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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1355503157' post='1899391'] Believe it or not, I actually got mine finished! It's even got me [s]singing[/s] talking on it. [url="https://soundcloud.com/xgsjx/the-santa-job"]https://soundcloud.c...x/the-santa-job[/url] [/quote] Hell yes you are:singing, nice one I do fear for all the girls and boys if your the santaclaus! This is scary, a generation of bass players doing the vocals whatever next!
  2. When is the final entry date? I may put something in, if i can think of something that isn't Christmassy I have a kind of down and out song I'm playing with.
  3. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1354914316' post='1892081'] So here it is, my entry for this months competition. There is a description of the idea and process on the soundcloud page. It has some structure and some elements of aleatoric composition. No harmony and counterpoint this month, tho there are some vocals. It will be interesting to see what you think! [url="https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/degeneration-of-the-penis"]https://soundcloud.c...on-of-the-penis[/url] [/quote] Yep like it, very skilfully dons it rocks and it doesn't go on about Christmas or santa. My kind of entry Note: not a big fan of Christmas. The way I see it It's more about commercial extortion these days, although `i do appreciate time off work
  4. [quote name='bengreen49' timestamp='1355350454' post='1897373'] Think you might have been sent an shop demo. Did you get the cloth and Allen key with it? [/quote] Possible but I suspect that it has been privately owned. The set up was very low, too low for me and there wasn't ant keys, cloths or info. Also annoyingly the selector switch has just developed a crackle-probably dirt. I'll have a look over Christmas.
  5. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1355349846' post='1897361'] I like these too, wonky pickup or not. How much freedom do sandberg give you? If you wanted a P neck would they do it? [/quote] Your asking the wrong person as I haven't dealt with the company directly but I have heard they will give you what you want if your willing to wait for a couple of months.
  6. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1355178229' post='1895187'] Very nice. I'm tempted to get one of these as my next Sandberg, exactly the same as yours but with a maple fingerboard. How are you finding the all passive setup, especially the "secret switch" for quick tone changes? Cheers Gareth [/quote] Hi, the Umbo is a passive bass with specially designed Hausell single coil pickups rather than the usual Sanberg/Delano. They sound great in my opinion. I also have a Sandberg California Supreme so can compare and I like them both but tend to reach for the Umbo because it is light and nice to handle and it is easy to dial in the sound I want. There is a nice introduction given by "Umbo" himself you can search on youtube if you wish. You can also hear it un-tweeked on my sound cloud track "Dave's Brain" (see signature) but make allowances for my playing.
  7. Have a bump, We obviously have similar tastes in basses as I would have bought this a month ago but I already blew my bass fund!
  8. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1355314256' post='1896732'] Rod Clements had a lot to do with it. Bass line on Meet me on the corner especially. [/quote] Cool, A true Gent who had a great ear, he used to run a local folk club for a while in Northumberland and attracted top musicians. I also got invites to a few of his parties way back when I was in my teens. Lindisfarne were an awesome live band, especially when playing in the north east. Alan Hull (the Incredible Hull) was an amazing songwriter.
  9. It took me 40 years to get there but I blame lemmy. I think that after listening to a lot of Hawkwind, at high volume in the early 70's I developed a bass brain. Other influences were Jack Bruce and Andy Fraser. If I can't get "Free" tone out of my bass I'm not happy.
  10. Pinball


    Cool, I'll drink your beer on saturday then... in truth I don't drink much these days...slightly allergic to alcohol these days. See you there though.
  11. Pinball


    [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1354320289' post='1884929'] [color=#222222]If anyone is at the Rock n Blues on the Saturday night, I'm playing in what I believe is the last slot of the night (and apparently the only place where you can get a drink after midnight)![/color] [/quote] Yep me and a mate are going up for the weekend, it seemed good use of my remaining hols-am looking forward to it, see you there maybe. I haven't been to any of these before.
  12. [quote name='Smythe' timestamp='1355043084' post='1893172'] I really like yamaha basses, they are amngst the most playable i have tried. I have a Yamaha TRB1005J and its the best 5 string ive ever played. Its a shame they dont pay more attention to electronics they would be the complete bass brand otherwise... [/quote] Interesting that you said that. I had a really nice TRB1005, I thought it sounded great but it never seemed to have the sound I wanted on a specific recording so I sold it as it was only rarely used. , low and clear a bit like Bartolini's but they should also offer another PU option. Note: I know that If I still had it it would be unused but I still miss it
  13. For me a bass is safe if I'm playing it. I'm not loaded and basses that are just sitting there are a bit of a luxury. That means in theory-because of my needs I should have about 3 or 4 basses and three guitars-I justify the extra bass because I have a fretless. If I was a pro I could maybe justify more.
  14. hmm well if it was me I would be analyzing some of my favorite guitars to try and figure out why they are my favorites e.g. sound/shape/materials, then decide on the sound I was after and take it from there. Then do you want to try and replicate that or do something different?
  15. Sold Len a bass. Recommended as he is a good communicator and straight forward to deal with. Cheers
  16. I was lucky enough to be offered a sonically nice Fender P as my first fretless and have not been tempted to look any further. Just make sure its a nice one and if possible try before you buy is my advice.
  17. I think it depends on the value of the instrument in the first place. If I was saving up for a specific high end bass I wouldn't be looking for one that had been modded because I would expect it to be good in any case. If it was low value then modding may make a big improvement. Simple as that!
  18. ooh is this a competition for the Christmas no 1? expect an X factor offering and in that case I may enter with my own anti establishment offering that has nowt to do with the picture!
  19. Hi, I won't be in this month as I'm finishing off a couple of tracks I have in the pipeline and will then be taking a break. I need to decide if i should continue recording stuff or try and/or find someone to play with live. If I don't it seems to be a bit pointless. I'll watch the competition with interest though.
  20. I played this one, its a bit special in my opinion!
  21. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1354321802' post='1884950'] ^ I'm thinking I might opt for a body shaped like Jimmy Savile's face, with the neck forming a big cigar...thoughts?? ;-) Muchas gracias amigos! [/quote] ewww maybe not, something not worth commemorating methinks! Congratulations.
  22. [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1354208715' post='1883673'] lmfao. Dude its a sin. Your track is really good. I mean they all are but no votes is silly. I want to say best of luck but i dont want it to sound like im taking the pi55 . [/quote] I got one, thanks whoever you are mysterious benefactor you can end it now
  23. [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1354207806' post='1883661'] So when does this whole thing finish? finally. once and for all. lol [/quote] Sorry you can't finish the competition until I have a vote Although I'm looking good for the booby prize!
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