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Everything posted by wombatboter

  1. Had one of these.. great cabs, whoever gets this gets himself a bargain.
  2. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1336586412' post='1648059'] Ok. Please be gentle!! My first ever ever 'solo' bass stuff (albeit one of them, on the jazz, ive been playing since i was 17) and its my first ever ever 'solo' bass recorded effort. I'm normally more 'Mr Band' [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IbrUUT1XGY&sns=em[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXBPobPoY_s&sns=em[/media] Nothing mad complicated or tricky. But I'm really not that guy lol. [/quote] Sounded more than ok, nice !
  3. Traded my Adamovic for Pete's Elrick.. Great transaction with a very kind BC'er..highly recommended.
  4. To me it was again proof that if you're a great singer or musician that you're not automatically a good composer... Too many musicians with great skills want to put all of that on their cd.. I had the same feeling listening to Tal Wilkenfeld's cd. I know musicians with lesser skills who can write a melody which is haunting and catchy while others loose themselves in compositions which I find tiring.. I always enjoyed Jaco far more playing bass for others than on his own cd's for instance.. But it's indeed all a matter of opinion..
  5. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1337890530' post='1667118'] I just had another listen/watch. It's a very structured bass line, very clever arrangement too. Maybe I listen to too much Zappa or summat, but it seemed very accessible music to me, and it did actually bring to mind Tinseltown Rebellion era Zappa (without the biting lyrics but with added jazzisms), especially the middle section with the chromatic walking bass (LOVE the slur to the accented 1 in the second bar!), I can almost substitute her voice for Ray White's on that bit. And I love the fast section that precedes it with the bass on the sharp 7th. Aside from that, the horns are very cool, the drums are thrilling in parts, and she has a lovely voice with lush harmony BVs. Did I say the arrangement is superb too? Yes, it's natural and very organic. And FUN! Remember fun? I'll get the album on the strength of this. EDIT: Downloading now [/quote] I was always very fond of her voice and her playing whenever she appeared on YT...I couldn't wait to get her first cd and put it on in the car during a long drive (that's when I can enjoy music the most). After hearing the cd, I was sure that I never wanted to hear it again. The compositions were musician's music with heavy arrangements without the talent of writing a simple hook or melody which you can remember. After four or five songs in a row my brain wanted to explode after one of the many "boodoepidoe" "poetsiewoeboedoe" and other "tunes" I had already forgotten after ten seconds. I am used to hearing jazzy tunes, I have no problem listening to fusion music and nice chord changes (I can listen to a complete Matt Garrison cd without any problem) but Esperanza's music got on my nerves in a way that rarely happens. I gave the cd to a friend because I never wanted to hear it ever again. Quite sure that it would never grow on me since I found it tiring and overcomplicated in its attempt to sound "mature". When I saw her on Jools, it all came back to me. Nice song but try listening to this a couple of times in a row, let alone a full album.. It was impossible to me without getting a headache.
  6. Recently I heard "Roll over lay down" again on the radio and it was really great to hear it back again..the whole structure of the song and the "quiet" passage struck me..
  7. You owe me a beer when you're in Belgium :-)
  8. Very kind words but too much honour... :-) Bit off topic but I heard a recording of myself playing fretless twenty years ago and I sounded the same as now. Meanwhile I have been buying and selling basses like mad but I was kidding myself..GAS is an ugly thing and it troubles one's mind and takes the focus away from what we should be doing : playing and learning. But I guess buying and selling stuff gives us the fake feeling that we are busy with "music" while this isn't true... We're looking for excuses for keeping away from our instruments and blaming it on the holy quest for the right sound. Like Marcus Miller said : "Get yourself a good instrument and then move on".
  9. Nice ! Not really keen on playing 5 anymore.. I'm having a fourstring build by luthier Paul Belgrado and that 'll be the end of any more purchases. After 125 basses I think I've seen enough and to be honest : the gigs are getting fewer and the worst thing .. I don't regret it. I find as much comfort playing in my livingroom nowadays and I don't need huge collections for that anymore..
  10. Time for a small update in this topic.. Bought myself a cheap Ibanez ATK 300 fretless this weekend just because I liked the looks a lot.. Turned out to be an actual good fretless in the end.. Bought it for around 150 £, again proof that you don't need to spend a lot of money to get a decent sound.. [IMG]http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t247/wombatboter/IBANEZ004.jpg[/IMG] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5VOZ83CE5A"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5VOZ83CE5A[/url]
  11. Just got up, watched this and I'm feeling better, thanks for posting this...
  12. Discovered Ren Harvieu last week... Really liked it and that sort of thing makes me happy enough to keep watching, even though there are some bands which I really don't like. We dream of a program like "Jools" around here since bands have no opportunity to show themselves, there is nothing... I can understand your criticism but find yourselves lucky... national tv in Belgium banned live music or even playback on the air..
  13. Thanks.. Never have received so much emails for a bass as this one.. without selling it :-) "Would you ship to ..." "Yes" (no reaction anymore) "Just one final question before I buy this bass" (no reaction anymore) "As soon as I sell my bass, I'll get back to you, can't wait" (no reaction anymore) etc...(about fifteen of these kind of emails) Guess it's all part of the difficult times we're in ànd the fact that this isn't the most obvious thing to sell. I'll see how it goes :-)
  14. Fixed ! Thanks for the reminder...you're right about the correct spelling :-)
  15. Lowered the price to 1650 euros but afraid that's as far as I want to go...
  16. It's another side of bass but still bass in my ears and I find it very inspiring ...Some of the techniques he uses I find useful to blow the dust of my own playing. Not that I succeed but even trying helps me to get out of a rut sometimes. Plenty of slap around.. while this is something else and more unique in my ears...
  17. I think most of you are familiar with the style of Carles Benavent, the great flamenco bassplayer.. This was posted somewhere else on the internet and I wanted to share this with you.. I love the sound and the techniques he uses...Starts around 1'15" (before there is some Spanish explanation which sounds exotic but I'm not familiar with this beautiful language). For some of you who post the usual comments "Get yourself a guitar.." : I found this to be absolutely in the "bass" repertoire and not "over-guitarish". [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEEm2Ao6vt0[/media]
  18. Thanks for the info.. When I got this bass the set-up was perfect so never had to change anything.. I changed the EADGC into the BEADG tuning and that didn't cause a problem either, no damage to the nut or anything.
  19. Bump For the moment I have around four or five people who are "seriously thinking about buying this bass" ... Haven't got a clue what this will be turning into so just have to be patient until someone makes up his mind :-).
  20. Sold ? Great, then you can buy another bass (hint :-))
  21. Thanks.. band doesn't exist anymore. As anyone knows : it's not easy to have lots of women in a band, great to look at but drives you mad in the end (conversations about eye-lashes, come on..)
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