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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. [quote name='smaz' timestamp='1420226516' post='2646980'] All basschat members get a 10% discount... [/quote] Humour, I like it.
  2. True to an extent but you can now claim back the VAT they charge you - from Ireland or wherever. I accept it's a pain but in 6 months it'll be second nature and you might benefit. Trust me :-)
  3. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions/concerns. I'm not £300 an hour on here.
  4. It's all interesting. I'll try and spend some time on it and try and start a more definitive thread. Tax turns on very small details and generalisations are a dangerous thing. This is precisely why (some) accountants and the man in the pub can be dangerous.
  5. I'd follow up with the site. In theory the US is bound by the same rules and there is a non-Union MOSS scheme to which they should register. Their place of supply has switched to the customer from the business so they are trading in the EU in exactly the same way as folk here.
  6. It's ok, I didn't read it last time and won't now. It doesn't affect me - I was merely suggesting that something which seems tedious and un-necessary now will soon be straightforward and actually a benefit to those whose costs exceed their income.
  7. With huge respect, most chartered accountants know nothing about VAT - I was frequently their outsourced VAT function.
  8. I understand Bandcamp are stating they'll do all the VAT and you do nothing but I haven't read that anywhere. If you only sell via Bandcamp I guess none of this affects you.
  9. Ok, I guess you advertise your prices as being tax inclusive. Margin schemes are different because the VAT is driven by the margin so the price is always VAT inclusive.
  10. Indeed. VAT is not about profit. It's designed to be neutral for businesses. In theory, the customer gives you the VAT you pay over and you now get back the VAT on your costs.
  11. As Diablo says, that's exactly how it works. There a whole load of people who always get VAT back - greengrocers for one.
  12. Rich, I think you are on sticky ground (technically) because VAT is added to prices. Unless you advertise that range of prices HMRC would expect 20p on a £1 sale, not 16p from it.
  13. You charge VAT at the rate of your customer. Before this came in, you would have charged non-UK customer UK VAT of 20%.
  14. Yes, registration limit is based on business turnover (not profit as many think).
  15. By the way, you re fundamentally wrong to say it's the Govt's job to inform you - the law is clear. It's yours to find out and charge correctly.
  16. I can speak with a little authority (as an ex VAT man). It sounds like a pain now but a guy who can handle a digital studio will not have any trouble with an Excel spreadsheet. Also, if you are not VAT registered you are forking out VAT on a whole load of things. When first registered, you can claim back the VAT on any goods you have on hand when you register - going back 4 years. You're not going to change it so why no consider the advantages of being VAT registered. I'll give answers happily, when I am certain of the facts. Do not ever make the huge mistake of listening to the man in the pub ad forming your opinions on that basis.
  17. Can he do a 'stripped' relic I wonder? It's a bit of a shame he has to relic at all. Big shout for Capri orange - just bought one from Ishibashi.
  18. I was told a great story about the forthright Mr M. He was at a gig in aid of a yound lad who was in a coma. On being asked to record a message of encouragement to the chap, SM took the recorder and shouted "wake up you c**t" into it before handing it back.
  19. Would it be worth asking them for a couple of number they want to do? That way they can be comfortable and they'll know the key is right. I've always had a grudging admiration for singers as they are out front with nothing to hide behind.
  20. I can't disagree about Wilko certainly - I thought Norm's BV's were a bit shoddy too. I like Joss Stone's voice very much but can find her delivery a bit 'affected' but that's the opinion of someone who hides at the back! It does all make me wonder if the monitoring's a bit suspect on this show (it can't be easy to do after all). I have to say that Dawn French looked incredible.
  21. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1420154941' post='2646275'] The Orchestra were as wonderful as ever too, and must admit I thought Ronnie Spector did a fine job on some ace tunes.[/quote] Some years since I played with her but she has an amazing voice within her range.
  22. 3.5" floppy? Are my 5.25" disks now obsolete?
  23. I've used mine to record many times (close mic'd as well as DI'd) and it's not been a problem. I would think some people would think it loud but it's not intrusive in practise.
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