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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. I would tend to want to use my rig because it's the best in the Universe (IMO) and am happy for people to use it but have used rigs I am not partial to if there's full pa support because it's ultimately only my stage monitor and having the sound man on your side is very important. Not always ideal but it's often not worth the hassle. I did a televised festival a couple of years ago whre I had asked for a valve head and 2x15 and was greeted by some digital Peavey head and a 4x10. You just act professionally and get on with it. I'd be a singer if I wanted to be a primadonna. Just sayin' ;-)
  2. First night last night (in Assen in NL). Definitely takes time to suss out the pre amp so not my favourite tone but I know it's in there. Certainly didn't mind carrying the two Compacts down the stairs.
  3. Slapping, never ever sussed it out. I have learned a short but spectacular piece (short as in a few seconds) that makes me sound quite good at it so I play that and say 'yeah but I'm not really into it' and move on in the hope that people will just think I can do it but choose not to. The truth is slightly different ..........
  4. Temporary export relief for repair? That might deal with your Customs issue.
  5. I have always gone to the depot to pay over the counter and collect the package. I have imported a number of basses and had no issue at all with any of them. Obviously that doesn't work for deliveries from EU countries - still come 2017 when we leave .....................
  6. I'll dig out the name of a guy in Germany (I think) who has all sorts of Ampeg spares. He sent me a caster for a Portaflex cab a couple of years or so ago.
  7. Will do Geoff. Your Compact is resplendent in a Roqsolid cover and the pair sounded great with the M6. I'm not convinced they're going to make the Boogie cab redundant but I'll a/b them at some point.
  8. Seems there may be a mass murderer with a KitchenAid out there.
  9. I would think maybe two or quite a number if liquidised first. I should warn any potential taker that they'll hear that joke every single $odding time they wheel it into a venue.:-)
  10. It's doing me a favour in all honesty and I hate to see t go to the tip. Jus measured and I reckon the 2x15 and 1516 are the same size.
  11. Could be a bit far - although I am happy to give £1 cashback! I'd better measure as I was going to order a 1516 Roqsolid cover on the same assumption.
  12. So, put these things in the order in which you'd expect to receive them. 1. An amp which requires boxing up and couriering; 2. A hand made speaker cable; 3. Something that you take off a shelf, put in a jiffy bag and mail. Oh well, I'll know for the future.
  13. I'm keeping the cab but it's coming out of it's case. It's paid for itself many times over so this is a chance to lavish some luxury on your cab for the price of some fuel. Made for this cab by BCS flightcases. It's a live in cab with a trapdoor at the back for the jack socket. Just wheel it in and stand it up, take off the front and you're good to go. I am assuming this will fit a1516 because they appear to be the same size. It stands on wooden battens similar to those to which the wheels are attached. Over £240 when new but now just £1 (negotiable) collected from near Portsmouth.
  14. Hi Dave. Will do. My go to bass is the 66 by miles with the 73 not far behind. Very light and lovely B profile necks. They are both semi retired now so I take the two Kent Armstrong reissues. I always bang on about the Japanese basses but they really are excellent. This will be my first tour without the 400 and 2x15 with me so it will be interesting.
  15. If you check my signature you'll see that I'm celebrating losing a few pounds! Yes, it does sound awesome by the way Only tried it into the Compacts but the Boogie cab has far more oomph to my mind.
  16. Just taken delivery of a great M-Pulse 600, just in time for a short tour in Europe next week. This was on the shelf in Bass Direct on Wednesday night when I bought it online. 40 hours later it is here - remarkable service.
  17. An incredible life is finally over but what a wonderful catalogue of music he has left behind. As said, peacefully in his sleep, I only hope Fate has that in store for me.
  18. I just need the girlfriend I can drag round by the hair now. :-)
  19. I picked that up myself. As nothing to my old Road Ready 2x18 which weighed in at 107 kilos.
  20. I should say that Parcelforce have successfully delivered some of that! :-)
  21. Indeed. I wasn't in the Inland Revenue (at the time) but my time in Customs and Excise taught me that tax is very much a matter of brownie points. Play fair and they'll bend over backwards to help you but try and take the pi$$ and they won;t rest until they get you.
  22. Seems to me the complaint was entirely justified and the outcome was purely in the hands of Parcel Force. I very much the manager would actually divulge the outcome of any disciplinary proceedings and, even if that was the outcome, it would have to have been more than a first offence.
  23. Over the years I've pretty much done all of those things and still, at the tender age of 56, still get opportunities to do tours. They have to fit in with the job that pays the bills these days but I still do it nevertheless. I am a single parent but the children are grown up enough to allow me some short times away. I had a few years as a touring pro but (funnily enough) had a day job at the time I played in the headlining act at the Isle of Wight. Similarly I have been on tour and been let into the hotel after the gig after the manager has crow-barred off the planks that keep people out (it had been condemned). The one thing that full time music is (unless you're in a pretty big band) is tiring. The very late nights and the miles really take it out of you. It's not remotely glamorous. Obviously, family brings responsibilities (to the responsible) and that prevents doing anything too daft but I see that as a good thing now. I wouldn't want to sleep in a van any more (never really had to often but remember it well) and the financial commitments mean I couldn't just give it all up again. That's also good because it's all very fleeting and one lucrative gig doesn't make for a career. I also took the decision that I would never play stuff I didn't want to and so have never done the cruise/holiday camp thing - though I suspect you don't mean that kind of 'headlining'.
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