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D.I. Joe

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Everything posted by D.I. Joe

  1. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1358077354' post='1932602'] Another thought, like TimR's post. How about, with the bass, a white BC polo goes with it. The shirt gets signed and worn at the gig/ rehearsal. How's that idea? [/quote] It'll have to be an XL shirt!
  2. Joe Hoskin, St Austell (ish) Cornwall
  3. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1358072859' post='1932523'] I don't make mistakes. I long since accepted that during the course of a gig there would be incidents and issues which would not be as planned. Some of these would likely be as a result of my concentration going or being distracted or simply forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing. In which case - as I accept that these ar going to happen - they are not unforeseen. For that reason , using a combination of aquired skills and experience - I have learned to cope with them when they occur. Not to panic - not to be thrown in any way - but to react quickly and professionally and get back on the path. So for those reasons - when something I can foresee occurs and I've already prepared myself to deal with it............... how can it be a mistake?? [/quote] Sounds jazzy! Short of a show-stopper, the only mistake is making mistakes obvious. If you carry on as the good Doctor says then who is to know? If you throw yourself off track, pull a face etc then everyone knows.
  4. still got it. Make an offer!
  5. +1 for a compressor here, but only as a last resort. Try altering eq as suggested and perhaps make adjustments to technique. My compression is very subtle and I also use it as an always-on booster. Works a treat!
  6. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1357982915' post='1931228'] Roto Jazz 77 Flats have a bright red silk at the tail end but dont think they have them at the ball. I cant see, its a through body! A [/quote] Rotos do have red silk at both ends, and TIs do as well. (Not helpful I know!) Now, call me geeky, but I believe that the Rotosounds taper under the silk and the ball end, whereas the TIs don't and are hence thicker at the ball. Edit: I need to get out more
  7. I've bought and sold gear far quicker and easier than anywhere else online. My awareness and understanding of all fields of equipment has improved exponentially and I've picked up some handy hints and tips along the way. As far as my playing goes: my musical awareness and feel has improved vastly, though not as a result of Basschat. HOWEVER - with the acquisition of a new laptop I aim to make full use of all the learning resources on here, especially the Major's Bootcamp and the Groove Library. Hell, I might even learn a little about jazz! Here's to Basschat and 2013
  8. [quote name='thunderider' timestamp='1356972437' post='1915872'] id love to be able to sing and play at the same time,as then i could start my own motorhead alike band!!! singing and playing would give me more musical freedom to do what i want [/quote] I don't think you'd need to be able to sing or play bass for that would you? This is something I need to work on too. At the moment I can just about play quavers and shout. A technique I'm trying is to find places where vocals and bass hit key notes simultaneously and making sure to emphasise those, then the rest should follow. I emphasise should.
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1357504743' post='1923770'] Exactly, but the end result is the most important thing. Everything else is subordinate to it. [/quote] +1
  10. [quote name='deanovw' timestamp='1357487507' post='1923287'] I buy mine from Amazon. Hey Joe, I hope you are enjoying the bass. [/quote] Very much so! There is a blues jam in Weatherspoons St Austell tonight if you fancy popping out?
  11. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1357473968' post='1923001'] That's a great price for a CS-3, if you are handy with a soldering iron and fancy upgrading it they can be modded with one of the Monte Allum kits to turn it into high end pedal. [/quote] That does sound intriguing. Where can I find the kit, online presumably?
  12. Boss CS-3 is pretty useful. Just got one the other day and and it focuses my sound a treat - I sound much better in the mix than before! Keep the sustain below 9:00 though else it kills tone.I think they go for about £50 used. I got mine from a mate for £20 and a pint
  13. I'm sold! Bought a Precision off of our very own deanovw a little while ago; when I played it prior to buying my first thought was "Wow, these strings are lovely and new". Turns out they are year-old Elixirs! And gigged regularly to boot! I had been put off before by stories of the coating peeling off and them not being as durable as advertised, but having tried them now I am truly impressed. They feel great - well balanced, nice tension and they sound superb. I think I'll be investing in some more of these for my other basses too! From experience, where is the best/cheapest place to buy them?
  14. You're absolutely right. In my opinion, the strings and the amp are the only parts of the setup (apart from effects obv.) which could affect the tone beyond recognition. But ultimately, an amp can only give out what is fed into it and a string only vibrates in the way that you make it.
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1357310257' post='1920748'] I'd try and up your budget by a couple of hundred pounds and look for something second hand. And [b]don't buy without playing it first.[/b] [/quote] +1 This. Whatever budget you settle on, just make sure you play it first. Like me for instance with the Squier - I saw it on the shelf and thought "hmm, an affordable 5-string, might be okay..." then tried it and loved it! I knew these were supposedly good basses but I would never have bought it had I not tried it in the shop.
  16. [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/738373_10151318540658851_146924204_o.jpg"]https://fbcdn-sphoto...146924204_o.jpg[/url] Full spiel here [url="http://davehallamps.co.uk/page29.html"]http://davehallamps.co.uk/page29.html[/url] I've owned this from new and it is in full working order and sounds awesome as a preamp, DI and overdrive. It can be a useful headphone amp too as you can plug in your mp3. This thing just sounds awesome and I get the feeling that I'll regret selling it but needs must at the moment! Postage will be an extra £5, universal power supply is included Cheers Joe
  17. Fantastic photos there mate. My NYE gig was a bit of a belter. Place was buzzing but not crammed - just the right amount of people on the floor - a full room but still enough space for everyone to dance. I did a hell of a lot more prancing around than I normally do, and didn't touch a drop! (Not that I normally do... ) Photos soon... Then yesterday I had a hair-of-the-dog jam and a BBQ with some friends in the afternoon, then caught Shine in the evening, who are a mixture of pro musicians from Cornwall and London. Great players, and really nice guys as well. They did an impromptu jam-type thing too which went down well. Their drummer is pretty sh*t hot and a joy to play with, and at the end of the evening he told me that he loves my style and I'm a "killer" bass player. Good way to start the year methinks. Oh, and I may have picked up a gig or two from that evening too
  18. Squier Vintage Modified Jazz V. Got mine for £290 and I honestly think it is as good a bass as my Highway One USA Precision. Crazy stuff!
  19. [quote name='DHA' timestamp='1357060168' post='1916975'] I have red, purple and green boxes here ready to be drilled. Can order yellow or blue if you prefer? [/quote] Have ordered in purple Thanks Dave! I'll stop hijacking this thread now!
  20. Excellent! I'll get my order in today then! What colours are available?
  21. [quote name='DHA' timestamp='1357045170' post='1916646'] my new "smaller" range was designed to get the size down but still keep the same circuit design and tone. Dave [/quote] A-ha! Just the man! I love the VT1-EQ-Drive and I'm very keen on the look of the Di-Std for the same quality in a smaller unit. What is the approximate waiting time for delivery at the moment?
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