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Everything posted by Bassdriver

  1. Ha ha, I'm not usually too bad as far as GAS goes. Until recently I hadn't bought any gear fro 10 years or so. My Marleux and EA gear had great sound and any other tone required I could find in my fingers. Then I went and bought a Lakland and a small ish Ashdown rig for practical logistical reasons. Then my CXL110 stopped working so I thought maybe it's time to look at getting some new speakers and am looking at £1200 worth of Vanderkley. Oh and maybe gettinga custom all valve amp hand built by a guy I just met. Is GAS contageous or is it more like a psychiatric illness that can appear from nowhere. Whatever, I seem to have caught something. As for the time aspect, well I spend far too much time on the laptop as it is so a bit more won't do any harm :-) Glad I finally made it here. It's good to be in touch with other players.
  2. Hey, thanks for the warm welcome :-) @Chrismuzz Thanks. Funny you should mention that. I have just got a VT on Ebay, £102 delivered inc power supply. I'd been looking at the Bass Driver and had it on my list but the VT came up first so we'll see how I get on with that. From demos I've seen on YouTube it'll do everything I want it to but I'm keeping my eyes open for a Microtubes B3K to try as well. Looks like fun. I don't need out and out filth, just a bit of valvey warmth with a little crunch at the edges. The VT seems to do that pretty well.
  3. Reminds me of the Blues Brothers... 'That aint no Hank Williams song!'. I reckon you did well under very dificult circumstances. Can't have been fun having to play in that situation and while you should never have to put up with that (or any serious) abuse while out playing I wouldn't bother calling the police unless anyone gets hurt. They won't do anything unless you can give them at least a name and they are more likely to arrest and charge the easiest target rather than the real villain. I'm not anti police as such. It's just when I have had cause to involve them in something they have been utterly useless. Hope you have some better gigs lined up soon :-)
  4. [quote]I guess it's down to the individual and them having awareness of how it affects their abilities.[/quote] That kind of sums things up for me. If you're the kind of person who can still play after a bottle of Jack then fair enough but the term beer goggles comes to mind here. As has been previoudsly mentioned, what can seem great at the time when under the influence is often far worse. For my part I feel drink and drugs at least take the edge off my playing making me less sharp and less aware while st the same time making me believe I'm playing a lot better than I actually am. These days I choose to abstain but that's my choice and not meant to be a judgement on anyone else. I've done my fair share of imbibing various substances so can speak from both perspectives and honestly feel I play better straight.. The professionalism aspect is a good point though. Yes, you wouldn't expect your doctor to pull out a bottle of Scotch during a consultation or your taxi driver to retire to the nearest booser in between fares but on the other hand there's no law against being drunk in charge of a bass so I think it's more important to remain professional in what you're doing and as long as you're able to do what you're being paid for to the best of your ability that's fair enough. But then again it might also depend on who's paying you.
  5. Ah, sorry. Forget the bit about meeting near Glasgow. Wrong pedal :-)
  6. Cash waiting in Carlisle if your sale falls through mate. Could possibly meet you near Glasgow if you're near M8/73/74, Hamilton/Bellshill. I'm often up that way working. Give me a shout if it's till available. Cheers.
  7. If you're struggling to move this combo I may be interested in the driver. I have a CXL110 which has stopped working for some reason. I'm waiting for the local electronics guru dude to have a look and tell me what's broken. Would you be interested in selling the driver by itself if I need it?
  8. Thanks. Nice to be here :-)
  9. Hi all. I'm a long time bass player of some 27 years fro mthe north of England. I have a Marleux Custom 5 string which I've had for about 10 years and have just bought a Lakland Skyline 55/60 which I'm really enjoying. However, the Marleux is definitely not for sale. I like it too much. Amp wise I have an EA iAmp800 which goes through a CXL112E and a CXL110E, although the 110 has mysteriously stopped working and is awaiting collection by a local electronics guru for further investigation. I've had that rig for a few years too and have just bought an Ashdown EB180 1x12 combo with a 1x15 extension cab for a bargain price to use as a 'practice amp'. I have just joined a second band and wanted to avoid moving too much gear around. Lazy? Me? No, I just find myself without any foour wheeled transport of my own and it was easier to just buy another amp. That was why I got the Lakland as well. Funny how things can escalate when you start looking at buying gear and realise you have a bit of cash to spare. Now I'm thinking I need at least one Vanderkley cab... Hmmmmmmm :-) Anyway I arrived here as a result of my search to find an effects pedal that might give more of a vintage valve tone through the EA amp. The amp sounds great as it is but is sometimes a little clean, modern and hi-fi like when something dirtier is called for. If I hadn't bought all the other gear and still had my eye on a Vanderkley I might have gone for some kind of Ampeg valve head but as it is I've spent far too much as it is so will be trawling the for sale section in here regularly for something suitable. Any suggestions would be appreciated though as I'm not that well up on pedals and so on. I'm considering a Microtubes B3K Bass Overdrive, EWS Tri-Logic Bass preamp or maybe a Sansamp Bass Driver, somethin along those lines[b].[/b] Glad to meet you :-)
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