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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1354118110' post='1882284'] I think a few people are newbys at this, i have never produced a track on my own before, all my others have just been adding to a jam session. There are some great very well produced tracks on here. [/quote] I took up guitar almost exactly a year ago after a break of since 1987. I'm pretty much self taught and wrote a few songs back then and wanted to record them. I never played in a band (other than 4 or 5 folk gigs on harmonica and Northumbrian pipes), never recorded anything before this year so I am messing around with Garage band, I didn't pick up a bass until this January so consider myself a novice. The reason I started playing again was to record some of my old songs but I have been writing new ones and am now thinking to myself that I would like to play in a band-just in case anyone knows of one looking in the Bristol area. I have also just booked my 2nd bass lesson If people think that I sound like a pro I'd like to say thinks for the complement. [i]Note: Mind you I haven't got any votes so maybe it shows haahaa[/i]
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1354096121' post='1881907'] My concern was that people could join Basschat expressly to vote for a specfic entrant without listening to all the tracks, or even without listening to the specific entrant's track, in fact! Which I thought unfair and not a level playing field for competition. [/quote] Yeah that's a shame but it is bound to happen, especially when there is a decent prize at stake. As soon as that happens no such thing as fair. That doesn't detract from the fun in making the tracks, high standards of the entries and the generosity of the sponsor. Applause to all! By the way I had two votes-was hoping for more to get beyond last month.
  3. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1354098214' post='1881940'] I noticed in the photo comp the same thing had happened. What a pisser. Lot's of techy probs on BC lately aren't there Anyway, I voted for the same entry I did before. Hopefully the result will be the same. I do think messages need to go in General Discussion, BC FB and Twitter pages explaining the poll reverting to zero votes situation and asking people to recast theirs. Thanks again charic. [/quote] Hi, looks like i missed lots of exciting stuff. Well I can now see the voting but no links to the tracks so can't listen to them.
  4. OK, well I'm off for a short trip and not sure when I will be logging next so GL everyone! Lets hope we all get lots of listens.
  5. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1353636004' post='1876922'] Ok I'm done. Found it tricky deciding how to approach this month's challenge, but settled on a dreary little number about how people can be deceptive, and how when relationships turn to ruin it spoils the memories associated with them - just like it has done with Savile, a once national hero but now a figure of hate (I used to love Jim'll Fix It as a kid…). Anyway, enough of that old bollocks… have a listen: [url="http://soundcloud.com/skollob/bad-riddance"]http://soundcloud.co...ob/bad-riddance[/url] [/quote] Love the sound, well worth waiting for!
  6. Judging by the quality I think the prize this month has inspired people to up there game but I think that we're all learning as a result which is cool.
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1353590304' post='1876335'] Aww guys Of course it would be incredible to win a custom bass, but I can happily say that what I've gained from writing and recording this piece is something that is beyond all the winning and losing and competition. I've made some music that I love, it was enormous fun and very challenging, and frustrating at times. I am 100% better as a musician for it. There is some superb music in this thread that caters to a lot of tastes, someone will win, and they'll fully deserve it Thanks again, you are very kind [/quote] That's what its about!
  8. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1353541212' post='1875983'] Ok! here is my effort. It's been a slog having to do it in small snatches (oo-er). I may possibly remix it if when my ears have settled down tomorrow if i don't like the mix, but might not get time. Its in two parts. It's called Scooby (voo)doo! oh yeah it's a couple of seconds over, is this ok? [/quote] Love this, you manage to cover lots of musical genres. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1353543979' post='1876008'] Ok here's mine. It was FUN! You Can't Touch Me Now (or .. The Day of The Dead Demon Fiddler) [/quote] OMG another great track!
  9. OOh forgot about the Ricky, my first chance to try one and I was impressed. I now understand the attraction. Thanks for bringing it along
  10. Hi, reloaded my entry. Please ensure you link to the right one as I'm off-line for several days from Friday. You can compare the two versions on my account but its the one with "bc" at the end that I want to enter. The reverb, vocal and echoes are better. Competition entry is here: http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1/love-rat-bc Thanks for the advice.
  11. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1353383405' post='1874487'] It's a Spector NS2000 Q5, the model that preceeded the Legend. Very similar spec though IIRC. [/quote] I think you lumped two models together there. I had an NS20005 (great guitars) and this is different and a Q5. See link: [url="http://www.spectorbass.com/about/model_years_4P.html"]http://www.spectorba...l_years_4P.html[/url]
  12. Lots there to admire, the Blue P hit the spot for me, as did the Leviinson. Your Sandberg was great Captain, the Hamer sounded massive, the Yamaha was nice and the fretless were all were gorgeous, the overwater and your Squire-Ithe list goes on. don't think I played an instrument I didn't like. My only regret is that I didn't get to the corner to try the Fenderbird or Joes basses
  13. It looks like it would be cheaper to buy an older version and then upgrade.
  14. Thanks. I'll check out Studio.
  15. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1353348531' post='1874070'] If you happen to get bored of it in the meantime though... I'm only round the corner! Definitely beats all the Fender jazz's I've played which would actually put it at number 1 in all of the basses I've played. [/quote] Wow thanks, I knew you rated it high but thats amazing. I have to say that also rate it up there. It almost wasn't mine after the meeting as Captain Rumble bought the case it was in and thought the guitar may be included-nice try!
  16. [quote name='Captain Rumble' timestamp='1353345343' post='1874003'] You should'nt have worried did you see the tatty old Sandberg that Pinball bought with him Dont know why he bothered [/quote] I noticed there weren't any pictures of it-too old and tatty. Never mind if it made everyone feel superior with there shiny basses thats a good thing The smartest thing about it was the case and I don't have that anymore! Maybe I'll smarten it up with a lick of paint for the next one me-thinks!
  17. OK thanks, horses for courses! I'll just check around and see what I can find.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1353331597' post='1873679'] Your audio may also suffer from compression artefacts which will not only reduce sound quality but can cause other problems, such as a perceived difference in mix levels compared to your original master: [/quote] OK I'll check that out. I spent a lot of time EQ'ing this time and didn't really notice benefits. Is thee are argument for keeping it simple to keep the file sizes down?
  19. Thanks. I can't remember what I did but will know for the next time. May revisit it.
  20. Hi, I use garage band and am looking to upgrade to Logic. My question is which one? Is there much difference between Logic 8 and Logic 9, then there is Logic Studio? Logic express? I don't expect that my needs are complex as I'm using a simple interface and normally record one track at a time. My logic for picking logic is that it should tie in with all my existing mac software pretty easily. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  21. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1353327598' post='1873595'] Just working on a final mix. Unsure how loud to make it - some of the entries so far look like they've been squished for every ounce of volume, and the devil on my shoulder says do the same... while the angel on my other is pleading for me to preserve the dynamics and not squish it down to a flat sausage shape. I hate this last stage of making a track! Decisions, decisions... [/quote] Hmm that's interesting, I'm not entirely happy with my track because I seemed to loose some of the atmosphere when uploaded to itunes/soundloud-by that I mean stereo effects of the echoes and the balance between vocals don't stand out as well as they do in the masters. Any advice on that?
  22. As others have said, thanks for organisers and to you all for bringing such fine gear. So much there to like, I loved some of the home builds and bitzas. All of the instruments I tried were excellent, which just re-enforced to me how each guitar is an individual and that you have to look further than the name tag. There were many that I would love to have played more. It would be nice to finish up with a list of who brought which instruments.
  23. [quote name='Captain Rumble' timestamp='1353188565' post='1872659'] just make sure you bring that UMBO [/quote] It shall be done! Even though I need to raise the action a bit for my taste it may suit others..
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