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Everything posted by Pinball

  1. Looks a great bargain, GL with the sale
  2. Schecter know how to make guitars, 3 out of the 4 of the leads I own are Schecters (4th is a Peerless semi-acoustic) and I have no desire to change them. I discovered them by accident in PMT in Bristol. Their market is mainly rock and metal but the top of the range from the mid 2000's were amazing and capable of handling almost anything-fantastic clean sounds and sustain. They are a bit like Warwick and Spector in that they have solid budget ranges, plus great higher priced and custom shop instruments.Their basses are capable too but I think the bass market is more specialist.
  3. Hmm I know exacly where your coming from, I sold all my lead guitar pedals and replaced them with 1 boss pedal. For bass I'm don't use as wide a variation and am really happy with 3 or 4 individual pedals. They satisfy my needs so I guess it depends on what type of music you play..
  4. Liked it, thanks for sharing. I am also on the Schecter forum and so quite a few posts of similar sound yours stands out. I think your vocals are particularly strong.
  5. Cool thanks, well your welcome to come over and bring yours if your free this week. I'll PM you. I'm much happier now as since my trip and the replies on theis post I have a number of leads to follow. Then I can get back to playing basses rather than thinking aout them.
  6. [quote name='Sambrook' timestamp='1344268865' post='1762005'] Thanks Outshined, for the reassurance. When we discovered the holes, my wife banished the bass to the shed, for fear of infestation! [/quote] Sounds like you have one of the unique semi-hollow ones, could be worth more?
  7. One of the best graphic art packages I have seen. I'm not normally a fan but do like that.
  8. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1344126103' post='1760262'] Never too satisfied with just playing bass! Playing much more acoustic guitar nowadays, mainly for songwriting and such. Usually having a mess around in Ableton as well, I'm a big electronica fan without the time or patience to really properly apply myself at learning the skills necessary to create that kind of music! [/quote] +1 here, I didn't get the electronic scene for a long time but am totally there now!
  9. Well I'm back after a nice afternoon trying out a few basses. That cheered me up lots as it'st is much better trying them rather than looking at them on the screen. Played the yamaha 425x for ages. Very suable passive bass with a good sound. I tried a slightly cheaper yamaha bass that looked similar but the drop off in sound quality and sustain. I like the "X" a lot but.....not sure it's going to satisfy me longer term. I made the mistake of playing a couple of Sandberg California's, one Jazz (passive?) and one active humbuckier. They spoiled it because I now want one of those haahaa. I guess to some extent you get what you pay for. I had a great time and played for almost a couple of hours. Then an eight year old kid came in with his dad and started slapping with a Gibson. He was aswome/much better than me and had a louder amp than me so I thought it best to make a retreat I think I'll just chill till the right one comes along! Thanks for the feedback so far.
  10. Thanks Conan, see reply. Peavy Cirrus? Good thought s I always think they look great (I have a soft spot for Peavy-1st bass). I tried one and one of the Ibanez SR series about 6 weeks back and they didn't feed my need. Re: getting hung up on 35" scale-point taken you may be right. That came from having two Spector Legend 4's when I got the 2nd one as a swap. I couldn't figure out why I preferred one over the other as they appeared identical. It turned out that one was 35 and the other 34. I am very wide shouldered and the 35 felt like it was mine and built for me and the other didn't. Of course that may only be true for Spectres but my other basses are also 35's also so I suspect that inch makes a difference for me.
  11. I'm driving myself nuts with this. Do I need another bass? No as I already already have the three a TRB1005, Spector Legend 4 and Dean Improv 5. Do I want another bass? Hell yes I'm excited about the prospect and my bass fund is rising and I'm looking to spend between £300-500. Limiting factors are that I seem happier with a 35" scale and don't like tight string spacing. Also I want something that will add sounds to my bass armoury. I'm not really into travelling down the fender route. I have never really been into the look of standard Fender and MM that much but don't rule them out totally I was thinking of a 2nd hand Spector 5 but that feels like I'm wasting an opportunity to try out something new. I love the G&L tributes or maybe a Cort GB75 would do but they are both 34"scale. I tried a yamaha bb425x that I tried recently and found that nice to play. What else am I left with? Overwater or BTB maybe? Anyway I'm sick of looking at guitar stats so I'm off to a shop to try a few. Any suggestions of an interesting good value bass would be much appreciated! 2nd hand preferred.
  12. Cool, sounds to me like the hunger is still there and my experience is that it never really goes. I just started playing again after a break since around 1986. Since then so much has changed e.g. home recording, youtube, instrument and gear design. Enjoy your freedom to do the things you never had time to do.
  13. Yep, doing all sorts of stuff here. Nothing live but i'm trying my hand at recordng, playing guitar, singing, bass, songwriting all in the comfort of my own home. I even make a few noises on a keybourd. I have never played any of it live but I would love to get some feedback so please check out my soundcloud account. Honest feedback on what you think would be much appreciated-especially bass I'm still learning. I have been looking at vids on youtube. [color=#000000] [/color][color=#0000CD][url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1"][color="#0f72da"]http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1[/color][/url][/color] I'm enjoying bass the most though as deep down I think I have a "bassbrain". I blame Jack Bruce and Lemmy as I used to listen to a lot of Harwkwind and Cream when I was at school.
  14. The big price rises aren't a problem to me as a non-prefessional I would not buy a bass for 2k! If its for tax reasons fair enough but otherwise there is loads of choice out there.
  15. as Blackadder said "cunningly fashioned out of pure green".
  16. Neat, I liked your soundcloud stuff. Lots of energy. It would be good if you can shout out which\when you have tracks made with a Warwick.
  17. My latest effort! I got a helper this time. My friend Amy did some backing vocals. http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1
  18. [quote name='gavgee' timestamp='1338834410' post='1679851'] Heres my new project, starting vocals, then some better mixes.... [url="http://soundcloud.com/gavgee"]http://soundcloud.com/gavgee[/url] [/quote] Loved this Gav!, let me know if you want any lyrics written for some of your stuff. It inspires me!
  19. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1343378705' post='1749689'] Last year I was gigging my Thumb 4 with a punk/reggae band and it didn't look or sound out of place at all. Sure it doesn't look like a Fender but it's not an outrageous shape and the body has an understated grain rather than a flashy figured top. You can wear a Thumb to any gig I reckon. [/quote] Agreed, I think the Spector and Warwick shapes are well established. The don't get that embedded in "bass culture" without a good reason.
  20. Interesting, I can understand people not liking them because of the shape or the natural sound of an instrument but to not like all of the various Warwicks seems extreme. Any brand with character seems to polarise opinion e.g. Harley Davidson Motor Cycles Having strong characteristics is good in terms of creating a brand and catching peoples attention. I guess that is why I started this post.
  21. lovely but a bit OTT for my tastes
  22. What an opportunity, unfortunately your speaking to a man on a budget here and I would have to sell all my gear and take out a loan to get there. your bad! When I'm famous I'll come along to the next one. I could visit the Stern Pinball factory while I was in the US If I don't make it could you send me a nice 5 string LX once its over? A great invite..thanks!
  23. wow thanks, thats almost worth the trip on its own. Much appreciated.
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