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  1. Saw this on youtube and quite enjoyed the ride. Doesn't qualify as fresh - but it is me on synths and bass and there's no harm in plugging a record you can't buy anymore... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeUeMXCL0jA&feature=related"]Sugarplums[/url] don't be too harsh it was a long time/smoke ago... ;-) ttfn
  2. quite a few of 'em round [url="http://www.punkcast.com/"]here[/url] I imagine... ttfn
  3. listen to the rhythm of the range - roy rogers ttfn
  4. Roger Sadowsky's 'discovery' and subsequent support is a stroke of marketing genius. She's your daughter/sister/girl-next-door and you just 'want to get to next to her' ;-) I can see the appeal to young turks and middle aged men immediately. All those yummy Raphaelian curls. Interested to see how Rogers NYC and Metro sales fare in the next few months/years. A very shrewd move - none of this detracts from what is obvious TALENT. Having said that I'm not a fan of widdly jazz, Pastorious being the only exception for me - he had soul. When her name started to rise in the ether I had a quick listen to a couple of tracks on her web site and stopped after a few bars. Just doesn't speak to me :-( I wish it did - but I've just spent the morning listening to Prestia so what do I know? ttfn
  5. [quote name='Snakey Lane' post='379802' date='Jan 13 2009, 10:50 PM']Hi, does it matter if you play down each column or across each row in turn? Thanks.[/quote] doesn't matter alternate - once you've got a feel for them turn it on its head and use the fingering to 'spider' across all strings on E string start 1st finger on 5th fret (A) 2nd finger on A string 6th fret (D#), 3rd finger on D string 7th fret (A) 4th finger on G string 8th fret (D#) flip it 1st finger on G string 5th fret © 2nd finger D string 6th fret (G#) and so on back to E string 4th finger © just don't screw up your hands you won't get another pair that work as well in this life time :-) ttfn
  6. try [url="http://www.diytools.co.uk/diy/Main/ShopCategory2.asp?sQuery=TB_ALL050"]here[/url] ttfn
  7. does this [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=37524&st=0#entry378691"]this[/url] help... ttfn
  8. Title edited to avoid labelling. Here are three links to resources that have improved my playing and will hopefully do the same for you... I started when I was 11 and at 44 .... the further you go the less you know! I have no association with or connection to any of these sites. The views of the site owners and contributprs do not and should not be considered a reflection my own. Do not post me with reference to them I will not respond. If you choose to contact the individuals/site owners please do so with courtesy and respect. I can tell you with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY they improved my playing - I used them in the following way: For general left and right hand technique: [url="http://www.adamnitti.com/lessons.shtml"]Adam Nitti[/url] Dave Marks has a good vid re the one-finger-per-note mantra - exercises are just that how you play a piece of music may differ out of necessity don't feel bound to any one technique or method. I learned double thumbing from this video ALONE - if you haven't seen it before - once you're over the initial shock of the first half - focus and use the second half of the vid: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAs0IBmBiOk&feature=channel"]MarloweDK[/url] A superb resource for transcriptions - some of the pieces you want to be able to play are here - don't concern yourself with your own ability to read or not sometimes just being able to look at a piece of music and follow the notes as you listen even if your not sure what it all means can be a good starting point: [url="http://www.lucaspickford.com/"]Lucus Pickford[/url] This text file is based on Adam Nittis exercises and I use this as a general warm-up - [attachment=18620:fingerex.txt] Please do READ accompanying notes. With reference to the potential for damage to that most fexible of tools the human hand [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulnar_nerve"]Ulnar-nerve[/url] and... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Portnoys-Complaint-Philip-Roth/dp/0099399016/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1231840977&sr=8-2"]for teenagers young and old[/url] see what a difference the light makes ... hope this all helps ttfn
  9. Sorry folks in light of the recent announcements re terms and conditions (in particular section 6© ) and since I can't be sure where some of these came from originally I've removed them to avoid any potential problems for the owners of basschat.co.uk Here we go: [attachment=21808:77_0047.mp3] [attachment=18425:84_3205.mp3] [attachment=22743:92_1602.mp3] [attachment=18427:94_8302.mp3] [attachment=18426:85_3741.mp3] [attachment=23482:95_3324.mp3] [attachment=23147:96_1666.mp3] [attachment=21809:98_5649.mp3] [attachment=18465:98_9686.mp3] [attachment=18467:100_3471.mp3] [attachment=18431:103_3361.mp3] [attachment=18466:119_3.mp3] [attachment=18428:123_8155.mp3] [attachment=21855:137_4259.mp3] ttfn
  10. [quote name='MythSte' post='374494' date='Jan 8 2009, 09:52 PM']Okay, im gonna get cracking on a few now. Im just going to keep them as drum loops and make them a bit longer, it annoyed me for hours trying to work out how to loop the small clips![/quote] which ones were you having a problem with? I'm going to be posting more so if there's something in particular let me know. ttfn
  11. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='374333' date='Jan 8 2009, 07:22 PM']Please leave it up ped.[/quote] I'm sure Ped is open to any and all suggestions and won't be offended. As one of the few people contributing to support this forum I think I've earned my two cents worth ;-) leave it up! ttfn
  12. - the stuff I've posted was intended thus: a - if you have nothing else to play along with, drum machine, that bloke Phil Allgaps that hangs around other musicians...etc this might do until something better comes along b - a starting point from which new rhythm's can emerge.. and 3 - genuine 'feels' (albeit only for however many beats/bars in the loop) played by original funky drummers - most of the stuff is from the 70's - it will improve the groove but is no replacement for Phil. I liked musematts line over the 'Scorpio' break... Perhaps a competition might get a bit of interest going - pick a loop; record a lick; post your efforts; vote; win a basschat t-shirt...? just MTCW BTW the letter b keeps going uppercase and turning into a smiley when I put a ) next to it - is that supposed to happen? ttfn
  13. 1982 = vintage? ttfn
  14. [quote name='cjbassguy' post='370579' date='Jan 5 2009, 06:01 AM']thanks for all the comments, help is very appreciated. i think when i get my BADASS II on this week ill leave it with my personal tech and let him play it for a while. If there is no problems within a reasonable amount of time then its just me. If its him too, ill know im not crazy [/quote] don't laugh but a friend of mine with red hair used to have terrible problems with sweat and strings on his guitar.. not suggesting this applies to your situation just MTCW ttfn
  15. [url="http://www.fpl.fs.fed.us/documnts/fplgtr/fplgtr113/fplgtr113.htm"]If you really want to crowd your mind!![/url] ttfn
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