one I preferred had Sandberg rather than Delano PUPs. Nothing wrong with either of them so again its down to personal preference. You did the right thing in trying them out! Congratulations on a nice bass!
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1356965619' post='1915725'] imo.. some basses are worth more to keep them than the selling price... [/quote] True words! and thanks to all for thanks advice and comments
  6. I instantly fell for my P fretless. I wasn't even sure it was what I wanted but the seller offered it to me after I mentioned I was looking for for a fretless on basschat. He had owned it for 16 years because he felt it was *sonically right". I agree and he had it set up right too. Definitely exceeded my expectations. Thanks m8 if your reading this.
  7. Last bump for a while, I have a trade offer I'm interested in and I have been playing and enjoying this bass again so may keep it it that doesn't work out. Would I be happier with its replacement? Probably not Thanks for the interest.
  8. Thanks, last bump. It adds some sounds to my armory and it plays smoothly so I'm now thinking I should count my blessings and keep it.
  9. Still up for sale/trade? just been playing it, it's awesome!
  10. Some worthy trade options so far but bumping again in the hope of a dream bass.
  11. Not exactly bass related but I got an Alesis qx25 midi keyboard. to help me record stuff.
  12. Open to more trade options due to an impending deal on my other guitar.
  13. [quote name='Dr M' timestamp='1356109580' post='1907048'] Fair point with Rickenbacker, Gibson, Gretsch, but I thought basically all Warwicks and Sandbergs were active? Sandberg's website certainly only seems to list one or two models that don't have a preamp. [/quote] Sandbergs come in loads of options or custom builds. Most active Sandbergs have an active/passive switch and I know there are passive only Panthers and Californias-the Umbo is a passive.
  14. [quote name='snazz' timestamp='1356091555' post='1906658'] Can I see a photo of the damage please? [/quote] PM'd
  15. [quote name='dougal' timestamp='1356105345' post='1906950'] Ahh, this did, indeed, used to be mine. Lovely bass. Bought new from the USA, imported when I moved back and traded on here. It's got the asymmetrical neck, piezo, stacked humbucker, excellent pre-amp. [/quote] AAh Dougal, the man who put it it on the Carvin Museum, nice to communicate. Yes lots of nice sound with loads nice of options. Having said that the controls are simple in practise based around a 3 band EQ. I soon found my sound on it. I moved over to 3 5 stringers earlier in the year. The others were TRB1005 and a Spector, this is the one I kept in case I decided to go with 5 but now moving back to 4 strings. I figure I need to learn how to play 4 better rather than switching around.
  16. ooh I should have said, it comes with a nice Carvin fitted case. Thanks for comments.
  17. Some more love here. My favourite bass and one currently up for trade-for another Sandberg hopefully [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/191745-happy-bassday-to-me/page__p__1897543__hl__umbo__fromsearch__1#entry1897543"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1897543[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194483-sandberg-california-supreme-tm4-ft/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Note: there is very little in it between them they are both great basses.
  18. [quote name='mikegatward' timestamp='1355825265' post='1903105'] I have a Panther Special, it looks like the one in this (non-English) link [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?hl=en&safe=active&sa=X&tbo=d&biw=1424&bih=703&tbm=isch&tbnid=vPIN9Uq2sQVLtM:&imgrefurl=http://audiostacja.pl/index.php%3Fle%3Dprodukty%26pr%3Dprodukty%26numer%3D448%26kryterium%3DSANDBERG&docid=f0Sxr3g8S5L8RM&imgurl=http://audiostacja.pl/images/produkty/Sandberg/panther4-special-walnut_large.jpg&w=3072&h=1007&ei=bD_QUJGwLqSd2QXCh4DwDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=956&vpy=216&dur=220&hovh=128&hovw=392&tx=125&ty=71&sig=106406911143356253105&page=1&tbnh=87&tbnw=266&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0,i:132"]http://www.google.co...,r:15,s:0,i:132[/url] [/quote] Thats a nice bass, not sure about sound-see PM Still looking for a JJ or TT with active/passive options
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