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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. I have imported a couple of things recently and a rule of thumb which seems to work in that you pay in Sterling and 80% of the price in dollars, taking everything into account.
  2. Very pretty indeed (and I'm a dyed in the wool sunburst, tort plate and rosewood neck man).
  3. Can I just say thank you for the picture of Kate Bush.
  4. Bump to keep this on top. Really hope this has a happy ending.
  5. I joined an Abba tribute band at the time they were going from part backing tape band to fully live band. As I learned the piano for many years I started miming on piano to the backing tapes - dressed as Benny, in a variety of dreadful satin outfits. Luckily none survive. You'd think it was money for old rope but miming is hard work!!
  6. That brings back memories, used to have one myself - powered by an Intermusic amp. I eventually bought an Ampeg V4 cab but swapped the speakers into the Ampeg as the HH were more powerful. That cab started a lifelong love affair with 2x15's.
  7. Graham Wheeler in Worthing is another prime candidate - excellent luthier.
  8. I only use one of each at any one time (at the moment), does that count?
  9. Interesting and maybe a shame they don't incorporate the piezo pick-up my fretless semi P-bass has. I love the sound of my semi and the sound is completely different (in a good way).
  10. Saw Queen many times from their first headline tour onwards. First rig was 4 Acoustic 371 stacks with 2 Hiwatt heads and 2 Sound City 4x12 cabs loaded with Gauss drivers (1 of the Acoustic 301s was positioned over on Brian May's side of the stage). He then changed the Sound City cabs for Peavey 4x12s. Then moved onto the Sunn rig (a mixture of 4x12's and 15's I think) and finally the SWR. Damned impressive rig that Acoustic/Hiwatt rig!! Recording wise he DI'd but also mic'd the 301 and 4x12, the final sound being a mix of all 3.
  11. I shall check on my fretless at home and may well have this is I can swap necks with my (non-HMT) variant. The finish on yours is lovely and you're not far away at all.
  12. Buy with confidence as they are fantastic instrument6s. I have the very model you are thinking of and it's great. The non-reverse tuners are slightly odd (as not period correct) but the bass is superb and I would happily buy another (although my preference is the 70's reissue).
  13. I have nothing to add on mic choice but I will say one thing - get a good cable. Your great mic hasn't a chance if your cable is a cheapie.
  14. I would agree with the RCD. I did a gig wehere we soundchexcked and everything was great. The guy ran out a nice long mains and we plugged in all was fine. Soundcheck over I realised |I hadn't used my RCD. I plugged it in and it tripped. Long story short it turned out there was no earth. Carry an RCD and make sure you use it.
  15. As soon as you make any mistake it's history. I was playing with ex Marine bandsmen in jazz bands when I was 17 and they all said 'just keep smiling and no-one will know' and they're right. A mistake dosn't mean you're crap, it means you're human. Watch the Strat 50th anniversary gig and watch David Gilmour. He fluffs a note but just carries on. Everone makes mistakes, it's how you deal with those that's important. Learn from them but don't beat yourself up about it.
  16. Maybe make contact with Andy Baxter at Andy Baxter Bass. He seems to specialise in those amps.
  17. Always worth the price of a stamp (or time doing an email). I did Children In Need a few years back and was offered a deal just on the basis of that (rather similar to Rogerstodge above).
  18. A band from the US called It's A Beautiful Day. We played the Garden Stage on the Sunday night as Beady Eye played the main stage and the Manics were on the Big Top stage.
  19. Check out Watford Valves who have some reviews and reports on tests using different valves. I also emailed them telling then the sound I wanted and they came back with a recommendation.
  20. I bought the 2x18 specifically for outdoor gigs. It pretty much gives me my 2x15 sound. That's as stage monitor as much as anything. I don't necessarily recommend anyone do the same!! :-)
  21. I am lucky to have endorsing deals with Rotosound and Cleartone cables. They are my only consumables really as I have used the same Mesa Boogie rig for 23 years now and they don't make the gear I'd want now (RIP the Diesel cabs). My basses are all Fender models which aren't current either (except the Japanese reissues). The Rotosound deal was as a result of a speculative email to the company when I found myself headlining the Isle of Wight Festival last year (literally) and Cleartone are run by a chum of mine who happens to make exceptional cables and is an all round great guy. I keep buying SKB cases so maybe I should approach them!
  22. No idea on the slab body specs. I owned mine (and Precision serial no 0189) before the days of the internet and had no idea of the rarity of it. It may well have been stock parts but something about it made it an extraordinary bass to record with. The sound was really full and even, if you understand what I mean. I'd still own both if I knew now .............................. but then we've all been there. Good luck with the build and you'll have a particularly stunning bass when it's finished. The other different thing (if original but sold as such) was the case. We're going back a bit but it was sort of black/white weave to look almost grey and had pockets either side of the neck as it lay in the case. Never seen one like it before or since.
  23. Shame I didn't get to find out the weight as it may well have sold faster. :-(
  24. Can only add that I'm delighted with mine.
  25. I have the 1x15 and love it but try both and make up your own mind. I play 4 strings and mainly use flats (rounds on the Aerodynes though) so that might tell you the sound I'm after.
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