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Everything posted by Bassdriver

  1. Asking a decent singer with good pitch to sing in E while you're all playing tuned down to D is not going to get great results.
  2. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1349631130' post='1828475'] Try playing with a keys player or a horn player(or anyone that isn't a guitarist) and referring to the notes as if you were in standard tuning. [/quote] Ha, yes you kind of beat me to that one, in so many words.
  3. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1349630426' post='1828464'] Technically and literally true, but I suspect almost every single band that tunes down a semitone would refer to the notes as if standard. If you were tuned down a semitone and someone told you to play a D, would you naturally go for the 6th fret? Surely the idea of tuning all the strings down (but still tuned in 4ths) is that you can 'forget' you've done it and play/refer to notes as normal. [/quote] So if your band is tuned down to D G C F A D on the guitar and you're playing a song in the key of D but you're still. referring to it as E which key is your singer singing in? Answer - D.
  4. [quote name='skychaserhigh' timestamp='1349117354' post='1822084'] How does the Barefaced super 15 compare to the Vanderlkley cabs ? [/quote] Well, not having had the chance to use the BF out of the house yet it wouldn’t be fair to try to give a full comparison but at moderate home volumes the BF compares very favourably, sounding more full bodied, rounder, thicker, as you might expect with a 2x15 but still well defined in the mids/highs. If I want to get a more cutting middy tone I have to play a couple of mm closer to the bridge than I would with the Vans , at which point the fatness remains, it just gets tighter, more punchy and cuts through the mix nicely without any hint of muddiness. Mine is a Vintage T mind you, not a super 15 but they’re probably quite similar soundwise. My drummer reckons I’ve got the best sound ever with the Ampeg/Vanderkley set up and finds it hard to believe it can get any better but the recent purchase of a Roqsolid cover for the BF means I’ll be taking it out in the van to play with at the next opportunity so we’ll see. Either way my EA cabs are now sitting in a corner looking lonely and unwanted. For my tastes I think the BF will have the edge over the Vans at gigging volume. It’s a while til the next gig now though so I might just don some earplugs and crank both set s of speakers in the house over the weekend and report back. My only neighbour has a drum kit and we operate a live and let live approach to excessive noise :-)
  5. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1349039747' post='1821082'] Ok, convinced! I'll defo get 2. For small jazz gigs, I have gotten away with my Acme 1x10 just fine. But if I could use a Streamliner and a single Vanderkley 1x12, and get that lovely buttery fat sound with just one cab for small gigs, I'd be really happy. [/quote] Cool. I'm sure you'll enjoy playing with them whatever configuration you use. I'm tempted to buy another two and use them with my Ampeg running in stereo but having recently acquired a Barefaced 2x15 I think I need to stop thinking about buying speakers for a while. I have more than enough :-) I meant to add earlier, mine are the 600w MNT model. They have the red fronts. IIRC from when I was looking at them the 300w model are the EXT and have black fronts but I'm sure Mark knows what he's talking about. Perhaps the 300s have red fronts these days.
  6. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1348979797' post='1820302'] So does a single Vanderkley 1x12 sound similar to the stack of 2 in terms of fullness/overall sound? [/quote] [quote name='moonbass' timestamp='1348987799' post='1820313'] It's hard to be truly objective about these things as even when A/Bing one and two cabs it depends very much on room characteristics and volume level as well. My personal view is that in bigger rooms 2 cabs are needed for the bass response, but in smaller rooms running one just sounds better for midrange. Yes, I do think there are times when you need two of them. [/quote] I'd agree with that. I've had two MNT 1x12 cabs for a while and used them at first with an EA iAmp800 and later an Ampeg SVP pre-amp going through an SVP1500 power amp. Sorry I can't comment on the Streamliner but both of my amps sound great through them. While still using the EA amp I preferred the sound of both cabs together when playing in the house. One cab alone just seemed to lack the full bodied nature of the two together. One night I went out to a quiet jam night and feeling lazy just took one cab was surprised how nice it sounded at a lower volume than I'd been used to hearing them both at a full on gig. It was much nicer than the sound I got at home. I was expecting it to sound a bit thin but it held its own really well. I think the room probably had a lot to do with it though and if I'd not been so lazy and taken both cabs I might've had an even better sound. They're lovely. sounding cabs and I'm really pleased with mine. I've never tried playing a proper gig with just one cab but both together sound huge! I'd buy 2 if I were you. If you find two are too much for a certain room you can always disconnect one.
  7. I recently ordered a cover for my Barefaced Vintage. The cover arrived after 2 or 3 working days. It fits really well, just snug enough but still easy to get over the cab and is of the highest quality. Another satisfied Roqsolid customer. Many thanks :-)
  8. I started playing bass after having been average guitarist for a few years. When my mates band needed someone to play bass I had a go and found I had a far greater feel for the instrument and that spectrum of the musical register than I ever had for the guitar. I'm now a much better bass player than I ever was a guitarist. I never noticed at the time but now I realise, when I was a kid and listening to music it was the bass I was really feeling and listening to, but without consciously listening for it. I think most people are the same. The bass seems unimportant to them because, apart from some notable exceptions, as far as 'mainstream' music goes singers, guitards, horns etc are all so much more up front in mixes while the bass continues to do it's thing in a far more subtle way. People hear it unconsciously and so have no idea how their perception of the music is affected by what the bass is doing. I like being the unsung hero so to speak. If I wanted fame and attention I'd be a singer or guitarist. The drummer in my band is my favourite of them all so I'd rather hang out in the background with him. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1348173068' post='1810512'] I dont play bass to be a hero (unsung or otherwise), but because I love both the instrument itself and actually playing with others. As for people who think that bass is easy....when I hear that, I usually smile to myself and let them continue to wallow in their ignorance, as [b]I [/b]( and we on this forum) know different. [/quote] People who say that are just showing you how little they actually know about music. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1348173542' post='1810523'] Sometimes I drop out in the middle of songs, just to see how long it takes for the other members of the band to figure out why they sound sh*t all of a sudden. [/quote] Whenever I've tried that the band all turn and look at me to see why I've stopped playing. Maybe I'm more appreciated than some :-) [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1348177713' post='1810615'] All that thrusting on monitor wedges is very unbass. Ignore all the naysayers and enjoy being the glue that holds it all together. [/quote] That's what it is, the glue. If you break a plate and glue it back together you want to glue it in such a way as to minimise the appearance of the glue. If you can't see the join it's ideal. It's the same with bass, pulling together the rhythm and melody unnoticed by all but those who know where to look.
  9. Pure groove... [media]http://youtu.be/AUihw8xCL3U[/media]
  10. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1268435304' post='773266'] Maxwell's finest hour.... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giXxUTCPUH4[/media] END [/quote] Love that! I wonder if that was what gave Adam F the idea for this groove... [media]http://youtu.be/BpCJpbFNfIw[/media] So similar.
  11. While I'm here, how about Peck Ya Neck from the Solid album? http://youtu.be/_3tusJiBGIE
  12. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1347220411' post='1798252'] Thanks especially for the Mandrill. I almost thought they were forgotten, and had almost forgotten them myself. Loved Mandrill the song when it came out. best, bert [/quote] Pleasure :-) Mandrill were a real discovery for me when someone introduced me. There are so many top tunes in their catalogue. I'll have to dig out some more to post up when I get time.
  13. For those who like their groove laced with Hammond... Try some Jimmy Smith. I suggest Root Down from The Incredible Jimmy Smith live album. [media]http://youtu.be/HHyTpt9Nnwo[/media]
  14. Great thread.! Thanks to all who've contributed. Shame some of the earlier links seem to have died but still plenty of excellent grooves to enjoy. I was supposed to be rehearsing at home but have ended up grooving with lots of these tunes instead. Here's a couple more. No idea if they've been posted before but I'm only up to page 7. The intro/outro on this is just the fattest groove ever. [media]http://youtu.be/nJbPS4M8Z0U[/media] This next is more laid back. [media]http://youtu.be/mDrVSiahGqw[/media]
  15. [quote name='travismoore' timestamp='1346458683' post='1789628'] Thanks guys, Glad your enjoying it. If you have any tips on the mix I can pass them onto Chris (Guitarist/Vocals) as he did the mixing on the track. [/quote] Cool!! Really enjoyed that. I think you could improve the mix by having the main vocal more up front. I can't quite put a finger on what it is. It sounds loud enough as it is but is still somehow lost in the mix, thin sounding, needs more body. Maybe if you keep it drier it'll have more definition and come more to the fore in the mix without being overpowering..? I'm not a engineer though so I could be talking rubbish. For a home demo though it sounds pretty good. The instrumentation seems pretty well mixed to me.
  16. After only 4 months of playing that's really good. Well done. I thought your timing was pretty good. It seems like your left hand is struggling to get to some notes that are further apart and that might be what's affecting your timing if anything. Your right hand is doing ok and as was said above, Mr Jamerson never used more than one finger so don't worry too much about that. You'll find your own style that works for what you want to play. Yes, there are some issues with dynamics and string noise but half the battle with sorting those is being able to hear and identify the problem. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll soon be sounding a lot smoother.
  17. I bought an Ampeg SVTP - Pro and SVP 1500 from Purpolaris and all was well. Friendly, helpful guy who is easy to deal and communicate with. Glad to have met you Will. Amps are great. Cheers!
  18. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1345312646' post='1776216'] Cheers. Was pondering one of the EA amps they look great. [/quote] I've used Euphonic Audio iAmp8oo for several years. Very clean, transparent, uncoloured sound. EQ, should you need to use it subtle but effective. Originally used to power EA CXL1x12 and 1x10 cabs. More recently two Vanderkley MNT1x12s. The EA cabs were very clean too. The Vanderkleys have a bit more warmth to them. The amp performs wonderfully through either set up. I used to have an iAmp 350 which I used with the EA cabs. This amp did the same job, just with a few less watts. I think the pre amp in the two amps was the same, just a bigger, more efficient power amp in the 800.
  19. I would echo the advice given on page one of the thread. Not read through the rest... Busy day! Definitely don't buy new. Let someone else take the depreciation. Decent used gear is the way to go. The Ashdown rig in my sig came to me as a bargain for £125 and is loud enough for rehearsing with a fairly loud drummer and 2 guitarists with 100w amps going through 4x12 cabs. Ear protection is advisable at this kind of volume. I wish I'd thought of that years ago when I started playing. There was an old Peavy MKIV amp one here recently. something like that with a 15 or 2x10 cab would do you. Just cos it's old doesn't mean it's no good. Heavier than newer gear maybe but probably more affordable. Peavy combos were always well thought of in the bass world. IIRC TKO180 and TKO300 were marketed towards keyboard players but were used a lot by bass players because they had the good low end needed by keys. Perhaps they were TNTs, or did the TKO come with a graphic EQ which the TNT didn't... :-s If your 15/25w amps have been keeping up with your drummer they're really not playing very hard at all IMO (the drummer, not the amps). I'd be looking at 100w minimum but would suggest buying the biggest you possibly can for the money you have. Forget getting just enough for practices. Buy something older you could gig with. Then you're not limited to gigs where backline is included. You'll only need to upgrade again sooner otherwise ;-)
  20. Headphones for me too. Much easier to hear the detail of what you're trying to learn. Once it's learned I'll crank up the bass amp and hi-fi speakers to practice but only cos I like sound of them.
  21. I bought a Trace Elliot V6 and Barefaced Vintage T from Straightsix. Freindly, helpful, all round good guy who also makes nice coffee. I'd definitely buy from him again so trade with confidence.
  22. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1344770700' post='1768875'] His Zero Frets aren't Zero Frets. They're nuts. Which makes it all the more worrying [/quote] Fortunately I knew that. I'm no 'gluethier', whatever that is but I know what a zero fret is meant to look like. I think one giveaway about this guy, if one was needed is how he signs off some of his listings with the admission 'Master guitar Bodger'. Perhaps his understanding of the word bodger is equal to that of the usual profile of a zero fret. Lots of zeros going on there.
  23. Glad I read about this guy. On every guitar or bass I've ever had that was fitted with a zero fret the fret was flat. I never knew they were supposed to have grooves in them. I'm off out now to buy a set of nut files. Seriously though, is this guy for real? I mean is he so inept he's actually convinced he has a clue what he's doing or is he laughing up his sleeve at the unfortunates who purchase his mangled creations.
  24. I have a small Lexicon usb interface which relays audio from my laptop to my hi-fi. Connect bass to 1/4 inch lack input, Sennheiser D25s to headphone out and all is good. I get whatever audio the laptop's playing along with the bass and the Lexicon has a blend knob to adjust the balance between the two inputs. Sounds great but could be less bulky to carry. I have a set of Skull Candy Inkd ear buds I also use which sound great for the money and are much easier to carry. .
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