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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. A quick and smooth international transaction. +1 happy punter
  2. My thanks to you guys too. I am very happy with our deals.
  3. [quote name='fretlessguy' timestamp='1351368243' post='1850644'] As far as ABGs go, I cannot tolerate the bright phosphor strings. Too much finger noise and way too twangy. I prefer light gauge flats or tapewounds for less stress on the soundboard. Be sure, especially with the tapes, that they can fit through the bridge if that is how they are installed on your bass. The acoustic basses with the big bridge pins are not usually a problem for thick tapewounds, but you might need to enlarge the slots in the nut. My current acoustic bass is a Carvin AC40 fretless with Fender tapes. Sounds wonderful. [/quote] Good advice I hadn't thought about strings fitting an acoustic style bridge. Nice guitar you have there. I have only ever seen it in pictures.
  4. I saw them two weekends in a row at Knebworth in "79", to he honest I wasn't that into them. Punk was fresh and made them seem outdated then and I was more interested in like Led Zeppelin. Those were the days!
  5. Are they really children? Its too mechanical for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSedE5sU3uc&feature=endscreen
  6. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1351280685' post='1849761'] I REALLY don't like the scratchplates, but it looks brilliant without them! lovely bass [/quote] +! and a very useful pickup combo. I would have been after this if I didn't have a Sandberg in the pipeline already.
  7. I think they sound great but I have had a Schecter, 3 Spectors and a Dean with active EMG's and would swear that they sounded pretty similar. I would have imagined that the guitar construction/make would have made them sound more different but there you go! Two had brass nuts which made them sing a bit differently but not much. You live and learn.
  8. Thanks, Re: Volume? There seems to consensus that acoustics need a boost!
  9. I love the sound from these basses, I played a new one a few times and it hits the spot for me-no space though. Good luck with the sale!
  10. Interesting Crafter comments.. Mine is a great looking 5 string that plays well. Maybe I got lucky. There is another thread on the go that also highlights the problems people have getting acoustic basses to cut through the mix without amplification. Horses for courses!
  11. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1350942192' post='1845498'] I do love the feel of that Ed, nice track. Your link's broken so here's the right one: [url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1/supersonic"]http://soundcloud.co...ic-1/supersonic[/url] [/quote] Thinks for sorting me out and for the comments.
  12. ooh here you go, a bit minimalist as its me, a bass guitar and a box of slug pellets! [url="http://soundcloud.com/you/tracks?q=supersonic"]http://soundcloud.co...ks?q=supersonic[/url]
  13. Congratulations on your new bass! Yep they got it right with the Standards.I was avoiding the P basses until I picked an oldie up 2nd hand recently and I now love it. I imagined I needrd more pickup and sound options but in practice it makes the sounds I want. The same applies to the new ones as recently I found myself comparing everything in a shop to the Fender Standards. Why because they hit the spot for me!
  14. Maybe hate is too string but I am disappointed with many of the newer medium/low-end Ibanez and Peavey basses I have tried recently. They seem to have perfected the ability to take good wood and electronics and then carve it all away until they are the size of a wooden spoon????? Also someone send Peavey some lemon oil so that they can oil their rosewood fret boards before they send them out, the ones I tried felt dry and rough. Note: I like some of their basses, which makes it even more annoying because I know they can make decent stuff!.
  15. I struggle to get enough volume from my Crafter without an amp, which in turn makes my crappy technique even worse. The result is horrible so I have come to the conclusion that I need a small amp. It's ether that or dig out a pick and rattle them frets to death! It doesn't need to be big amp so its not a big deal.
  16. Thanks everyone, sound quality has to be the no.1 concern I think. When I need to change them I'll try something different
  17. Hi, I have a fretted Crafter elecro/acoustic 5 stringer that plays very well. It has nice bright phosphor bronze strings on it, that are maybe a bit too bright for me. Are there any other options equivalent to flats/half rounds or nylon? Will nylon work with a fretted bass? I have only ever seen them on un-fretted basses so assumed they would wear out to quick? Also would they be too quiet? Any advice would be much appreciated.
  18. One of the nicest sunburst combinations I have seen. Enjoy!
  19. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1350775502' post='1843467'] Here's a list of names culled from this thread.[b] It would be useful to say if you are still interested and add your name if its not on the list please?[/b] CraigplaysBass gafbass02 Evilundead Dominsomerset jimrs2k Tommyk Rasta 0175Westwood29 BottomE Thor Deaver Capt Rumble Mornats Pinballer [/quote] There you go two more added, travelling from south of Bristol. Potentially bringing "stuff", once we see what your short of.
  20. Does iyt matter as long as your enjoying yourself? I travelled in the other direction. I play guitar and picked up a bass to record stuff at home and love it!
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