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Everything posted by wombatboter

  1. I've had a Pro II which I bought here on bass.chat... It had the same sound ingredients as other Wal basses but in a way it still had a sound of its own..I remember a fellow bass-player being floored by the sound, more so than the MKI models.. The switch is handy but you can control the volumes with the knobs so it isn't really a problem if the switch doesn't work.. This is one of my old videos which gives a bit of an impression how the bass sounded, might be of help.. (I'll remove it if it bothers you) Good luck with your sale or trade [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9vV-0mPOlc[/media]
  2. I saw the show too (not too much going on around here on Belgian television) and love him or hate him : he does know how to write a song and if that moves you or not : a lot of people like him so "50.000.000 Elvis fans can't be wrong". He's not a great singer also but I heard the song for the first time two days ago and I can still hum it, that means something...
  3. Have a bump..
  4. Bass has found a new owner in Holland...
  5. I'm still interested... You could say the same thing about Stanley Clarke or Derek Forbes or... I think his contribution to bassplaying is so huge that he never gets out of fashion imo... In a way I'm glad that he's still quoted or posted for how may bassplayers are there still around who are in a prominent position ? Bass-guitar has been pretty dead in popular music since ages.. Can't recall hearing a nice fretless or a great bassline in the charts in a long time. I still think King is relevant and after all this is bass.chat.... A lot of topics pop up again and again : flat- or roundwounds, 4X10 or 2x12, Jaco Pastorius, P or Jazz-bass,Bernard Edwards, etc... Doesn't bother me...
  6. Went to see them a couple of weeks ago in Oostende at the Belgian coast.. First couple of songs it sounded just horrible..When they opened with "Heaven in my hands" there was absolutely no definition.. Even bassplayers (who are trained to spot bass just a bit better) couldn't hear any bass...It remains a mystery why he didn't add a bit of mid in his sound. He just doesn't cut through in big halls.. This was the best moment, when the drums kick in.. it's still pure magic. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al2rcDhwtvI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al2rcDhwtvI[/url]
  7. Thanks... Bass is on hold for the moment...
  8. [i]My deepest respect goes out to Pete and may he rest in peace..[/i]
  9. Nice tone on this one too... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3DknQB4HPk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3DknQB4HPk[/url]
  10. Stunning bass...one of the nicest Kingbasses I've ever seen...
  11. I've got that song on vinyl, the extended version....great.
  12. Bought one myself about a month ago and I wouldn't want to miss it... Great for all kinds of music, from jazz to soul or reggae. Good luck with your sale.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygdrHhOul58"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygdrHhOul58[/url]
  13. I remember cleaning the dishes in the kitchen when I still lived at home with my parents around 1981.. On the radio there was this song which was just amazing and I had never heard anything like it before.. It was Love Games and I can still remember that moment vividly.. Even on that small transistor-radio the bass came through. Later on I got a tape from a friend (I couldn't afford buying records at that time) and there were four other songs I got to know. Almost there, Heathrow and Dunetune entered my life and I just couldn't believe how anyone could pull this off...and then someone said that the bassplayer also sàng .. It's hard to imagine now what sort of impact King had at that time.. it was like a comet had crashed on Planet Bass.
  14. Watched the double DVD recently and thought it was pretty good.. Still I thought the whole image thing which was displayed on the DVD-cover (baddest motherf*cker, etc..) didn't make any sense.. They try to give you the impression that he is the king of danger while he seems to be a really down to earth lad who seems to enjoy playing on the machines in a bar for hours (not really rock n roll to be honest) and collecting knives (I know other people with the same hobby) Sure there are drugs and booz and all that but imo they seem to make a lot more out of him than he himself normally does.. He's polite, has his views on life and seems to be a loving dad.. The image one has of him is apparantly a lot more rock n roll than he himself probably is..
  15. I rarely start a topic around here but this is just so amazing that I couldn't help posting this..(hopefully this hasn't been posted before) Many have praised Paul Turner but again this floors me.. When the bass comes in around 3'30" ...how good can you be ? Killer tone, great phrases and sometimes I hear echoes of Bernard Edwards and Rocco Prestia in his style. Turner is just one of the finest bassplayers around.. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzRl7ftj0Hs&feature=related[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrC5E7f-JIA&feature=related[/media]
  16. [quote name='BB3000S' timestamp='1324420469' post='1474154'] They clearly are awesome musicians, but I'm either getting to old or have overdosed through the years (or both) for this - sadly I have to say it does not move me or touch me at all. Have nothing but the utmost respect for their skill and dedication though, hats off! [/quote] + 1, doesn't move me either but have to admire their approach and skills..
  17. One thing I experienced during a studio session : you can not make a Wal sound like a Precision....I tried every frequency and every tone but it still sounded like a Wal. When I plugged in a Precision the difference was huge... I still prefer Percy on his Wal...superbe tone, very clear and percussive.
  18. I'm a receptionist at a police station (I'm not a police officer myself) but during the last twenty years it has rarely been a problem to combine being a musician and a receptionist.. I have never been able to make the switch to being a full time musician..I'm not an adventurous person and I always thought it was too risky making a living out of playing music.. Also I don't like the idea of being dependent on bands or singers (there's a lot of strategies going on and I prefer to be "clean" and not have to lie or exagerate to get my gigs or sessions). I just pick the things I like even if they are less paid. I don't have to worry about my paycheck and still I can do gigs... Usually gigs are during the weekend so that's no problem...My superiors don't give me a hard time when I'm asking for a day off. To be honest : when I'm surrounded by musicians during a couple of days I find it boring after a while : the same musician's stories, the complaints about the crowd or the sound, the ego's.. Sometimes I'm glad to go back to the police station again and leave the music world behind...
  19. A clip of a fivestring.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCQRvvRP3y0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCQRvvRP3y0[/url]
  20. A couple of years ago we had to have some in-ears made for a tour in churches where you couldn't use amps.. Together with the in-ears I had some ear-protection made for me (moulded to fit my ears) but unfortunately I never used this protection since after trying it once I missed the live-feeling and felt a bit isolated. This morning I had an appointment with the doctor because I have been suffering from a very quiet but still disturbing high tone in my left ear (especially in the quiet of the night I get to really notice it). Conclusion : from now on I'm going to wear my ear-protection..It's already a bit too late but better now than never since I want to keep hearing things (I'm turning 50 next year so plenty of music ahead of me).
  21. My first record was "Ballroom Blitz"....still blows me away. I've got a greatest hits-cd which is just great...so many good songs and so well played and sung.. Teenage Rampage, Hellraiser, Action, The Sixteens, The Lies in your eyes, Love is like oxygen. Sort of band which inspired me to be a musician myself one day.. So magical : "Are you ready, Steve ? Andy ? Mick ? Allright fellas, lets gooooooooooooooo !"
  22. Struck me recently that we share the same gear.. not too many chances to find someone who also has a fretless Wal, a Pedulla Buzz and an Adamovic :-)
  23. Beautiful ! Maybe a bit indiscrete but why are you selling this great bass ?
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