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D.I. Joe

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Everything posted by D.I. Joe

  1. Fenders are generally only as boring as the person playing them. This... well... it's not my bag really
  2. Aw man, am I too late to make a start? TNA starts in half an hour!
  3. I think the most frustrating thing about the smoking ban, especially in the summer, is that smokers and their friends tend to stay outside and often they can hear and enjoy the music outside, but at the cost of our atmosphere inside! As long as smokers are buying drinks then surely venues aren't too badly affected?
  4. We were discussing this on Friday night after we played to about 10 people and then the place got busier at midnight - after we had finished. I'm 21. I've been gigging since 2008 and never played a gig before the smoking ban or 24 hour drinking laws so I can't really talk from experience. The rest of the band have a few years more experience than me and were talking about how it used to be that people would hit the pubs anywhere between about 7-9 and venues stopped serving booze at 11, the same time that bands would finish, and be home by midnight/hit the clubs. Nowadays people go out of their front door at 11, just as bands are finishing! Is it just me, or do you think that 24 hour drinking has something to do with this? (Along with the obvious issue of the world's finances)
  5. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1361112329' post='1981167'] Because good ones are good in my experience and worth seeking out too. But I've tried several American Standard Jazz basses that went from superb (best bass I've played) to feeling worse than a Squier when playing it. It's too much of a pain to keep sending basses back to an online store until they send one that came of the factory as it should have. Unless of course you're saying that Fender QC is so shoddy that I shouldn't even bother with the brand hehe. [/quote] Nothing wrong with a Squier Nats! Squier QC is probably more reliable than Fender actually... Every Indonesian Squier I have tried has been great!
  6. Bought a Marshall Jackhammer from Baldwin. Great, easy communication, prompt dispatch and when it arrived; not only did I have a new Jackhammer in superb condition, but I also had enough bubble-wrap to keep me amused for the whole afternoon! You could have played football with the package and the pedal would be unscathed! Very happy
  7. To me a good bassline is one which locks into the groove and provides a platform for the other parts in a piece of music. Playing with good feel for rhythm, dynamics and harmony - not just playing appropriate notes but playing notes appropriately (accents, staccato/legato, hammer-ons etc.) i.e. Playing for the benefit of the whole piece and not just showing off. Good bass players are the ones who play good basslines consistantly. Million-notes-a-minute, crazy slapping, tapping etc are all impressive skills and take years to master - but in my opinion these skills alone do not a make a good bass player.
  8. I used to have one of these. Loved it! Might be tempted by this one actually... Would you consider a swap or do you need the cash?
  9. Whenever I look there are never any gigs near me so I just gradually stopped looking. I should be more proactive posting there actually...
  10. I'm all set for cabs thanks mate. Thanks anyway
  11. We could forge the way with a new record - Longest instrument relay/Instrument gigged by most different musicians during tour? (if this would be classed as a tour) or something similar? I don't know, it's up to you as you're organising the whole thing - but I think getting the site and this bass in the GWR would be pretty freaking sweet!
  12. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1359309953' post='1952881'] Guiness world records has been contacted as per requested/suggested. [/quote] Which record(s) are we going for?
  13. Professional, creative and versatile bassist available for dep gigs and recording sessions. Based near St Austell, willing to travel.
  14. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1358857436' post='1946029'] Just stick them in a tupperware box or something and put them in the cupboard. Remember even "new" bass strings have probably sat on the shelf in the factory/shop for months anyway. [/quote] Not just months, you can buy new old-stock Fender strings on Ebay from before the D'addario merger!
  15. Some of my favourite songs to play in our repertoire are the Dance/Trance tunes that we play, especially I'm Not Alone by Calvin Harris. Not a complex bass part by any stretch of the imagination but I love the way it kicks the whole song along. Playing dance tunes well makes for a bit of an out-of-body experience, I find
  16. The distortion channel on the Germanium Big Muff is pretty good. You can roll back the voltage and adjust the biasing of the transistors and you can get a nice square-wave kind of sound
  17. Much thought on the route yet? Perhaps we could do a Land's End - John O'Groats relay? Or at least Cornwall to the Highlands
  18. A lot to be said for reading through a topic before replying
  19. This could take years! Perhaps we could send a scrapbook with the bass and everyone can sign themselves into the book with their name, BC username and details of their public appearance with the bass? Include date, venue, band, genre maybe?
  20. Clay Country, mid Cornwall
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