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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. Some years ago I played in the 'pit' band for a school's production of Grease. I say pit but they wanted us to be visible so we were on a minstrels gallery over the back of the stage. It was an independent school with many wealthy parents sending their kids there. One of them (in America) crated up their original Wurlitzer oil-lit jukebox and shipped it over and had it collected 2 weeks later - just to appear on the stage. Anyway, I have to agree that all the songs are great fun to play, all the more so with an ensemble cast belting them out.
  2. Bought from Tony and collected from his home. Not only a thoroughly nice guy a bloke with two very lovely basses - one of which (a Jamerson tribute) is a particularly gorgeous instrument. Great guy and I'd happily deal with him again - buying the Jamerson bass would be a good start!!!
  3. Bought a pickup from Shaun. Very quickly delivered and packaged all ready for nuclear war!! Very good communications and a very pleasant transaction. Top man. Steve
  4. Ok Cyril, I'll drop Stewart a line and see what he reckons. I've had a couple of these myself. Lovely amps but just not really man enough to gig - which Stewart acknowledges.
  5. Can you just summarise the exact problem for me please? That way I can cut and paste your explanation into a single message to Stewart. Say if it's intermittent and the fact that the headphone jack is fine. I'll pass it to him and see what he says.
  6. I have access to Stewart Ward, the man behind Session. I can ask him if you like?
  7. My own experience of these was that I had a PF350 that did that and I swapped it (under warranty at the time) for a 500 which was faultless.
  8. He has been seen sporting a small number of different basses, Warwick Buzzard, Kramer and even a Fender Jazz. He did, however, regain his senses and return to his black (aka sunburst, aka stripped) Precision so no real harm done.
  9. [quote name='marlborored' timestamp='1415379074' post='2599796'] John Deacon for me, especially on some of the earlier Queen stuff. Nothing radically different or innovative but he just gets such a fat sound man! Really complements the subtle but sweet lines he plays as well; his playing was one of the main things that made me pick up a bass in the first place. [/quote] +1 That is exactly the sound I have always had in my head as the perfect sound. Not for everyone, of course, but for me it's the definitive bass sound.
  10. Bought a pickup from Rich. Very pleasant guy to deal with and very speedily delivered and very well packaged. I'd happily deal with him again. Steve
  11. Some good A-framing going on in that pic! If I'd known there was an Acoustic rig in the raffle I'd have bought some tickets and hung around.
  12. Another brilliant day out with some very friendly old and new faces. Some very interesting gear on view - esp the new Boogie valve head. Thanks to Nik et al for organising such a great event.
  13. Someone sold a flight-cased Walkabout on here a while back. I think it was used (IIRC) placed on top of the lid of the case - the radiator acting against the solid surface. I can tell you mine is less effective standing on a carpet so that is my experience - my opinion is flightcase foam would be more absorbent still. To add experience to that I noticed the same effect when my 2x15 was left in the tray of its old 'top hat' case (standing on foam). It now lives in a case with no foam underneath the rubber feet and sound much better like that.
  14. And of course he was the bass player in Otis Day and the Knights in National Lampoons Animal House.
  15. This is still awesome, every time I see it. A Change Is Gonna Come - with Tina Turner. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUK-ekiNv-8"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUK-ekiNv-8[/url]
  16. Don't want to be a killjoy but note Boogie's advice to restrict using it at 2 ohms (with the extension cab) too much. The manual says it'll fry the mos-fets. Bet it does sound amazing though.
  17. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1412966969' post='2573789'] Nice cheese listing skills. That's a thorough list. Forgot cheddar, but that's a fine list. [/quote] "Not very popular in this manor, squire" (if I remember my Monty Python correctly)
  18. The great thing about Focus was that you got the impression they were always pushing the boundaries and improvising constantly.
  19. That showed the difference a maple board makes, brighter as I would have expected. Interesting comparison indeed otherwise.
  20. I have always wondered the same thing. I have a 2x15 in a live in flightcase with wheels on the back but the 2x18 has wheels on the bottom, mainly because it has to go through doors sideways so there was nowhere else for them to go. Not sure if it loses any bottom end but my gut feeling is it does as there's less contact. Entirely a hunch and the values opinions of far greater cabinet design brains than mine will hopefully contribute. Many cab designers use tilt back wheels which slightly reinforces my opinion (to me) but let's see.
  21. 11 in total - all Precisions.
  22. You'd be surprised at the tone difference. I moved to winged C's and they're huge sounding compared to the Sovteks - but then I want hi-fi clear.
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