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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1418832965' post='2633853'] Here's my new 'old' '53, barely a mark on it; [/quote] May I ask the serial number? I'm almost certain my '53 (#0189) had a neck date of 26/3/53.
  2. That made me think of the Woody Allen film where he says he once played the piano in a brothel. 'What was the money like?' he's asked. '$50'. '$50? That's not much', 'It's all I could afford'.
  3. I can't upload songs, even though the file is less than their 8mb limit. It's just starting to get vexing.
  4. It's a P-bass! They like that sort of thing.
  5. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1418160084' post='2627604'] I'd say your only chance would be going without gear, I'm amazed the singer wants to spend do much to do this and take such a deeply stupid risk. [/quote] That'll be the singer who's not risking any gear and could easily go through without having to explain away an instrument case.
  6. I have to say I'd take it walk away. I have been just finished working with a guitarist myself, who became a nightmare, and I'd willingly accept 63 quid never to have hear his pointless name again.
  7. Maybe there's your answer. Can the two other claim their share and give the guitarist the chance to be reasonable and not take his stand to get one over on you?
  8. I might be tempted to contact the Police and find out what they think about it. I suspect it's a civil case and they'll have no interest at all.
  9. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1417953686' post='2625338'] Unless being called 3 hours ahead as a very last minute depping. Music stands on stage Make the difference between pro and amateur bands. What would you say if you were at a theater play with some one going "hmmmmm" and looking at his paper to make sure he says the right words. [/quote] Not too sure of that. You see any number of huge gigs where there is a monitor feeding lyrics etc to band members - mainly the singer but technology like that is present everywhere. You may not see it but it's often there. Nathan East plummeted in my estimation when I saw him reading a 12 bar.
  10. I have to say I've always found maple neck Precisions to be brighter.
  11. Nice reference to Rogers Profanosaurus - good work, Sir!
  12. Great show, but to dismiss the whole of soul music as 'vanilla pop'? That's more ironic than they probably thought when they wrote it.
  13. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1417784960' post='2623987'] Have you ever considered Barefaced cabs, at all?......... [/quote] I have tried to be open to the charms of them and engaged Alex in discussions on here about the science behind them - why a smaller speaker can give the 'same' result as a larger speaker. I have, since then, tried a 2x12 (my original thought had been a 2x15 + a Dubster) and I was quite underwhelmed. I accept others like them but there's something rather emperor's new clothes about them (to me). I have concluded (probably due to the limits of my hearing) that a 12" speaker just doesn't sound the same as a 15" (which is the sound I like). You can show me all the scientific proof you want but you won't change that opinion. I realise that I am probably wrong but my ignorance is bliss to me.
  14. It's all horses for courses really. I have a hefty rig I love the sound of and am able to cart it around. If I had no choice but to change then I would - it's a no brainer. Ironically though, thanks to the laws of physics (and some casters), moving my flightcased rig is probably easier than carrying a lightweight cab so I have no intention of changing as yet.
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1417604628' post='2622095'] I've only found the ebmm forum members to be overly touchy really and I suspect that goes for any forum for a specific brand of anything? I must admit ive never seen a weak G on one which woukd be odd if its anything other than some form of eq thing, not necessarily the users fault as it could just be a compatability issue or something, I'm still struggling to get what I want from my Jazz but I know its not a faulty bass. [/quote] That's interesting. I seem to recall reading that the whole point of having the G string machine on the other side was to eliminate a presumed weakness in the Precision design for a weaker G string.
  16. Get doing Happy Jack's work-out and you can buy a big rig again.
  17. Another vote for Cleartone although OBBM's cables looked very impressive at the SE bass bash.
  18. Never took up with this new-fangled lightweight malarkey. Walkabout Scout is as light as I want to go.
  19. Hmm, sales tax shouldn't be applied in the US on an export item. Not sure how that's happened but that is certainly wrong. Re the fee from Parcel Force, the goods can't get through Customs without the VAT and Duty being settled so they pay it on your behalf and charge you an admin fee for doing it. It may be costly but your goods are stuck on the dock-side until those charges are paid. YOu do have an option (without wanting to sound facetious) you use your VAT to apply for an EORI number which enables you to then set up a Duty deferment account (which requires you to lodge and amount of security equal to the VAT and Duty you are likely to incur in the first year). Your bank will be required to provide a guarantee which will cost you. You also have to set up a direct debit so the charges can be deducted automatically. Your ability to recover those charges is provided halfway through the following month so you're carrying that cashflow until your next return. Sorry to come across as an ar$e but that's the answer to the question and the admin fee you are charged is tiny compared to the additional cost to you of setting up the deferment account.
  20. Ok, as you were. Just read the Thomann site. They have a pan-EU VAT number and will charge you UK VAT which you claim back. I suspect part of their site hasn't been updated to reflect the pan EU VAT registration. The FAQ seems to refer to the old regime that I describe above.
  21. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1417378420' post='2619788'] So why's it such a bastard to buy things from the States? Answer that one! [/quote] Apart from having to pay VAT and Duty (the Duty being the only additional charge to a UK shop), what is the problem you refer to? I'll explain if there's something else.
  22. I should add that the VAT registered person claims back the VAT in box 4 of the same return so it's neutral, it costs nothing extra - no different from the treatment of buying in the UK.
  23. Oh dear, I try to avoid my real life on here but I'm afraid I'm an ex HMC&E VAT man. So here goes .............. Thomann will not charge VAT when provided with a genuine UK VAT number (they can check VAT numbers so don't bother trying to use Boots). What should happen is that the UK customer will charge themselves acquisition VAT at 20% on their next VAT return. Provided the bass has been acquired for use in their business. For those who don't remember that Thomann submit a declaration which shows the VAT number of the recipient and so they can check your box 2 entry to make sure you account for it. If you do not have a VAT number Thomann will charge you German VAT. The process combats fraud because the (VAT registered) recipient has nothing to gain by not accounting for the VAT - it's almost always fully deductible. The non-registered customer pays VAT as you would in any shop. By the way, the VAT registered person not buying for use in their business shouldn't provide their VAT number and they'd be charged German VAT also. I'm get my coat.
  24. My first new bass was a Fender Precision in 1977. I had a Columbus Jazz to learn on. I was just out of college and working for Lloyd's Bank and taking home about £112 a month. At the time, Andertons were selling Precisions for £209. Then, one month, I got a tax rebate and my take home for the month was £210. A friend gave me a lift to Guildford and we returned with my first new Fender - serial number was S749320. Because I'd spent all my money I had to walk the 12 miles to work and back for the month and try and convince my folks I was on a health kick (the bass was hidden at the back of my wardrobe!!). Needless to say, I failed and it was soon discovered.
  25. We all know this ourselves but it's heart-warming to see it recognised. [url="http://www.independent.com/news/2014/nov/19/dating-musician-i-recommend-bass-players/"]http://www.independent.com/news/2014/nov/19/dating-musician-i-recommend-bass-players/[/url]
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