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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. HMRC have issued a new flowchart to help determine whether you are affected or not. It's here [url="https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/390300/VAT_MOSS_Flow_chart.pdf"]https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/390300/VAT_MOSS_Flow_chart.pdf[/url]
  2. Precision with flats. Most isolated parts sound a bit unimpressive to be honest. I'd be surprised if the intonation was that bad. At this time he had just two Precisions and they would have been rigorously maintained.
  3. Killer Queen is one of the tracks available on the Polish site which has all the multitracks on. [url="https://queenpoland.wordpress.com/download/queen-multitracks/"]https://queenpoland.wordpress.com/download/queen-multitracks/[/url]
  4. Yes, but Freddie Mercury played that run on TOTP.
  5. The perennial problem is the sheer number of bands. There will always be people who will play for nothing and the landlords know that. It is for this reason the money hasn't changed in about 40 years (pretty much). The quality of the band makes little difference in this scenario. In the same way, the UK audience s different. I have played in Europe a lot and would far rather just play there. The audiences are well behaved, up for a good time from the off, the landlords consider it rude to not feed and water the band and you get more money. I reckon the UK is the worst place to be a musician. Good to be alive isn't it? :-)
  6. I'm afraid I have zero tolerance on this. If a shop wants to sell stuff then it should be presented for sale. If it isn't, they don;t want to sell it and so they won't. I am the customer and don't have to make any effort at all. The owner wants my money, not the other way round.
  7. The only picture I have of 0189 hanging next to my old 66 Jazz. In the days before digital cameras made it all so easy!
  8. I was on tour and playing a 2,000 seater in Germany (I add that to give an idea of the scale of my difficulty). Did the sound check and all was fine. Did the usual, throw the standby and wander off to the restaurant before going back to get changed and watch the support band. I go on stage and the bass is there but very quiet. I can hear it's in FOH but that's all. You will already have guessed I didn't throw the standby again!! It took me 3 numbers to figure it out while I was prancing about trying to look as though everything was ok - as it was to the audience. No-one else noticed on stage because the monitor levels were so high and I didn't have a wedge of my own. The drummer was on a riser with the bass in his monitor so he was ok.
  9. The Ampeg is smaller so that might your better bet (of the two amps I know). The Mesa is wonderful but a fair bit more money. I prefer the Mesa (obviously) and it has all the valve warmth you want but the Ampeg wouldn't be far behind. I'd try the Ampeg and, if you like it, you're sorted.
  10. Someone once called the Walkabout a B15 on steroids and I reckon that nails it. It can do clean but can also do pretty gritty if you want. I use mine exactly as a B15 with enough volume for a decent sized gig - lovely valve warmth but with some decent volume. I play Precisions with flat-wounds so you can guess where my sound is coming from. The Walkabout is perfect and the PF500 was excellent (and light!!!).
  11. I had a PF500 (it replaced a faulty PF350) and used it without any problem until it went to make room for a Walkabout. I used the 15" version of the matching cab and got a sound which I liked very much - look at my signature to give you an idea of what I was comparing to. I would cheerfully still be using the PF500 if the Walkabout hadn't become available.
  12. The bit that troubles me is that the courier is the one paying the money (in cash). I seriously question whether Parcelforce would do that for anyone. Maybe if the cash is in an envelope collected from the buyer but how much extra would that cost. I guess if the money is ok and is the right amount then what's the problem.
  13. Surely all you need to do is detune to Eb and play your A on the 6th fret - bazinga!
  14. You could get yourself relic'd, there are those that say it adds mojo. Probably quite uncomfortable.
  15. This is not something that has ever affected me. I have been in some stressful situations with bands but there's no point staying if you're not enjoying it. If you're inclined to take a sabbatical then do so, you know how you feel. I would suggest you keep hold of the gear because you never know when the bug will return.
  16. Agreed. Whereas many players can get away with being lacklustre on numbers they don't enjoy, a singer just can't. The old adage about not being able to sell a product you don't believe in.
  17. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1420404205' post='2649050'] Playing Abba stuff got me into them. I got a gig playing take that, abba and some other pop stuff. Not really my bag at the time. But after that gig I appreciated it loads more and actually got into it! [/quote] Absolutely. I enjoyed the same with a Dire Straits tribute. You hear the songs so often you lose sight of how good the writing is and just how good they are to play - especially the bass parts.
  18. I wouldn't expect to force someone to play a song but I would hope they'd give it a go and see if it works. After all, you can all be keen to do a song and it just doesn't work. Playing bass in an Abba tribute was an educational experience in terms of only playing what you love
  19. You need to be careful here because VAT only applies on business sales but the definition of business is wide and doesn't mean you have to make a profit so that's no 'defence'.
  20. My only worry would be getting a good tort scratchplate. I know BassDoc got amazing results using the better WD 4 ply tort but, with his absence, I have no idea where you'd get something that good. Not sure our Merlin-propelled chum in he US is worth the punt but JTUK reckoned there was someone in Kent (IIRC). LPB with white guard is nice.
  21. Oh dear, the poetry was unintentional - but when your surname's Browning what chance do you have?
  22. They are rather striking in red, it has to be said.
  23. I don't know the answer specifically but it will turn on who is making the sale. If you sell to Amazon and they sell on then the sale is theirs. If you sell to Amazon in Ireland (or wherever) then your sale is in Ireland and you can register if you want but don't have to. These changes relate to sales from a business to a consumer, not a business to another business.
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