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Bassman Steve

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Posts posted by Bassman Steve

  1. I have one too - wonderful bass.

    I think the stock item has some issues with the pre amp for the piezo pick-up in the bridge but most have probably been upgraded by now. Great combination of sounds from the Lace Sensor and piezo pick-ups too. I paid about £500 for mine from E-bay (came from Japan).

  2. Rick, you're making me feel dreadful. I want you to post nothing until it's finished, then just one small picture and never mention it again!! :-)

    If I knew how to do it (or had the equipment) I'd measure whatever you measure on pick-ups and give you the readings for the genuine slab pick-up I have in my bass. If you would really find it helpful, tell me what I need to do and I'll try and get it done. That would settle the pick-up question for certain.

  3. I have been down that route and tend to agree. The days of investment are gone I reckon, instruments are just too heavily priced for there to any room for inflation.

    A mint condition instrument will always be more valuable and a stack-knob Jazz will always command more than a Precision of the same year etc.

    My advice (FWIW) is find an instrument you like and buy that. Play it and enjoy it and eventually sell it for maybe a little more than you paid but remember you've enjoyed playing it for the time you have it.

  4. Howard made me a 70's pattern red tort scratchplate for a '73 P-bass and it's a dead ringer for the real thing. I genuinely didn't think it could be done but I am stunned at the quality and Howard has been very communicative and a pleasure to do business with. The price was exceptional and was less than inferior products out there.

    Howard, please retire immediately or I think you'll end up bankrupting me!!


  5. My main gigging basses are the 3 older P-basses (66, 71 and 73) so a little over the grand mark. Purely because they're the most comfortable (old slippers and all that). That said, I have also gigged the other basses and have sold some very nice earlier basses precisely because I didn't gig them.

  6. Just bought a Y box from Tim. Paid Wednesday evening, parcel turned up on Friday -couldn't have been any quicker. Nuclear prrof packaging too.

    Thanks Tim, pleasure doing biz.


  7. Just to add to the older thread - both basses were sunburst and he had both stripped. I rememberf seeing the band at Portsmouth Guildhall on their first tour and thought the two sunburst basses was the coolest sight on the planet. Probably the actual reason I take two sunburst basses with me to gigs - rather than the spare 'in case' excuse I tell other people who ask!!

  8. Stewart Ward, ther man behind Session, is still active around Basingstoke and does great amp repairs etc. I have had a couple if 1x15's and can only repeat how good they are. Stewart acknowledges they're not loud amps (about 85 watts into the internal speakers).

    Great amps and very well made IMHO.

  9. You will see I have a fair amount of gear similar to that you used. When I record I can use my Fender Japan 70's reissue and the Ampeg PF500 and 1x15 and get just as good a sound in the studio as if I used anything else.

    You don't need to spend a fortune. I didn't, I just bought my stuff yonks ago when everyone wanted headless basses!!

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