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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. Define North Wales? This is tempting although I've always told myself I wouldn't copy Macca (Diesel 2x15 + Diesel 1516) - after all, he copied me in switching to Boogie in the first place. If this had been a 2x15 I'd have paid and collected by now!!
  2. These are great basses, light as a feather (with the chamfering of the edges) and very pretty. Would agree about the ban oin blue basses but they look brilliant in red and natural.
  3. I'm not surprised you're so happy with the bass. I really liked that instrument but don't do maple fingerboards as a rule. Part of me hopes he'll do a sunburst P-bass from the '66 to '73 era but my wallet sure hopes he doesn't. His site almost always has something interesting on.
  4. Thanks again all. We play there regularly and always enjoy the gig so tonight should be no exception. :-)
  5. Thanks very much everyone. Hard to gauge when the weather here is so different. Guess I'll be huddling round my valves to keep warm tomorrow evening!
  6. Can anyone help out here? I am gigging at the Red Lion, Stevenage tomorrow night (24th) and am driving up from Pompey. Is the weather ok around the area? I have an overcast sky and it's a bit chilly but that's all, so the pictures of Arctic wastelands are a bit concerning. I have no problem with taking a shovel and having a difficult journey but don't want to set out and not get there.
  7. My view would be that if you are not comfortable doing the gig then cancel. I have played in similar cicumstances and couldn't enjoy it for feeling threatened. I have done a gig where a member of the travelling fraternity was at the bar and just knocked a guy out without any provocation whatsoever. I understand the comments to the contrary but you should not put yourself in a position where you or your band are in any way potentially in harm's way. Possibly sexist but, with a female up front, I'd be more tempted to pull it (the gig!!!) than ever.
  8. Commiserations on the news front but you do, indeed, have a far more stable relationship from an instrument that asks nothing in return (and - unlike a dog -won't cr@p in your slippers).
  9. I notice Davey Jones on drums in one of those pics.
  10. Cautionery tale. Many years ago I played at an outdoor gig and we were supplied with a nice thick long cable run from the house. We soundchecked and all was well. I then remembered that I hadn't plugged in my circuit breaker plug. When I plugged it in, it tripped immediately and did so every time I reset it. Turned out there was no earth at all. I never play anywhere without making sure I'm using one of those plugs. Those of us who sang and played in the band hadn't the time to soundcheck with vocals or I shudder to think what might have happened.
  11. [quote name='heminder' timestamp='1362801863' post='2005042'] There's absolutely a tonal difference. Braided cables seem to be able to deliver a punchier tone which I've never heard through a standard cable and they seem to hold together passive pickups better because the braiding has a tight weave. I've also found that ones with the springs on the jack plugs have better harmonics than those with rubber sleeves. [/quote] That's so true and all the more so when you're playing with the machine head of your D string perfectly in line with the South Pole.
  12. In my experience there's no tonal difference. I find cloth cables less flexible which is annoying at times. The big difference is the cable itself. I did notice a big difference when I invested in a Pete Cornish cable (cloth) which actually did 'open up' the tone of the guitar (I didn't expect to hear a difference I should add). Unhappily the thickness of the cable became a problem and it failed after about 3 years. I now use ClearTone cables (hand made by Stewart Ward, who is the man behind Session amps) and they are brilliant (and rubber). Same tonal characteristics -so far as my ears tell me.
  13. This thread is uncomfortable reading. I have pretty much never practiced except to learn songs. I guess I'm just naturally incredibly gifted.
  14. None taken. :-)
  15. Can't disagree with the above. As you can see I don;t have any lightweight Boogie stuff but then I'm daft enough to consider carting my rig around for the sound I get out of it a price worth paying. Used Mesa gear for almost 25 years and have no desire to change. These things are always subjective but, for me, there's nothing better.
  16. Gareth, we'd have been fighting each other at the audition!! Seems amazing you should even need to advertise this gig. Good luck guys and I already envy the bass player you pick.
  17. I could be persuaded! An open amp night sounds good, maybe just the excuse I need to drag both cabs and amps out for an airing.
  18. Hi, also from Pompey (live in Waterlooville). Welcome aboard. I don't gig in the area much, tend to be further afield but there are still some decent gigs around the city.
  19. [url="http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/basses/zonsonus2.htm"]http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/basses/zonsonus2.htm[/url] Should fit just nicely!!
  20. Unhappily it won't be a note from me saying 'keep the Bass 400+' :-)
  21. It's all been said really but it's worth repeating, always take your basses into your hotel (or other) room with you no matter how inconvenient to dig them out of the van after the gig. Watch what you eat, it's tempting to go the junk food route when you're really tired (and no-one has yet mentioned just how tired you'll be after all the travelling and very late nights) but be strict. I started touring as a stick thin beanpole but found the constant flow of free booze (post gig I should add), hotel breakfasts and buffets a little too tempting.
  22. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1360257398' post='1967594'] Just 'cos he sells nice basses doesn't necessarily mean that the ones he makes are any good though. [/quote] You're quite right, I was just saying that the man was a very good guy to deal with and had a credibility and integrity that was reassuring.
  23. I have bought a number of basses from MMR (as we are calling him) and he is an excellent bloke to deal with. I have been to his home to pick up a bass and he is a thoroughly decent guy and only too happy to invite you round and show his collection of instruments. Classic and Cool is a very firm favourite on my browser. He currently has a lovely '73 sunburst fretless which is not on his site. I have suggested to him that he advertises via the affiliate page here as he has some wonderful instruments - currently a Zon bass which is so lovely even a dyed in the wool P-bass man like me wants it!! If he is selling something I would have no hesitation in recommending him. I'm just glad Limelight haven't done a late 60's sunburst P-bass with a rosewood board.
  24. More good feedback. I bought a rack tuner which arrived packed to withstand a nuclear explosion and in excellent condition as described. Very happy to do business again.
  25. Good to hear there was a happy outcome and I hope things are ok with mojobass if he has been suffering - we all have from time to time.
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