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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. Yup, all's well and all that. Really pleased at the outcome and the previous seller and Hermes learn a lesson in customer service. Great result (but man, those are fugly lumps of wood for sure - ).
  2. What?? Can you reveal the name of the seller as they must surely be complicit in you being denied a refund? The address is crazy because they actually (seemingly) turned up there to deliver it. I am certainly going to make sure any purchase of mine is not delivered by them. Really sorry to hear you've been the victim of a robbery.
  3. I think the most important thing to bear in mind is that a musician is what you are, not what you do to pay the bills. I used to play in a band with a singer who was also a builder. The difference between him and the rest of us in the band was that he was a singing builder and not a building singer. The difference couldn't be greater. I was lucky enough to do music full-time for a while but have had to get a 'real job' to pay the bills that come in. Any snobbery about that has come from those very much at the bottom of the 'professional musician' food chain. Take a lesson from a mate of mine. Stunningly good guitarist but so hell bent on being able to say he earned his living from music he sold a house he had inherited and bought a houseboat and has gradually down-sized and down-sized as his money ran out. To the extent that, instead of sitting pretty in a job that paid him enough to tick over and play the music he wanted to, he is living in a dreadful little flat over a pawn broker and can't afford to run the car that would get him to his gigs.
  4. I have two 75 reissue Precisions, one alder and one ash. Both sunburst with rosewood fingerboards. The alder is the heavier by a little but you're welcome to do some comparing when you venture my way.
  5. I'm a very happy customer of Mark's too. In fact I start to worry when his 'recently sold' page hasn't got one I now own on it. He gets some real gems in and is, as stated, a top guy to deal with. Good to hear he can't do sunburst or I'd be ordering a bass or two off him!
  6. I like the idea of this being the musical version of Ham.... oops the Scottish play.
  7. What sort of music do you want to play? I don't know everyone around the area but I can certainly put out feelers on your behalf. The ska band sounds a disaster frankly. Don't see the guy from The Beat sticking to just root notes (while being pushed round on castors apparently) and two guitarists is an extravegance (as Lady Whiteadder would say). Only off beat damped chords anyway.
  8. I have owned one of these in the past and also an original Precision bass. Ok, the original had a very different pick-up in it but it was very noticeable how much more 'oomph' (not a very technical term but the most understandable description I can think of) there was about these basses than any others I've owned. I had heard the pick-ups were hotter on these but have sort of concluded that it is more likely to be the slab body and the extra mass. Again, no science behind it at all, it is based purely on my experience of slab body basses against many others. I used it on some recordings but little point in posting any because there are so many variables, it wouldn't be any kind of definitive benchmark.
  9. I'm certain he played on TOTP on Beat Surrender. I remember because I was very surprised to see it (and I am a fan of his playing).
  10. The huge difference I found (and couldn;t deal with) was the fact that I'm a finger player and hook my thumb on the pick-up (where the Jazz neck pick-up is - on a Precision). I found the higher tension in the string at that point really annoying. The string doesn't pull across as easily. It's like being forced to play a Jazz with your thumb on the bridge pick-up. Only a small thing to some I dare say but I hated it very quickly.
  11. And that, my friends, is what a bass guitar should look like (IMVHO). Absolutely stunning and I'd even go so far as to say I'd willingly swap of phial of my own DNA for it - given that I don't have the money.
  12. Stunning '73 Precision in the For Sale section right now at less than 2k. I'd buy it without even trying it if I had the money.
  13. Seems a little while since this was visited. I am about to do a band web site and want to include music, video, down-loadable stuff (posters/tech sheet sort of stuff) and hopefully CD sales (I'm kinda optimistic!!). Can anyone recommend a package that can achieve all that for me please. I don't have an existing template or anything so this is from scratch. Any pointers would be great and thanks in advance.
  14. James, you're a Pompey lad. I'm in Waterlooville if you ever want to dive up and see what I mean on the bass front.
  15. Wasn't sure what an MB 801 is was but now know. If that's just your onstage sound I'd definitely go for the DI to the PA. Clean signal and no mic stand/lead to get in the way.
  16. Volume on the bass flat out, master volume on the amp on 5 and I use the channel volume for the right volume for the circumstances (usually between 2 and 4). Dynamics are done by changing the amount of pluck. I'd say my right hand is my volume control but that sounds kinda creepy!
  17. My favourite year for Precisions. I've done the pre-CBS thing but find the basses from '66 to '73 the best players. Still light (for the most part), B profile necks, tort plates - what's not to like? I would look for an early 70's bass and you'll find it pretty much the same as that '66 and much cheaper.
  18. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1397591618' post='2425531'] Unfortunately you can't fit the 6550 valves in a 400+ as the 6L6s are crammed in and there's not enough room. [/quote] Slight misunderstanding there. I meant WV recommended the winged C (6550) valve in the Bass 400and they were great. The 400+ does use completely different valves and they're not interchangeable. I was illustrating the accuracy of the reports. I have the original Mesa valves in my 400+ (I think). WV appear to recommend a Philips valve for my sound (according to the reports). Never used cryo valves myself. Can't say I'm really convinced by the whole argument myself but I stand to be corrected. Slight whiff of snake oil in my opinion but there's no evidence to support that view.
  19. I would read the 6L6 reports on Watford Valves. They recommended winged C 6550's for my Bass 400 and they're brilliant.
  20. I would expect you have mentally left anyway by now (from the tone of your posts - which is not a criticism, just an observation). Generally, I would have been a little disappointed I wasn't told but would have been more concerned had it impacted on gigs/rehearsals etc. I would suspect the enterprise wouldn't last long as they are either different people to the ones they knew back then and that will become apparent or the old issues that split up the band will resurface. That's just what I'd do but once the 'trust' (poor word really) is gone then that's it, there's no much fun in it. Odd that the drummer stores but doesn't transport the PA. That's annoy me far more!!
  21. I do know them although I've completely forgotten whether it's the melodic or harmonic minor which is different coming down as it is on the way up! My grade 6 theory was 44 years ago though!!!
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