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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. It wouldn't have been fair to keep it open for me while I check things (cabinet dimensions) with a definite sale pending. I'll catch the next one. Enjoy that amp!!!
  2. I used to have a head myself, good sound but not quite enough power. Anyone after one, there's a 1x10 combo and extension cab in PJ's Guitar Centre in Southsea.
  3. I played there last year and did have a good time there and that is a very tempting offer. I'll pm you now but understand if Clarky has made a definite offer.
  4. Switch to guitar and hand the bass to the singer (wasn't it Mick Jagger who supposedly said when Bill Wyman left - 'I'll do it, how hard can it be?')
  5. Yup, my first bass was a Columbus Jazz - 45 quid as I recall. Got me started and did me fine until I bought my first Fender P-bass and realised the Columbus was a dog.
  6. I'm tempted - are you anywhere near The Hop Pocket? I'm gigging there tomorrow evening? I need to check some dimensions to see if what I'm thinking will work.
  7. I have driven Mercs ever since I had my first and was driving to a gig when I was hit up the back by a Ford Escort. I could see in the mirror the Escort was a write off and I feared the worst for my gear (it was a saloon and I only had some of my gear in the boot). Got to the back of the car and there was the tiniest crimp in the paintwork on the rear bumper and that was it. By the way, older Mercs cost very little but still drive as if they were brand new!! Car related(ish) I did some gigs with an excellent drummer who drummed for a well known heavy rock band. He was sacked and his gear was returned by having the truck drive down the road outside his house with the road crew pushing his cases out of the back as it went past his house.
  8. Very sad news indeed.
  9. Paul very kindly gave me a Jazz bass pickup - absolutely top chap. He's the pre-CBS of basschatters.
  10. I found (and still do) that if you put your fingertips in the hottest water you can stand it'll help. Apparently the veins in the fingertip get crushed with all the pushing down on the strings and the hot water opens them up again, allowing the blood to flow freely again.
  11. It's got a temporary Allparts tort plate on it for the moment and a Bass Doc tort guard is coming soon. As soon as that's on I'll take some decent pictures and post them - it is very mojosome!
  12. Thanks Jon, if I were an MM player I'd have had that gorgeous anniversary bass of yours.
  13. Good luck with your first gig. Hope you're less nervous than I was when I broke my duck. I was so excited about it I got to the gig and found I'd left my bass at home! Mind you, that taught me to have a routine and always put stuff in the same place (car keys, wallet etc - all the stuff you don't want in your pockets when you play). Since then I've often chuckled at people who put stuff down randomly wondering where there keys etc are later.
  14. Enjoy the new boiler (does she have a name ?).
  15. And it's overpriced, and it's always raining, and the portions are really small but you just love our royal family.
  16. That is excellent :-) Right up there with the Virgin Airlines letter of complaint to Richard Branson.
  17. Ah, you were the other interested party? As soon as Alex mentioned someone else I knew I'd have to act quickly or lose it. It just oozed playability, even in the pictures. It looks dreadful up close but plays beuatifully (with a B profile neck, the same as my #1 bass). I need to renew the side markets as they're black and invisible against the wear on the neck but that's it really. Apologies for beating you to it. Maybe the stripped '66 on Andy Baxter will be of interest?
  18. It was going to be my Bohemian Rhapsody bass (I've got plenty of Seven Seas of Rhye basses) but I'll think you guys are right and I'll leave it as is - that was my gut feeling and thanks for your opinions.
  19. Bassman Steve


    Just acquired this 'beauty' from the Bass Gallery. Mainly 1973 but a handful of other years too. It plays beautifully and I have got the Bass Doctor on the case to make a good 70's pattern tort plate for it. Now, do I get it stripped properly or leave looking like Rory Gallagher's hitherto unknown bass?
  20. Ah, I was thinking of my nephew but being Pompey based may be a difficulty!
  21. Either of the two UPP albums - staggering bass playing from Stephen Amazing. As a bonus there's plenty of Jeff Beck guitar as well.
  22. Horribly sad. I heard the news on the radio not long ago. So sorry for his family and friends.
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