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Everything posted by wombatboter

  1. Thanks ! I discovered that I don't need a Wal with two pick-ups when I'm playing fretless so I'll just stick to my old Pro Wal with one pick-up. Another picture :
  2. I recently bought this fretless Wal but the differences between this one and my other Wal fretless are not big enough to keep two of these.. This is a '87 fretless Wal with shedua facings, mahogany core and indian ebony fingerboard. Delivers all that Wal is known for.. Asking price is the same as the one I paid for it : 2250 euros...(no trades unless you should have a nice Ken Smith) This instrument can be picked up in Brussels or can be send.. For more information you can always email me.. Best regards Geert (I got the permission to use the pictures of the former owner)
  3. Ok... I put the link back in the first post.. I was just a bit disappointed. I placed in on another bass-related forum in Holland and I had 120 downloads within a couple of days and a lot of reactions (with criticism I could do something with..) I posted here on the British bass-forum which is supposed to be huge with hundreds of bass-players and I got one reaction.. I hope it's not a continental grudge :-)
  4. [quote name='The Funk' post='370664' date='Jan 5 2009, 11:00 AM']Hi! I downloaded the album before I went abroad. I had a good listen to it while I was away. Just got back so haven't had a chance to post about it before now. I think it sounds great! Good riffs, good grooves and good bass playing! The only criticism I'd have of it is that on each song it's too clear who your direct influence was: on a few songs it sounds like Jaco, on a few other songs it sounds like Stanley Clarke and on a few others it sounds like Marcus Miller. I'd like to know what YOU sound like.[/quote] Thanks for the response and you are absolutely right : I find it hard after all these years of playing to find my own personal thing. I can't hide my influences and although I know that I can play the bass it would be great to have a style of my own. That's the greatest gift for a musician. Again, thanks for your post, I deleted the link because I was a bit disappointed because no one reacted but this made it worthwhile !
  5. Chaka performed in Belgium some time ago and a local band (with friends of mine on drums and keyboard) played with her. It was Andrew on bass and they were blown away by him. Apparantly Chaka hated doing the "I'm Every woman" song...she was really tired of it.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' post='363704' date='Dec 26 2008, 03:49 PM']That's a nice collection of basses! Is that the Bas Extravaganza Punk Rock Bass at the front? And what's the yellow one just behind it?[/quote] Wow, someone who knows this "Punk Bass" ! It is indeed the Xtravaganza punk bass which I bought from someone in Rotterdam. The yellow-one is a custom made hybrid Jazz bass with cheese holes in it and made by a local repairman in Belgium..
  7. Just sold a Ken Smith this week so still have 15...
  8. Although I do like Jaco a lot I do find it hard sometimes to hum any of his solo's since they are so weird in notes and phrasing. I still love a bit of melody, you know (that's why my favorite Jaco track is "Refuge of the roads" on which he plays like a God. I even talked about Jaco with Toots Thielemans in person (he's Belgian too like me) and he was so kind to play "Three Views of a secret" only for me. About his musicality : Zawinul said that while Weather Report was on the road and Jaco was playing his solo-thing Zawinul's very young daughter suddenly uttered "Daddy, why is Jaco playing the same thing every night ?". It had already struck everyone that he kept on repeating himself (read the book about his life) but it took a child to mention the problem. He was one of the best bassplayers ever but you can also see his illness during his performances... He was a pain in the ass a lot of times, humiliating his friends, spitting on the audience, etc.. but I would like to remember him through "Hejira", "Birdland" etc...
  9. Must be hard for you to see this bass go...knowing how much the sentimental value is for you. Good luck with the sale.
  10. Link to a free download of my last CD... [url="http://www.trojkapop.nl/music/geert/TooManyNotesMP3.zip"]http://www.trojkapop.nl/music/geert/TooManyNotesMP3.zip[/url]
  11. Would be nice to see an actual picture...
  12. Bump from me..
  13. Nice bass ! and a trustworthy seller..
  14. When you're recording I experienced that it is best not to think about the timing too much...just play relaxed and try not to be too focussed because that often doesn't help. You'll feel the tension even more. Like Quincy Jones said : you'll feel "the paralysis of the analysis"... Not that you have to be sloppy but try to enjoy the music and don't pay attention to the "record" button. Exercises also help : program a drumpattern with one bar with snare, hi hat and bassdrum, followed by one bar "empty" and keep on playing while filling the gaps and ending on the "one" after the empty gap.
  15. [quote name='Charla' post='344747' date='Dec 3 2008, 09:51 PM'][attachment=16802:Wal_02a.jpg][/quote] Thàt is a beautiful instrument...!
  16. Sold to a father who loves his son a lot...
  17. [quote name='federli71' post='335310' date='Nov 24 2008, 10:52 AM']Hi There seems to be a fair price... I would be very interested to buy it for my son (18 years, starting a e-bass study at musical highscool in central switzerland next august). Do you have any possibilities to send it "safe" to Switzerland? So if you must wait for the "...couple of emails..."-decisions, it's ok for me to wait. BUT if you can decide to give it to anyone who will buy it immediately, then give me your ok. Regards from Switzerland[/quote] PM send
  18. I have received a couple of emails which I answered so I'm waiting for their decision... It is still available and there is no priority for anyone. The price remains the same as I mentioned, I'm looking for 3250 Euros... I think that is an ok price for this bass.
  19. Thanks Oliver, Im still eating from the cake you brought along ... glad to know you like the midi bass and it seems to be in good and loving Wal-hands.
  20. I just got a bit confused because I was pretty sure about the price at the time but indeed times and rates change... Not that it matters now, I think it is a rather good price for this excellent instrument although I do realise this is a lot of cash to raise. I wish it would end up in the hands of a dedicated Wal-addict who uses the bass to its full potential... Thanks for the info, Pete and Spinal !
  21. Hi Pete, I was a bit puzzled by the price you think I paid so the past half hour I have been going through my accounts from last year... Unfortunately the invoice for the bass is at my accountants.. I was pretty sure about my price and I found some evidence on the Dutch bass-forum in the month of december where I posted that I had bought a Wal 5 for 3250 euros (2763 £+ extra shipping). Not that it wasn't worth it but for the price you recall you couldn't even get a four string Wal at the time... I remember that together with the shipping it was nearly 3450 Euros...Probably the exchange rates changed a lot... This is my post I wrote last year on the Dutch bassforum around the 20th December... Deze Wal MK II ('89 African Padouk) is onderweg vanuit de UK. Heb ondervonden na een lange zoektocht dat ik eerder behoefte heb aan een solide Rolls Royce dan aan een blitse Ferrari (die ik toch nergens kan laten racen...) Kostte wel wat geld (3250 Euro) maar alleen Wal genereert dat soort mid-klank dat ik prefereer translated : This Wal MKII is on its way from the UK I found out that after a long search I feel the need for a solid Rolls Roys instead of a shiny Ferrari(which I can't try out anyway...) This costs a bit of money (3250 euro) but only Wal generates the sort of mid-sound I prefer...
  22. I bought this bass about a year (?) ago from a London bassplayer Pete Collins (maybe he is around here somewhere :-)) but sadly I don't play 5 string enough to justify having this bass. I have gigged with it twice this year and otherwise it has just been standing in a rack next to my other basses and that it is a shame since it should be played...I also have to admit that this is a heavy bass. I would like to have 2730 £ for it which is what I paid... Wal W3263 from July 1989, padouk facings, Brazilian mahogany core, Indian rosewood, in excellent condition. This five string has a bit more "body" in its tone and sounds just a bit more deeper but it has all the Wal ingredients which are well known I guess. It comes with a non original case and I would actually prefer a local pickup (the Eurostar stops at 20 minutes from my door). Shipment might be possible but I would prefer a pick-up. (I have been a victim of a Wal-scam which costed me 1800 euros and it just brings back memories). For more pictures or info : feel free to send me an email. I have used Pete's pictures since I am a lousy photographer but I can send other ones (of the cavity for instance) if you want to.. This bass doesn't really have to go since I luckily don't really need the money but I just don't play it enough and I don't want to collect basses. I don't want any trades either.. Best regards Geert
  23. I have always been a really huge Police-fan so I went with really high hopes to their concert a year ago in the Sportpalace in Antwerpen. I regret it a lot. The whole concert sounded like they came straight out of the rehearsal-room although they had been touring for months.. A lot of mistakes, no chemistry at all between the band members (Summers was just awful with meaningless solos, I only enjoyed Copeland when he played the percussion behind his drumkit, bass was not audible and that means something since us bassplayers have the ability to pick up basslines through bad live-mixes). Halfway through the concert Sting made a sign to the others (thumbnail across his throat) meaning that he had lost his voice resulting in singing the vocal parts lower than normal...Painful.. Serious mistakes at the beginning of "Every Little thing she does is magic" : Summers starts the guitarpart but Copeland misses the "1" and starts on the "2" and Sting just doesn't know how to start his vocal in the chaos but has to... Audience had to stop clapping with the rythm because something's really going wrong and only gets fixed when the chorus starts and Sting gets the "1" back again... The whole concert was sloppy and a disgrace towards the audience (84 euros for a ticket), no proper endings but always the "iooooo" solution.. I enjoyed "Fiction Plane" a lot more actually and his son sings like Sting used to sing but cannot anymore... I saw the live dvd which has been released but it is a big difference with the awful concert I have seen... I met no one who was pleased in the audience that night... I wish I hadn't gone and only lived with the memories of the records...
  24. I noticed that you put this neck for sale on German ebay.... a daring BIN -price must I say.
  25. Maybe a bit off topic but we had a Bass meeting in Holland with more than 100 bassplayers (everyone brought basses along so there were hundreds of different basses to try out)... Great thing that Michael Manring was passing through Holland and was so kind to give a clinic and talk to the bassplayers (I went to a restaurant with him and some other bassplayers).. This is a picture of us all (if you can spot Manring in the middle, he wears a baseball-cap) I'm at the left side of the picture holding up the "highest" bass (My Shedua Wal MKI) What a day !
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