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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Mornats approach is good. I would just add that if you get e newish Mac the latest editions of Garage band comes free and is excellent. It also takes most plug ins like EZ drummer and works with Logic if you want to upgrade. I took the simple approach and bought a Roland Tri-capture interface unit, that is great as it does what I want simply. You would need a more complex unit it recording a band rather than individual instruments. I was also on a budget and taking this approach allowed me the financial freedom to buy a decent mike and other equipment. I have a £30 cheap and cheerful Akai midi keybourd from Maplins that is worth a look. Hope that helps
  2. [quote name='Ashwood1985' timestamp='1346526908' post='1790309'] Interesteing to hear of stickiness. Do you guys mean a feeling similar to the natural friction you get with flats? I tend t whack fast fret on my LaBellas if I need to play some quickish lines. [/quote] I did a quick search on the D's as I was about to buy some. There are some cool promo vids but on the flip side there were some forum comments that suggested they were disappointing in terms of sound and rough after the grinding process, rougher than rough steel rounds in fact. That's why I posted here before buying and the comments above suggest that others have similar experiences.
  3. The guitar currently sounds good and has really old strings on. They look like some sort of half round and have been cleaned up and turned over already. In theory they should sound dead but they sound OK so hopefully it will sound lively enough with the status strings. If not I'll just put rounds on. So many variables there is only one way to find out I guess. Thanks
  4. OK thanks, very useful. I have ordered up the Status as advised.
  5. I find this guy an inspiration. I'm off to buy a cheap blonde bass and a tin of black spray paint to make one of these. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/185120-fodera-emperor-deluxe-5/page__fromsearch__1
  6. Hi I have been using Earnie Balls or rotosounds on my basses but want to put something a little less bright on my new acquisition. Has anyone had tried the D'addario half rounds? If so will they do what I want? Note: I'm on a budget and if suggesting alternatives its a long scale, 5 string bass so string choice is limited. Any advice is much appreciated.
  7. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346356521' post='1788355'] Mahogany Rush as a first gig!! You RRRRROCK! Probably Paul Harwood on bass. I saw them at Port Vale football ground supporting Motorhead - Ozzy was on the bill with Randy Rhodes and Rudy Sarzo on guitar and bass respectively. My first was Gillan with John McCoy on bass, Bernie Torme on guitar, Colin Towns, keys, and Mick Underwood on drums. Support were two bands called Quartz and White Spirit, the latter having a young Janick Gers (now Iron Maiden) on guitar. [/quote] Haa I wondered if anyone would remember Mohogany Rush. Being my first concert I was pretty blown away. I went to see them because I was into Hendrix and Hawkwind when at school. Most of the early gigs I saw were at Newcastle city hall or the swallow hotel. Thanks for spelling Gillan correctly, so long ago I couldn't remember how to spell it.
  8. Probably a band called Mahogany Rush, closely followed by Lindisfarne, ACDC and Rainbow, Ian Gillan, Hwrkwind, Alex Harvey and then a whole bunch at Knebworth including Led Zep.
  9. Thanks for the replies, I may have mislead you a bit they look a sort of aqua/bluish in the day light. I quite like them even though they are dead. I'll maybe have to be creative with their replacements. The fact that they are old means new ones won't sound the same anyway I guess. They have to be a brand that makes extra long scale strings-do Carvin have their own brand maybe?
  10. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1345671812' post='1780421'] Well thanks to Conan I am the new owner of the bass mentioned above I can 2nd his comments. It is a beautiful XB75P and is well made piece of kit. In size shape and string spacing it is pretty similar to my TRB 1005. My TRB is a monster which I like a lot but I have to admit that the Carvin handles and feels better and is lighter. First play just confused me as with 6 Knobs, a selector switch and a passive option. In fact it is a straightforward system, with some extras. Basically its Master volume (pops up for passive option), Pan/blend-between jazz and humbucker, a dual or single pick-up selector switch and active hi, med and low knobs. The "extras" is a pan/Blend to mix in the Piezo and magnetic pickups. See link: [url="http://www.carvinguitars.com/manuals/P-SERIES.pdf"]http://www.carvingui...ls/P-SERIES.pdf[/url] Its apparent that the pups have a wide range of sounds. They have plenty pop and the passive mode is most welcome. That little bit of knowledge of the controls helps tremendously to get the most out of it. It is by far the most versatile bass I have owned. Only time will tell if it will be the one I reach for first. [/quote] Just to finish the above now that I have it set up for me: As previously mentioned it has a lot of useful tones. In comparison to my Dean and Spector, the sounds are more "woody". It definitely has its own sound and character-probably due to the Carvin electronics, which is a good thing I think. The pickups are more sensitive than I'm used to and overall have good tone and power. As I mentioned above you can certainly get plenty of "pop" if required and the wide string spacing allows easy slapping. All of the strings, including the potentially sloppy "B" feel right and the sound is very even across them. The Peizo option is interesting. If you use it on its own you loose some of the EQ range. Its good for quieter rather than rocky styles of play. I read that it sounds like an acoustic bass. I can hear what they meant but wouldn't go that far. Useful for recording purposes and even better on frettless basses I would think. For my uses I only use a small amount blended with the magnetic PUPS, or none at all. My Favourite sounds? When active I turn bass and treble turned right up and the mids turned down. Like this you can pan between and blend pickups and everything sounds good. In passive I find the front single J pup gives a sound close to a Fender Jazz. This is great for me as I don'r have another passive option in my armoury. Overall a good package, a real "looker", nice and light for its size and gives lots of creative options. This bass has been up for sale before on Basschat. You can see it here, It is 2nd one down and listed as Dougal's: [url="http://www.carvinmuseum.com/playersgallery/xb75.html"]http://www.carvinmus...llery/xb75.html[/url] I'm now trying [u]not[/u] to look at any more basses and pondering over which strings to fit, as I want to make the most of the natural tones of the guitar. Thanks for the selling me it Conan!
  11. Sorted thanks, I got one from ebay for a couple of quid. Very well made but it still needed a bit of grinding away to get it to fit.
  12. Hi, just wondering if anyone can help me identify some strings. They are on a Carvin 5 string I recently bought and although they look pretty old, have been turned and they still sound pretty good. They have brass stops at one end, green binding at the other and are extra long. Probably in the 40-45/125-130 range. Any help would be much appreciated as I like to know what I'm playing.
  13. I was in PMT yesterday in Bristol and someone demonstrated the Roland V bass sythesizer. I'm sorry but all your pedals are obsolete and old fashioned. It replaces all your band mates, can do anything, make tea, make love you name it! Here it is [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/roland-vb-99-bass-synth/33679"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/roland-vb-99-bass-synth/33679[/url] Having said that my small mind couldn't handle the vast new sound-scape so after about 5 mins I wondered off and tried out a Fender Jazz. That was much more fun. <luddite! Seriously If I wasn't at work all day I would love to have one.
  14. Good thought, I thought about that "make you own precision truss rod tool approach" but failed to find a socket in my gianormous odd shaped socket box that would fit. Hopefully the magic"tool" will arrive tomorrow!
  15. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1346101563' post='1785375'] Now that would have been punk! [/quote] Its not punk, It's "lock and loll" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfsSyZFtIvQ
  16. aww come-on you have to admire his determination. Most would either have given up or sobered up by the 3rd swing!
  17. Answer Build quality! Fender owners look away now. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14aau3vj9cM[/media] The bass player died soon after his bass. The band Guitar Wolfe had were a success, and starred in a film called Wild Zero. Neither band or film were for the faint hearted.
  18. Need an of cheeriness! More cheery music please and the rainy day thread took me to far down. Got to love their easy to learn dance moves. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB1LI9j2btc&feature=related[/media]
  19. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1346060318' post='1784534'] why why why, would I want to listen to something that makes me feel even more down? what is needed is cheer up songs [/quote] AAh that sounds like the follow up thread I wish I hadn't started it now, its getting dreary, I prefer aggressive dreary
  20. Thanks for the heads up looks like the conversion system I used rounded it up dooh!
  21. Hi, its rainy, its a bank holiday and I have to work. What music do you find brings you "down" so much that it hurts? I'll start us off with one that I find hard to handle. 1st up Johnny cash. I find it so depressing but I love it and can only bear to listen to it occasionally. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp4UI_FxGLE[/media] Garbage (I love em) have lots of tracks that fit the bill. I wanted to put up Fix me now but there isn't a decent video so this will do seeing as its raining here. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esEdC0c3YI4[/media] I would love to hear more music to add to my mysery
  22. Brilliant sorted. I ordered one offof ebay 6mm=1/4 according to the conversion Thanks for the help and offer of a loan, much appreciated.
  23. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1345924349' post='1783287'] Trade for a Cabbage ... I'll have it! [/quote] I'll raise you, 2 cabbages! Sorry that's not helping sell it is it? I'll stop bidding.
  24. Hi, I need to get a 1/4 hex box truss rod tool as soon as possible. I have been searching around locally and google shopping etc but have drawn up a blank. I also visited a local luthier but he couldn't help. I was wondering if any kind basschatters could help by either selling or loaning me one for a few days. Anyway just to show they do exist there are some here ob US ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120960548094?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_963wt_1165 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360481698556?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Any help would be much appreciated.
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