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D.I. Joe

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Everything posted by D.I. Joe

  1. I recently bought Gerry's Purple Chili rig (at a bargain price, I'm sure he won't mind me saying). He very kindly agreed to travel to meet me for the exchange and I was was almost two hours late because of an accident on the M4! Luckily Gerry is a very pleasant and patient chap and when I finally arrived we had a good chat and I travelled straight to my for gig that evening with the amp which worked perfectly. I had to borrow a bass to play through it but that's a story for another day... In summary, would highly recommend buying from Gerry but avoid driving through Newport to do so.
  2. My dad sometimes refers to fretless bass as "the trombone guitar"...
  3. I am indeed! I might not be there a lot during the rest of June though as we've got a very busy month coming up... The invitation is open to all. The more the merrier!
  4. I'm hosting the jam night there with Mark Pontin on Monday 6th June, pop in and say hi! (My profile pic was taken there also)
  5. I tried one at The Guitar Show last weekend (Cort, I think, so not exactly super premium) and found it surprisingly comfortable straight away. I couldn't tell you whether the change in ergonomics would be beneficial in the long run but I got the impression from a quick test that the fanned frets don't make them any less playable. It took longer for me to get used to how it looked under my hands rather than how it actually felt.
  6. The Earl Haig Club in Cardiff (Whitchurch) could be perfect for that
  7. I'm in Baglan and would pretty much be up for anywhere south of Brecon
  8. Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! We've got months worth of these jams saved, plus some more refined songs so there will be more uploaded to YouTube eventually...
  9. At least they'll have some cash for new flats once they sell the bass! Seems a good price for a Mex Fender...?
  10. Thank you chaps, it is indeed me 😁 That's just from a jam we had a few weeks ago
  11. Pyramid Golds in Rick-o-Sound:
  12. Has there been any mention of Elites Detroit Flats on this thread? Great versatile strings and at £30 much less expensive than aforementioned imported brands.
  13. Roger Glover in the MkII Deep Purple Days Phil Lesh of Grateful Dead (career-long, as I understand) Jack Casady of Jefferson Airplane (not sure about post-Airplane though) Ben Sheppard of Soundgarden The bassist in Pearl Jam who's name eludes me... Jeff Ament?
  14. I wondered the same, and in my mind that was the most puzzling part. Why would someone take the time to begin engraving and stop at "MADE"? Or perhaps it was that person's initials... Guess we'll never know! It's a neat little player and, in my opinion, quite an unassuming tone machine!
  15. Thank you very much! It's a bit of a rare sight around the forum nowadays though...
  16. @Jean-Luc Pickguard I think you win the pony! Must be a post-64 model as there is no sign of the jack having ever been side-mounted https://www.vintageguitarandbass.com/vox/bass/1965_Bassmaster.php Thank you so much for the help Here's how it sounds, for what it's worth! video-1620489151.mp4
  17. I didn't want to proclaim that it was a Fender part in case you could tell that it wasn't Do you think there is a possibility that it could be a home build?
  18. The bridge cover is the same dimensions as the Fender P bridge cover, and you're correct about the truss rod - no access to adjust. The neck is quite deep in profile as well.
  19. Restrung with Picato flats and ready to go! The edges of the bridge are pretty sharp, making the bridge cover "ashtray" something of a necessity... ... Complete with homemade weatherstrip mute Of course I had a little help as well
  20. Hardware cleaned using caustic chlorinated detergent "Made" - but where and by whom?? Single coil pickup, single volume
  21. I have here a mysterious no-name, narrow-necked, short scale bass which was gifted to me a few years ago in working but rough condition. I've had the whole thing apart to clean up the hardware and couldn't find any marks of identification at all so I have no idea of the make/model/history of the instrument. I would guess that it's some kind of catalogue/Woolworths style deal from the 60s or possibly early 70s, judging by the general design and features (including flat head screws all around, except the machine heads). Do any Basschat resident experts recognise this or have any idea what it could be?
  22. That's an expensive looking bib!
  23. Nice! I've played a 50W Bassman. Great sound, but lacking a little headroom in the heat of the moment. I bet the 100W would be perfect.
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