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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Thanks, last bump. It adds some sounds to my armory and it plays smoothly so I'm now thinking I should count my blessings and keep it.
  2. Still up for sale/trade? just been playing it, it's awesome!
  3. Some worthy trade options so far but bumping again in the hope of a dream bass.
  4. Not exactly bass related but I got an Alesis qx25 midi keyboard. to help me record stuff.
  5. Open to more trade options due to an impending deal on my other guitar.
  6. [quote name='Dr M' timestamp='1356109580' post='1907048'] Fair point with Rickenbacker, Gibson, Gretsch, but I thought basically all Warwicks and Sandbergs were active? Sandberg's website certainly only seems to list one or two models that don't have a preamp. [/quote] Sandbergs come in loads of options or custom builds. Most active Sandbergs have an active/passive switch and I know there are passive only Panthers and Californias-the Umbo is a passive.
  7. [quote name='snazz' timestamp='1356091555' post='1906658'] Can I see a photo of the damage please? [/quote] PM'd
  8. [quote name='dougal' timestamp='1356105345' post='1906950'] Ahh, this did, indeed, used to be mine. Lovely bass. Bought new from the USA, imported when I moved back and traded on here. It's got the asymmetrical neck, piezo, stacked humbucker, excellent pre-amp. [/quote] AAh Dougal, the man who put it it on the Carvin Museum, nice to communicate. Yes lots of nice sound with loads nice of options. Having said that the controls are simple in practise based around a 3 band EQ. I soon found my sound on it. I moved over to 3 5 stringers earlier in the year. The others were TRB1005 and a Spector, this is the one I kept in case I decided to go with 5 but now moving back to 4 strings. I figure I need to learn how to play 4 better rather than switching around.
  9. ooh I should have said, it comes with a nice Carvin fitted case. Thanks for comments.
  10. Some more love here. My favourite bass and one currently up for trade-for another Sandberg hopefully [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/191745-happy-bassday-to-me/page__p__1897543__hl__umbo__fromsearch__1#entry1897543"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1897543[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194483-sandberg-california-supreme-tm4-ft/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Note: there is very little in it between them they are both great basses.
  11. [quote name='mikegatward' timestamp='1355825265' post='1903105'] I have a Panther Special, it looks like the one in this (non-English) link [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?hl=en&safe=active&sa=X&tbo=d&biw=1424&bih=703&tbm=isch&tbnid=vPIN9Uq2sQVLtM:&imgrefurl=http://audiostacja.pl/index.php%3Fle%3Dprodukty%26pr%3Dprodukty%26numer%3D448%26kryterium%3DSANDBERG&docid=f0Sxr3g8S5L8RM&imgurl=http://audiostacja.pl/images/produkty/Sandberg/panther4-special-walnut_large.jpg&w=3072&h=1007&ei=bD_QUJGwLqSd2QXCh4DwDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=956&vpy=216&dur=220&hovh=128&hovw=392&tx=125&ty=71&sig=106406911143356253105&page=1&tbnh=87&tbnw=266&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0,i:132"]http://www.google.co...,r:15,s:0,i:132[/url] [/quote] Thats a nice bass, not sure about sound-see PM Still looking for a JJ or TT with active/passive options
  12. [quote name='Captain Rumble' timestamp='1355782137' post='1902783'] Do I understand you have given the UMBO a coat of paint ? [/quote] No only joking! I think its perrrfect the way it is.
  13. Thanks Dudi, It is a very nice one. It hasn't left my house since it arrived and I have been recording with it. I'm very lucky to have some really nice basses and tend to play the Umbo as it is equally as nice. you can buy it back if you wish Do you have any pictures you can post as I have lost the lead to my camera? Note: your now making me think I should keep it
  14. [quote name='Captain Rumble' timestamp='1355781570' post='1902764'] You just play the ropey old one now then [/quote] That's the problem I can only play one at a time and the old one old one a coat of paint before I sell it. This link is to pics of the old one. The one for sale is in much better nick http://basschat.co.uk/topic/191745-happy-bassday-to-me/page__p__1866604__hl__new%20bassday__fromsearch__1#entry1866604
  15. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Here we have 1 Carvin XB75p. Great sounding 5 stringer with lots of sound options. A fantastic sounding bass but I have gone back to playing 4 strings so it isn't used. Great wood grain with a Koa top and ebony fret board. This is the guitar featured as "Dougals" on the Carvin Museum site. [url="http://www.carvinmuseum.com/playersgallery/xb75.html"]http://www.carvinmus...llery/xb75.html[/url] It's a long shot but ideally I would like a 4 string Carvin of similar spec. Estimated trade value is £XXX with cash either way. Thanks for looking[/font][/size]
  16. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]A Sandberg California Supreme. It is a creme color and has a ding in the back of the horn-shame as otherwise I would have said it was in excellent condition. A beautiful playing, looking and sounding bass. A top of the Sandberg range California 4 stringer. This is the one tried out and enjoyed by basschatters at the recent SW meeting. Reason for sale? Well I have another Sandberg and this one doesn't get played. See specs here: [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.com/basscat-overview/calt-series/caltmsupreme"]http://www.sandberg-...es/caltmsupreme[/url][/font][/size] For sale or trade. I fancy a change, try me! [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Thanks for looking.[/font][/size]
  17. Pinball

    Guild B302

    Well, I like these old Guilds and can tell you of the ones I ones that I know of. There is one in a shop locally at £895, has been there for ages. In the USA they seem to sell for around $700 Here in the UK there were a few for sale at around £600-700 a few months back that didn't sell but the number for sale at that price suggests that they were selling for that until fairly recently. ooh and there was one dog that sold much cheaper, it had lots of err character! I hope that helps Note: I just noticed that I think this thread is in the wrong place, it needs to be in bass guitars.
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