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Bassman Steve

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Posts posted by Bassman Steve

  1. I have no idea if this will help but, if the seller is my my area, I am happy to collect the bass and sort out delivery. I have no idea who the seller is and so would not need to know their identity (either in real life or on here).

    If they're having some problems which are a distraction from fulfilling the obligation to the OP then I sympathise but would also want the OP to get his bass. I doubt the cost of delivery would bankrupt me and if it would help both parties then it seems a worthwhile cost too.

    Any party can PM me on this and I would happily do this without any further reference to this on BC.

  2. I have a Palmer Y box which I want to incorporate into a rack. Does anyone know if there's someone in the general Pompey area who can perform such a miracle?

    I am perfectly happy for it to be mounted with all the connections on the front so I don;t need some fancy 'unit' built of it doesn't need it.

    Thank in advance.

  3. A couple of mentions of the HH 2x15. I had one and then bought an Ampeg V4B cab. In my youthful ignorance I figured the HH speakers (being double the power handling) would be great in the Ampeg. They were, as it happens but I would have appreciated the fact that the cab was a great design.

    I once played through a Customs Sound Trucker - woeful!!!!

  4. The Mesa can handle cabs of 8, 4 or 2 ohms, you just use the right speaker output socket (there are 3 pairs). The Acoustic is probably just a pair of sockets and you plug into either.

    You seem to have a choice, both very good amps. I'll pm you my mobile and we can have a chat if you like.

    I do warn you, you'll probably want to ditch the TC and buy one of either after the lend!!!!

  5. I gather this isn't actually one of the original basses - it is a copy you have built.

    Probably still very nice - I have speculatedf that the extra oomph in the originals is much to do with the slab body so I would expect it to be very nice. Get a price on the ad and I may well be interested.

  6. Welcome. I don't need the pictures having once been the very lucky owner of one of these basses (there is a sunburst refin on sale here for 10k at the moment).

    They are stunningly good basses with a really hefty sound. If I had 10k I would be the owner of the other one.

  7. This is about as subjective as it gets given the wide variety of basses/amps/etc but for me, the Boogie Diesel 2x15. Like the Bass 400 it instantly removed any desire to play through anything else and has been exactly the same for nigh on quarter of a century.

    It's so good that I continue to drag it around despite all the lighter etc options available because I still get the very same buzz every time I hear it as I did when I very first played through it.

  8. I have beem the driver of communal transport in the past (when the band at the time owned or leased a van). I now cart round the drummer but it's a price worth paying as he's so good and chatting to him helps keep me awake on long journeys home.

    He always comes up with some money for fuel and so I don't begrudge the lift (he's only about 5 minutes from home as well).

    Good shout earlier, I think we bass players tend to be nice folk. After all, the job is to make the others sound better than they actually are and so it just becomes second nature.

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