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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Not sure if there is space in the car for this but if anyone wants it I (we) can try and bring it. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192244-aluminium-bass-case/page__fromsearch__1
  2. Hi, I have a "Rockcase by Warwick" universal aluminium bass case. It has the usual marks and stickers but is well up the the job of keeping you bass intact. No keys sadly. Not sure what a fair price is so £50 or nearest offer A robust bit of kit to keep your bass safe. Surplus to requirements. Collection only from Bristol
  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1353165423' post='1872309'] Interesting opener! [i]"Hey girls, keep your manholes covered"[/i]. Nice playing and groove throughout. It's got a kind of 70s feel that I really like. Cool backing vox too - you sing a great falsetto [/quote] haahaa yes thanks, It was fun to make. I had to look it up as I thought a falsetto was a type of Italian tomato! I practice with my cat like this every day. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqqQXbPIoeU[/media] More seriously I was wondering why it sounded retro and two things came to mind: 1. The selection of Drum kit in EZ Drummer (in the past I often used electronic kits) 2. Because I use (often prefer) passive driven guitars rather than actives. Also I'm no spring chicken myself and it is a retro style song. I like the result-which isn't always the case with my own stuff. Note: the complement on playing are appreciated as I'm working hard on my playing.
  4. Here's my entry. Hope you like it. http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1/love-rat
  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353056133' post='1870942'] oh f***! i just realised i have nothing to create a drum beat with other than apple loop... [/quote] I used a box of slug pellets as a shaker last month-thinks out loud maybe that is why I didn't win haahaa
  6. Some interest but till here amazingly!
  7. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1352714768' post='1866330'] Ok chaps, Jo Burt ex Sabbath, Queen, Freddie Mercury and others, will be coming to the bash. He's a nice chap and has some great road trip stories. I thought, if people were interested, Jo might have 20 mins to share some stories and answer any questions any if us have about working with some Divas! I've asked him to bring along a bass or two that had some "stories". [/quote] That's great, did Jo play bass or guitar with those bands?
  8. I should have something finished soon. The track is finished except for some vocal tweaks and the ending-like how do I end it? Not sure what you guys will think but I'm pretty happy with it. Should be up by the weekend as I'll be travelling when voting starts..
  9. I think this a bargain so probably the market! Have a bump1
  10. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1352732749' post='1866660'] One of the pickups is wonky too... [/quote] No problem I'm onto it, now where's my screwdriver? Still enjoying the Carvin BTW.
  11. W[quote name='Captain Rumble' timestamp='1352732361' post='1866649'] You just have to bring that with you on Sunday and dont give us any crap about small cars either errr please [/quote] Oooh dunno, what if it gets damaged?
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1352731300' post='1866625'] aww that actually looks nice, they had a white one with white scratchplate in a local shop to me a while back - i couldn't stand the sight of it - but that looks great! [/quote] What do do mean-as if there was any doubt that it would be lovely. When I picked it up this morning I insisted on unpacking it to make sure that it wasn't damaged. You should have seen the jaws drop when I took it out of its case. One important point is that it sounds great IMHO.
  13. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1352727607' post='1866557'] Beautiful bass, but... Seriously?! [/quote] haahaa naah not seriously!
  14. Congratulations. It looks a beast. Like the Terminator of the bass world!
  15. Thanks, I'm off work today so am putting it through its paces. I'm not sure what you mean by some of the comments-I If you mean it doesn't look new I was assured it was like new. That is just Sandberg's famous aged finish. They really go for it and have even given one of the pots a slight crackle!
  16. New bass day so thought I would share my joy. It's a Sandberg Umbo, BIN off Spanish ebay. It plays and sounds great. Like new and not a mark on it so I'm I'm a happy boy! [attachment=123601:Umbo.JPG][attachment=123598:Umbo BK.JPG][attachment=123600:Umbo H.JPG] [attachment=123599:Umbo Fr.JPG][attachment=123597:Umbo Age2.JPG][attachment=123596:Umbo age.JPG]
  17. This is a great thread-very interesting.
  18. Thanks, plays exceptionally well. I'm really forced into selling because I have had a number of incoming basses. A nice one to get stuck with if it doesn't sell-maybe I'll end up selling something else instead..
  19. Bump, back to cash sale only as I have 3 to many basses! Offers?
  20. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1352647027' post='1865527'] And already the quality is so high it will be hard to vote for one let alone compete against you all! I'm starting mine now... but you've all raised the bar here so it'll be tough! [/quote] +1
  21. You can't do worse that last time-nothing to loose!
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