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Bassman Steve

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Everything posted by Bassman Steve

  1. Well certainly, sometimes flats and a P-bass won't get you the sound you're after. I guess it's whether or not you think the active can do a reasonable job on the other songs where the P-bass was right in the past.
  2. Bum Tush surely :-)
  3. Excellent. That guy is stupidly talented. Let us know the rider details won't you?
  4. Indeed, I believe they were all session musicians of some repute. Just think, the US got Toto.
  5. Glad you're as happy with your as I am with mine. Lovely basses and stupid cheap for what you get.
  6. Yeah, so did Jaco - oh wait, no he didn't.
  7. I have always perceived maple boards to be brighter.
  8. I'd say do it. The sound guys at the Beeb are full time professionals used to making stuff happen in the most un-forgiving of circumstances and with the benefit of top notch gear. Go along and watch and learn. Oh (and from personal experience) don't let your guitarist knock the 'ear' off the dalek!
  9. I'm terrible at this. It's a lovely thing to hear and very kind of people to say so. I tend to just be gracious and say thanks to people I identify as non-musical and just say 'thank god for the cloth-eared' to people I reckon are musicians (in the idiotic belief they have a sense of humour similar to mine). That said. most compliments I get start off as being for the sound. They probably just tack on the playing bit to be polite.
  10. My first Precision was bough new in Andertons in 1978 (S749320) and I've been an addict ever since. I've had all the usual alternatives (66 Jazz, 78 Stingray, Ric 4000) but they've only ever been decoration really. Over the years I've done the pre-CBS thing and had some nice ones - 1953 (£995), 66 slab (£895), 61 (£950), 62 (£895). About 1987 I found my #1 bass (a 66 refin - £260) and we've been pretty much inseparable ever since. I have semi-retired the old girl - I have worn some gouges out just above the pickup - and am very much a champion of the Japanese Fenders now. Of all the basses I've owned, the period 66-73 is my favourite period and they represent the best value in my mind. Still nice and light, great quality but Japan makes amazing instruments and they've all been bought without trial and not one lemon among them.
  11. Blimey, that'll never catch on. ;-)
  12. Just a thought, will that do any harm to the Eden's internal amp (running it without a load)?
  13. All this TKS love - I can feel my resolve weakening almost daily.
  14. They do have some wonderfully esoteric stuff there for sure.
  15. I love his playing with a Gibson but hate it on a Fender. I loathe that Strat tone he gets.
  16. Every single penny (awaits lightning bolt).
  17. What about home contents insurance. It was lost at a social gathering and not for any business so might it all be covered? I ask because something similar happened to me with my cables bag - even had an SM58 in it. I got a payout from the insurance company within a few days - only to be presented with my cable bag by one of the other guys, at the next gig, saying 'sorry, I picked this up thinking it was mine'!!
  18. I have two - great instruments. I have swapped out the original pickups but they are lovely. Nice and light and excellent build quality.
  19. Actually, I'm a blues player through and through. It's not that at all, I just don't really rate either of them. ironically, when I was a Pretty Thing, I had a VIP pass to Wembley Stadium (about 92 or so) but was still totally underwhelmed. This was just after Wyman left and we tried to persuade Dick (Taylor) to ask for his old job back.
  20. Isn't it odd, I can't stand them - or Hendrix, just so you can hate me more :-)
  21. Drop John Hall a line and explain what you want to do and see if he'll buy it back off you. :-)
  22. Buy an Acoustic 360.
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