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Mike Ed

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Everything posted by Mike Ed

  1. Hi There, Tried putting one on my Squier Jazz. I like the look, and it doesn't get in the way of my kind of playing. I tried it out first by sticking the cover on with a bit of double-sided carpet tape, before drilling the new holes though A few minutes extra faff if re-stringing, but I can live with that. I can imagine that a cover on the neck pup might get in the way though. Mick
  2. Hi Andyonbass. PM Sent Mick Ed
  3. Great stuff Bill. Look forward to hearing more. Mike
  4. How about Junior Murvin's [i]Police and Thieves?[/i] I've always though it would suit female vocals. Mike
  5. How about [i]Born Under A Bad Sign [/i]if it's blues you're after. It's a classic, and an opportunity to play along with Duck Dunn or Jack Bruce. It's not a really difficult one, even I can play along with it. Good luck. Mike
  6. En nog meer groetjes uit Peterborough! Hi Nokumhammer. Sorry I'm not Dutch -- just learnt to speak a bit while living and working over in Enschede. Mike
  7. Cheers Rick's fine 52. Hope you enjoy P'boro. I see Northamton is losing its daily paper as well - great shame.
  8. Hi Bass Tractor. Glad to hear that my stupidity has found a natural home at last. Kiwi, I live in the City itself. Fraid I just pass by Eye on the way to points East though. I'm not a P'boro local, but am getting quite enthusiastic about it. Just heard that we're losing our daily paper, The ET, which is a disappointment. Sorry for the late replies - don't get on to the computer that much Mike
  9. Mike Ed


    Hi Samuel. Sending PM about this one. Mike
  10. Hello Everybody, Please allow me to introduce myself (bit short on the wealth & taste I'm afraid). A while ago, quite by chance I found myself the owner of a Squier Modified Jazz fretless. Had a great time messing about with it, but very soon realised that a fretless probably wasn't the best way to start off. Deciding I was almost hooked, I bought a secondhand fretted Squier Jazz, and since then haven't really looked back. A few months now of scales, exercises etc and there's no going back now. The fingertips have toughened up no end as well. Just fitted new Wizard pickups to the Jazz and have the feeling that I'm at the beginning of a crazy adventure. Look forward to chatting with you all, and will try and keep the stupid questions to a minimum. Mike
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