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Everything posted by wombatboter

  1. I watched this video years ago and I was deeply disappointed and even a bit angry because it was such a waste of time I thought it was a bad idea to give him the means to make a video since he has so little to offer.. His intonation is bad, his ideas are so average and he should have paid more attention on his playing than on the looks and the moves. It didn't me inspire at all and luckily I found other fretless players with better advice which made me play more..
  2. The bass has been sold, thanks for all the reactions..
  3. I feel the same way..luckily I already have a more than decent 5-string but still....
  4. I traded my Pedulla for Stephen's Wal bass... Excellent transaction, had the feeling that there was nothing to worry about and there was mutual trust.. Thanks a lot !
  5. Thanks for the kind reactions, means a lot to me.. The bass is currently on hold..
  6. Got some pm's with bass chatters who asked to pay with paypal.. Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned but I do my transactions through an international moneytransfer and I would prefer the same for my sales. I've got nothing to hide, I think I have an okay reputation around here on bass.chat (check my feedback) so I hope that I come across as someone who can be trusted.. I can understand that these are dangerous times but I always had good experiences here on bass.chat...I always had transactions with top class persons who turned out to be very trustworthy.
  7. Thanks for the feedback.. Answered all the pm's I got.. I can ship this bass to the UK for around 30 euros safely packed. To avoid confusion : this is not a re-issue bass.
  8. I'm trying to cut down in my bass collection so I decided to put this Fender for sale.. When I bought it it needed some repairing: I noticed that there was a crack in one of the block inlays. The neck also needed adjusting and I took it to a Belgian luthier and he gave the bass a good set-up, gave it a refret and repaired the block-inlay.. I played it ever since without any problem but lately I don't use it anymore since I prefer the more wooden tone of my Sandberg bass.. I'm asking 1400 euros for it but I don't have a case for it. I could get hold of a gigbag eventually. This bass delivers the classic Jazz ingredients, has a nice Miller-slap and a nice growl when played fingerstyle.. Other remarks : this is a refinish, the pickups are Seymour Duncans and the bass has a Badass bridge. A local pick-up is preferred but I could ship this bass also well packed.. I took a couple of pictures and recorded a short youtube thing to give an impression of the sound. For more information or questions feel free to contact me.. Not really looking for trades but perhaps I could be persuaded with ... who knows (not really looking for "rock" basses though) Thanks for looking Geert [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XycWQZbG9wE[/media]
  9. Some time ago I was at a jam-session over here in Belgium and someone brought Divinity in to jam along.. She jumped on stage in the middle of the groove which was in Eb (not the easiest thing to play on for bassplayers who are used to do their stuff in E). She had a five string Marcus Miller bass and started to play the groove and it sounded tight.After a while they gave her a sign that she could solo and to my surprise doing the same things which every local player would do : some safely slapped octaves and a nice groove..Actually she didn't have incredible technique and nothing speedy came out of her fingers.. After a while it actually sounded like everyone else except for the fact that there was this American self-esteem which took over.. It's tough to break through in the States and I had again the impression that it is very important to be very confident on stage and sell yourself if you want to make it there.. She's a fine bassplayer but I wasn't blown away.. I agree that you don't have to be a speed demon and show incredible stuff but most of the bass players in that room had the same impression..if it would have been a man it would be less striking. After her jam the local bass-player came back onto the stage and no one felt a big difference with Divinity...in fact I liked his groove more...but he's a quiet guy in the background.
  10. Every time I read the topic title I think about this disco classic :-) Good luck with your sales, Pierre.. bought a bass from him and he's a pleasure to deal with. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6k5RbP402U&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6k5RbP402U&feature=related[/url]
  11. There are no funk fingers involved... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptmDZ5JiLf0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptmDZ5JiLf0[/url]
  12. It is metal indeed but it doesn't sound cold or soulless.. I used a five string Remington in this video, straight into the DI, no effects.. (sorry to hijack your topic, I can always remove things if you want, just let me know). If I didn't have my Wal fretless I would buy a Lefay back.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXHVraiLy3s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXHVraiLy3s[/url]
  13. :-) These basses normally cost around 4000 euros and more, so this is a really tempting price...
  14. I owned a Lefay like this (I have a clip on youtube with some sounds) and it's one of the best fretless basses in the world... The sustain is beyond belief, the neck is very fast and the bass is very light... Sold it because I didn't need the extended octaves and the pick up was a bit too far placed for me but in the end : this is a killer price for a great instrument...
  15. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LXQYAphr0M&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LXQYAphr0M&feature=player_embedded[/url]
  16. Victor Wooten always inspires me...not that I'm anywhere in that region but just the idea that anything is possible.
  17. I've read the book and listened to the music... He seems to be in the right place at the right time and obviously is the sort of chap you like to hang out with, there's nothing wrong with that... I quite like this bass-line.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ECpQFx2ALg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ECpQFx2ALg[/url]
  18. He's got an amazing double live-cd which is one of my favourite records ever... Went to see him live in concert twice and it was just so good...excellent musicians and finally someone who's still capable of writing and singing a song instead of making only grooves.. The cd "Hourglass" is also excellent...his music is so refined and never "vulgar". You can feel that he "takes care" of his songs. This is my favourite, features the great Jimmy Johnson [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg2D714gn2w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg2D714gn2w[/url]
  19. I have a similar Pro and I really love it.. has the classic punch of a Wal.
  20. Although Wal basses are just great I'm pretty sure that Karn could have taken any fretless and give that his signature sound.. I believe he played Travis Bean and Klein basses too so it was all in his fingers.
  21. I'm really getting curious about this book so I'm going to order it... You can never underestimate the power of money and what it does to people... Reminds me of Andy Summers coming up with that great guitar-line on "Every breath you take" (which pretty much makes the song what it is in a way) and Sting still claiming that the song is completely his.. I used to be in a band with one person being the musical director giving cues during our gigs for instance...(he was paid 50 euros more each gig) He was replaced for one gig by someone else so the drummer counted of the songs instead of the musical director.. Later on I heard from the manager that the drummer went up to him and whispered : "I counted of the songs today so you can put the extra 50 on my account". There is a reason why I am a receptionist during the day... money does strange things to people and even in the "ideal" world of music it has become more important. A daily job helps me to stay away from sharing this mentality.
  22. It's been a while but I think I used the D'Addario's with an 0.40 for the G.. I change gear a lot but at that time I think it was an Epifani amp (which I still have) with a Vanderkley 2X12 speaker. As already stated a lot bass players prefer these Pro-basses...
  23. I did (and so did a lot of people around here in Belgium). Lots of great songs like Rocket or the even funky Moonshine Sally.
  24. I couldn't agree more..great playing, tight groove and that P-sound is the ultimate goal.
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